path: root/tex
diff options
authorMohammad Akhlaghi <mohammad@akhlaghi.org>2020-07-02 02:17:21 +0100
committerMohammad Akhlaghi <mohammad@akhlaghi.org>2020-07-02 02:17:21 +0100
commit492d6c2ee9cbea5e252b0b4224aa8c1ce9869ad5 (patch)
treefe71b5248861917a82450c053801fb403f1d769e /tex
parente4626966e6786a8f6c4568da249ba47d13cb61f6 (diff)
Using images to start discussion on Git, for IAC science coffee
Until now, we would immeditely jump from the part on answering the project's questions to Git branches. But this isn't too useful for someone who doesn't know Git! So to start the Git branching discussion, now we first show a small image of the workflow with a "today" printed over it. Then another one with a "tomorrow". In the next slide we abstract them to circles with hashes!
Diffstat (limited to 'tex')
1 files changed, 25 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/tex/git-branch.tex b/tex/git-branch.tex
index ad5b2c9..79b7e24 100644
--- a/tex/git-branch.tex
+++ b/tex/git-branch.tex
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
\draw [white] (0,0) -- (0,7.4);
+ \draw [white] (-1cm,0) -- (5,0);
%% Template branch.
@@ -26,7 +27,9 @@
\draw[->, line width=2mm] (0,0) -- (0,5.5);
- \draw[->, line width=2mm] (0,0) -- (0,2.3);
+ \ifdefined\abstractify
+ \draw[->, line width=2mm] (0,0) -- (0,2.3);
+ \fi
@@ -57,12 +60,22 @@
%% otherwise the black lines are going to be over the commit
%% circles.
- %% Template commits.
- \draw[anchor=north] (0,0) node {\textbf{Maneage}};
- \draw [fill=green!80!blue, opacity=0.5] (0,0.55cm) circle [radius=2.1mm];
- \draw[anchor=east] (-5pt,0.55cm) node {\tiny\texttt{ad2c476}};
- \draw [fill=green!80!blue, opacity=0.5] (0,1.55cm) circle [radius=2.1mm];
- \draw[anchor=east] (-5pt,1.55cm) node {\tiny\texttt{706c644}};
+ %% Maneage commits.
+ \ifdefined\abstractify
+ \draw[anchor=north] (0,0) node {\textbf{Maneage}};
+ \draw [fill=green!80!blue, opacity=0.5] (0,0.55cm) circle [radius=2.1mm];
+ \draw[anchor=east] (-5pt,0.55cm) node {\tiny\texttt{ad2c476}};
+ \draw [fill=green!80!blue, opacity=0.5] (0,1.55cm) circle [radius=2.1mm];
+ \draw[anchor=east] (-5pt,1.55cm) node {\tiny\texttt{706c644}};
+ \else
+ \node [inner sep=0pt] at (0,0.55cm) {\includegraphics[width=1.5cm]{img/project-flow-small.png}};
+ \draw[anchor=center] (0,0.55cm) node {\bf Today};
+ \ifdefined\tomorrow
+ \node [inner sep=0pt] at (0,1.55cm) {\includegraphics[width=1.5cm]{img/project-flow-small.png}};
+ \draw[anchor=center] (0,1.55cm) node {\bf Tomorrow};
+ \else
+ \fi
+ \fi
\draw [fill=green!80!blue, opacity=0.5] (0,2.55cm) circle [radius=2.1mm];
\draw[anchor=east] (-5pt,2.55cm) node {\tiny\texttt{fa2ac10}};
@@ -119,7 +132,11 @@
- \item Template's history is recorded in Git.
+ \ifdefined\abstractify
+ \item Each point of project's history is recorded with Git.
+ \else
+ \item The project (answers to questions above) will evolve.
+ \fi
\item New project: a branch from the template.\\
Recall that \alert{every commit} contains the following: