AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorLines
2020-01-26Data lineage plot now also includes references.texMohammad Akhlaghi-23/+23
This helps viewers feel a better connection with a standard paper.
2020-01-26More pre-displayed files in the file architecture figureMohammad Akhlaghi-0/+0
Until now, we were only showing three lower level Makefiles and configuration files, but since we don't have much Bash and Python files, I just made it four and shrank the extra space.
2020-01-22Used published version of Raul's paperMohammad Akhlaghi-2/+2
Until now, I was using the arXiv version, but now that the full PDF with the special journal format is out, I thought its better to use that.
2020-01-21Better color for directories in file architecture plotMohammad Akhlaghi-0/+0
Until now the directories were light green (similar to the Make files in the data lineage plot) which was confusing. Now that they have a different color, they can be better distinguished as directories vs. files.
2020-01-21File architecture plot in two phases, commands printedMohammad Akhlaghi-2/+36
The file architecture plot was a little crowded, so I am now first showing the files discussed in previous plots, and then showing the whole thing. Also, the 4 commands necessary to reproduce a project are added.
2020-01-20Added figure showing file architecture in projectMohammad Akhlaghi-1/+4
I just made this for the paper and thought it would be good to have here is well.
2020-01-17Minor edits in the Buckheit & Donoho quoteMohammad Akhlaghi-4/+4
The journal name and volume was added, also because its a little long, the main terms were made all-caps.
2020-01-16Added nice quote from Buckheit & Donoho (1996)Mohammad Akhlaghi-1/+15
This quote (that a paper is just an advertisement of the scholarship, not the scholarship itself) beautifully summarizes the problem!
2020-01-05Highlighed astronomer in image on replicabilityMohammad Akhlaghi-27/+83
The image that is used for replicability was intentionally chosen because it has an astronomer sitting behind the secondary mirror (showing the hard work that goes into data collection). But the image has too many details and the person can be completely missed by the viewers. So I just darkened the outer parts and added an arrow to let the audience understand the point of the image.
2020-01-03Updated copyright yearMohammad Akhlaghi-1/+1
2020-01-03Added National Academies definition on reproducibilityMohammad Akhlaghi-3/+3
The previous definition of hardware/software reproducibility was mainly my own. But I recently came across the National Academies report that gives a precise definition, so I used those terms and cited the National Academies report.
2020-01-02Added verification step in the make-demo set of slidesMohammad Akhlaghi-18/+25
A verification step was recently added to the pipeline, so it was necessary to add it here is well.
2019-12-19Described what is in every commit in slide showing Git's benefitMohammad Akhlaghi-4/+11
Since some of the audience is not yet fully familiar with Git, I thought its necessary to remind them in the slide showing Git branching, that every commit contains all aspects of the project.
2019-12-17Built steps in overall project graph made blueMohammad Akhlaghi-5/+13
Following the convention of the Make-demo plot (where green files are input and blue files are built), the first graph's gray boxes were also changed to blue. Some other minor corrections were made.
2019-12-15Make-demo slides now start from the end and come to the startMohammad Akhlaghi-67/+79
The set of slides that show how the built files relate to each other through Makefiles was edited to first show the final target, and track it all the way to the raw configuration files. This is in-line with how I describe Make (that Make starts from the end). This great suggestion was made by Idafen Santana PĂ©rez.
2019-12-07Better description of graph describing analysis stepsMohammad Akhlaghi-5/+7
To help the audience, the legend of the graph (the description at the bottom of the page) now also says that the built files are shown in the Makefiles that produces them.
2019-12-07Minor edit in NoiseChisel+M51 slide to be more clearMohammad Akhlaghi-4/+5
Until now, the connection between the first and second slides (after the title) wasn't clear, so the title and fir paragraph of the NoiseChisel+M51 slide was slightly modified to be more in-line with the previous slide.
2019-12-07Analysis demo graph using sharp-edged boxes for source filesMohammad Akhlaghi-26/+28
As Raul pointed out, to avoid confusion for a color-blind audience, or when its printed in black-and-white, its best to not just base the source-build distinction in the graph based on color. With this commit, the source files have sharp edges and the built files have round edges.
2019-12-07New slide after the analysis graph, summarizing the benefits of MakeMohammad Akhlaghi-4/+28
After showing the graph (and how everything is connected), it was useful to remind the viewers on the benefits of Make to create this structure.
2019-12-07Changed few instances of \TeX with \LaTeXMohammad Akhlaghi-2/+2
It could be confusing, but we are only using LaTeX in the template so far, so its better to just use LaTeX.
2019-12-07Better implementation of the make-demo graph, added preambleMohammad Akhlaghi-52/+95
Some minor modifications were made in the graph showing the organization of the analysis with Make. Also, a `tex/preamble.tex' was defined to simplify the main source.
2019-12-07The Make demo is now broken into multiple slidesMohammad Akhlaghi-11/+70
Until now, there was only one slide, with many boxes and arrows connecting them. It was too complicated to understand for the viewers. With this commit, it is broken up into separate slides, with each box/arrow added on each slide as we progress. This helps clearly show the logic behind all the connections. The LaTeX source of this graph is in the paper that describes the project, I will later bring that source into the slides too (and remove all the extra figures).
2019-11-25Added highted text to show relation between filesMohammad Akhlaghi-0/+66
Some arrows and text were added over the shown Makefile to better help the eye when the viewers aren't familiar with Make.
2019-11-25Changed example DOI for uploading to Zenodo in last slidesMohammad Akhlaghi-1/+1
Until now, as an example of uploading to Zenodo (besides uploading to arXiv), I was mentioning `zenodo.1164774'. But this link doesn't have any software to show. So I just updated the Zenodo link to the more recent upload of `zenodo.3408481'.
2019-11-22Slide on RDA grant moved after summary of the templateMohammad Akhlaghi-32/+32
To help in continuity with the adoption funding possibility slide, its better that the slide with the RDA grant notice is just before it.
2019-11-22Minor edit in the first slide notice on linkMohammad Akhlaghi-1/+1
The link short description above the link on the first slide is now more clear.
2019-11-21Added RDA EU 4.0's EU grant to logo and rearranged logosMohammad Akhlaghi-5/+6
Given that this project is now recieving funding from RDA EU 4.0, it was necessary to add an EU flag/description for it. With the new EU flag, it was necessary to re-arrange the logos to be more visually appealing.
2019-11-21Copyright on the README.md fileMohammad Akhlaghi-1/+21
A standard GNU GPL copyright notice was added to `README.md' to be complete.
2019-11-21Added README to introduce the contentsMohammad Akhlaghi-0/+21
The newly created `README.md' gives a short description of the project, with a link to the final PDF, and the main template Gitlab page, along with a short description of the LaTeX dependencies and how to build the PDF.
2019-11-21Added Git commit checksum was on first slideMohammad Akhlaghi-5/+15
The Git commit checksum has been added to the first slide to help readers identify any change.
2019-11-21Added copyright to all the plain-text sourcesMohammad Akhlaghi-0/+738
With this copyright, a random viewer will know their rights regarding these files (that they are free software and that they can modify them and redistribute them).
2019-11-21Logos now all in one line, under the location of the talkMohammad Akhlaghi-10/+12
Until now they occupied a major part of the center of the first slide and in two rows. With this commit, they are in one row and at the bottom of the slide.
2019-11-21Added "verified" stamp on two demonstration papersMohammad Akhlaghi-0/+0
It helps the eyes find the Git checksum while also connecting it visually with the previous slide showing the pictured happy researcher.
2019-11-20Minor corrections in the slidesMohammad Akhlaghi-6/+7
A few other minor corrections were made to make them more clear.
2019-11-20Corrected typo in NoiseChisel demo slideMohammad Akhlaghi-1/+1
I had mistakenly written `1/5' instead of `0.5' in the default S/N value. So I changed it to `1/2' to be more comparable with the optimized `1/4'.
2019-11-20Updated and slightly modernized slides prior to the RDA WebinarMohammad Akhlaghi-72/+154
Several figures were added to highlight the major points and add better examples.
2019-11-20Added Matplotlib dependencies, and colors of GNU C Library elementsMohammad Akhlaghi-8/+23
It is helpful to the argument to show the matplotlib dependencies after we show the Makefiles used to build the programs. Also, since work on the GNU C Library has already started, the colors of NoiseChisel's GNU C Library components have been corrected.
2019-11-20Added analysis diagram after the LaTeX macros alsoMohammad Akhlaghi-2/+5
To help with the discussion, that plot was also added after showing the usage of LaTeX macros.
2019-11-20Title slide updated for RDA AMA Webinar, added architecture plotMohammad Akhlaghi-12/+25
The information on the presentation place was updated for the RDA AMA webinar and all the necessary logos that should have been added before were now added. Also a diagram showing the relation between the source and build files has been added after the introduction to Makefiles.
2019-09-26M51's displayed images now in the repositoryMohammad Akhlaghi-5/+4
I had mistakenly forgot to include the four displayed M51 images into the Git repository of these slides. They were being read from a different directory on my system! They are now in the `img/' directory and all references to them in the LaTeX source of the slides has also been corrected. This issue was raised by Charles Twardy. Closes #4
2019-09-2010th Iberian Grid conference (Ibergrid2019)Mohammad Akhlaghi-1/+1
Only the first slide (marking the location of the talk) has changed.
2019-09-06Date and location updated for ParCo2019 in PragueMohammad Akhlaghi-2/+1
Everything else is the same, only the time and date in the first slide are updated.
2019-08-22Corrected credits for the "verified" stampMohammad Akhlaghi-3/+3
Due to a typo (incorrect macro naming), the credits of the "verified" stamp were not being shown in the slide. This has been corrected.
2019-08-20Git commits in slide now have a checksumMohammad Akhlaghi-122/+148
The fact that we only displayed the Git checksum before showing it in the paper could be a little confusing to people not much familiar with Git. So a commit checksum (taken randomly from the history of these slides) was added to it. Also, some minor changes were done here and there.
2019-08-20Minor correction and updated repology badgesMohammad Akhlaghi-3/+3
A minor editing was made to make the NoiseChisel slide more clear. Also the Repology information on Gnuastro and Astropy was set to today.
2019-08-16Minor typo correction in NoiseChisel demo slideMohammad Akhlaghi-1/+1
I had used two `using's in one sentence. The second is now changed to `with'.
2019-08-15Slides updated for talk in IFAS5 at IUCAAMohammad Akhlaghi-1/+2
The first slide was modified for this talk.
2019-08-15Slides prepared for talk at IIA, BengaluruMohammad Akhlaghi-1/+1
Just the first page was updated.
2019-08-09Re-ordered Gnuastro and Astropy's repology's resultMohammad Akhlaghi-4/+3
Since later we have Gnuastro on the right, it was set to the same order here.
2019-08-09Better demonstration of NoiseChisel parameters to startMohammad Akhlaghi-11/+35
Until now I was only showing the good NoiseChisel results which don't show the effect of paramter optimization. With this commit, we are showing the default parameters, the optimized parameters and the deep image.