path: root/tex/git-branch.tex
diff options
authorMohammad Akhlaghi <mohammad@akhlaghi.org>2019-08-20 01:48:39 +0530
committerMohammad Akhlaghi <mohammad@akhlaghi.org>2019-08-20 01:48:39 +0530
commitd56184b4525453bc6157e212b0338a7e82d15b87 (patch)
tree5d7c3af3e88847355754cf082726b8210cc9e15a /tex/git-branch.tex
parent4844158b84de8ab029e1e2f6ce5bd617e823142d (diff)
Git commits in slide now have a checksum
The fact that we only displayed the Git checksum before showing it in the paper could be a little confusing to people not much familiar with Git. So a commit checksum (taken randomly from the history of these slides) was added to it. Also, some minor changes were done here and there.
Diffstat (limited to 'tex/git-branch.tex')
1 files changed, 66 insertions, 53 deletions
diff --git a/tex/git-branch.tex b/tex/git-branch.tex
index 9a2666a..9f1bc37 100644
--- a/tex/git-branch.tex
+++ b/tex/git-branch.tex
@@ -45,50 +45,59 @@
%% circles.
%% Template commits.
- \ifdefined\tofuture
- \foreach \y in {0.55,...,7}
- \draw [fill=green!80!blue, opacity=0.5] (0,\y) circle [radius=2.1mm];
- \else
- \ifdefined\tempevolve
- \foreach \y in {0.55,...,5}
- \draw [fill=green!80!blue, opacity=0.5] (0,\y) circle [radius=2.1mm];
- \else
- \foreach \y in {0.55,...,2.5}
- \draw [fill=green!80!blue, opacity=0.5] (0,\y) circle [radius=2.1mm];
+ \draw[anchor=north] (0,0) node {\textbf{Template}};
+ \draw [fill=green!80!blue, opacity=0.5] (0,0.55cm) circle [radius=2.1mm];
+ \draw[anchor=east] (-5pt,0.55cm) node {\tiny\texttt{ad2c476}};
+ \draw [fill=green!80!blue, opacity=0.5] (0,1.55cm) circle [radius=2.1mm];
+ \draw[anchor=east] (-5pt,1.55cm) node {\tiny\texttt{706c644}};
+ \ifdefined\tempevolve
+ \draw [fill=green!80!blue, opacity=0.5] (0,2.55cm) circle [radius=2.1mm];
+ \draw[anchor=east] (-5pt,2.55cm) node {\tiny\texttt{fa2ac10}};
+ \draw [fill=green!80!blue, opacity=0.5] (0,3.55cm) circle [radius=2.1mm];
+ \draw[anchor=east] (-5pt,3.55cm) node {\tiny\texttt{1e06fe2}};
+ \draw [fill=green!80!blue, opacity=0.5] (0,4.55cm) circle [radius=2.1mm];
+ \draw[anchor=east] (-5pt,4.55cm) node {\tiny\texttt{32043ee}};
+ \ifdefined\tofuture
+ \draw [fill=green!80!blue, opacity=0.5] (0,5.55cm) circle [radius=2.1mm];
+ \draw[anchor=east] (-5pt,5.55cm) node {\tiny\texttt{2d808f2}};
+ \draw [fill=green!80!blue, opacity=0.5] (0,6.55cm) circle [radius=2.1mm];
+ \draw[anchor=east] (-5pt,6.55cm) node {\tiny\texttt{a4d96c0}};
%% Project commits.
- \draw[anchor=north] (1,1.7) node {Project};
- \ifdefined\tofuture
- \foreach \y in {2,...,6}
- \draw [fill=red!60!green, opacity=0.5] (0.95,\y) circle [radius=2.1mm];
- \else
+ \draw[anchor=north] (1,1.7) node {\textbf{Project}};
+ \draw [fill=red!60!green, opacity=0.5] (0.95,2) circle [radius=2.1mm];
+ \draw[anchor=west] (1.1,2) node {\tiny\texttt{53b53d6}};
+ \ifdefined\projwork
+ \draw [fill=red!60!green, opacity=0.5] (0.95,3) circle [radius=2.1mm];
+ \draw[anchor=west] (1.1,3) node {\tiny\texttt{9f8cc74}};
+ \draw [fill=red!60!green, opacity=0.5] (0.95,4) circle [radius=2.1mm];
+ \draw[anchor=west] (1.1,4) node {\tiny\texttt{8ebb784}};
- \foreach \y in {2,...,5}
- \draw [fill=red!60!green, opacity=0.5] (0.95,\y) circle [radius=2.1mm];
- \else
- \ifdefined\projwork
- \foreach \y in {2,...,4.9}
- \draw [fill=red!60!green, opacity=0.5] (0.95,\y) circle [radius=2.1mm];
- \else
- \foreach \y in {2,...,2.9}
- \draw [fill=red!60!green, opacity=0.5] (0.95,\y) circle [radius=2.1mm];
+ \draw [fill=red!60!green, opacity=0.5] (0.95,5) circle [radius=2.1mm];
+ \draw[anchor=west] (1.1,5) node {\tiny\texttt{01ce2cc}};
+ \ifdefined\tofuture
+ \draw [fill=red!60!green, opacity=0.5] (0.95,6) circle [radius=2.1mm];
+ \draw[anchor=west] (1.1,6) node {\tiny\texttt{b52cc6f}};
- \draw[anchor=north] (0,0) node {Template};
%% Happy scientist
\node [inner sep=0pt] at (3.5,4) {\includegraphics[width=2cm]{img/happy.jpg}};
\node [inner sep=0pt] at (4.15,5.3) {\includegraphics[width=0.2cm]{img/checkmark.png}};
- \draw[anchor=east] (2.4,6) node {\footnotesize\texttt{5cfe2eab}};
- \draw[anchor=south] (4.5,5) node [rotate=20] {\tiny\texttt{5cfe2eab}};
+ \draw [<->, red, line width=0.2mm] plot [smooth, tension=2] coordinates
+ { (1.9,6.15) (4,6) (4.8,5.25) };
+ \draw[anchor=south] (4.5,5) node [rotate=20] {\tiny\texttt{b52cc6f}};
+ \ifdefined\gitverified
+ \node [inner sep=0pt] at (3.5,1.5) {\includegraphics[width=3cm]{img/verified.png}};
+ \fi
@@ -98,29 +107,33 @@
\item Template's history is recorded.
- \ifdefined\projinit
- \item New project: a branch from the template.
- \fi
- \ifdefined\projwork
- \item Research progresses in the project branch.
- \fi
- \ifdefined\tempevolve
- \item Template will evolve (improved infrastructure).
- \fi
- \ifdefined\mergewithtemp
- \item Template can be imported/merged back into project.
- \fi
- \ifdefined\tofuture
- \item The template and project will \alert{evolve}.
- \fi
- \ifdefined\githappy
- \item During research this \alert{encourages creative tests}\\
- (previous research states can easily be retrieved).
- \item \alert{Coauthors} can work on same project in parallel
- \\(separate project branches).
- \item Upon publication, the \alert{Git hash} is enough to verify the
- integrity of the result.
- \fi
+ \ifdefined\projinit
+ \item New project: a branch from the template.
+ \fi
+ \ifdefined\projwork
+ \item Research progresses in the project branch.
+ \fi
+ \ifdefined\tempevolve
+ \item Template will evolve (improved infrastructure).
+ \fi
+ \ifdefined\mergewithtemp
+ \item Template can be imported/merged back into project.
+ \fi
+ \ifdefined\tofuture
+ \item The template and project will \alert{evolve}.
+ \item During research this \alert{encourages creative tests}\\
+ (previous research states can easily be retrieved).
+ \item \alert{Coauthors} can work on same project in parallel
+ \\(separate project branches).
+ \fi
+ \ifdefined\githappy
+ \item Upon \alert{publication}, the \alert{Git checksum} is enough
+ to verify the integrity of the result.
+ \fi
+ \ifdefined\gitapproved
+ \vspace{4mm}
+ \tiny ``Verified'' image from \href{https://www.vectorstock.com/royalty-free-vector/red-vintage-verified-stamp-retro-style-on-white-vector-22770076}{vectorstock.com}
+ \fi