path: root/reproduce/src/make/dependencies.mk
diff options
authorMohammad Akhlaghi <mohammad@akhlaghi.org>2018-11-20 19:31:12 +0000
committerMohammad Akhlaghi <mohammad@akhlaghi.org>2018-11-20 20:16:29 +0000
commit11d5e76a7f89abe6da0b7c2b948f97f5c1cdc508 (patch)
tree36675b4cfe15d8ae36ac3e715b3090e7c2298b8a /reproduce/src/make/dependencies.mk
parent1edf44917b4d28eba7d7344616b2ed3b43e29168 (diff)
Configure script passes if TeX Live was not finalized
When there is a problem in creating the final TeX Live installation, the previous version of the pipeline would not understand and just finish! We would later have problems in building the paper. So the following series of steps were taken: to keep the recipes in a shorter and easier to understand way, the steps to install TeX Live are now one rule (that produce `.local/bin/texlive-ready-tlmgr' when its successful), and the steps to install the necessary packages are in another rule (that produce `.local/bin/texlive-ready' when its successful). When control comes back inside configure, if `.local/bin/texlive-ready' isn't there (something failed during the TeX Live installation, or building packages), then the whole TeX Live installation directory (`.local/texlive') will be deleted along with the two output files. This will help ensure that future steps can check the availablility of a working TeX Live in the pipeline.
Diffstat (limited to 'reproduce/src/make/dependencies.mk')
1 files changed, 67 insertions, 55 deletions
diff --git a/reproduce/src/make/dependencies.mk b/reproduce/src/make/dependencies.mk
index 768bafb..455a3b8 100644
--- a/reproduce/src/make/dependencies.mk
+++ b/reproduce/src/make/dependencies.mk
@@ -270,56 +270,70 @@ endif
# Since we want to avoid complicating the PATH, we are putting a symbolic
-# link of all the TeX Live executables in $(ibdir). Therefore, since the
-# symbolic link is hard to track for Make (as a target), we'll make a
-# simple ASCII file called `texlive-ready' when it is complete and use that
-# as a target.
-$(ibdir)/texlive-ready: reproduce/config/pipeline/dependency-texlive.mk
- # We'll need the current directory later down.
- topdir=$$(pwd)
- # First, if necessary, we'll download the tarball. Note that since
- # a new version of the installer is created every day, the
- # installer's version is hard to configure at this stage and is
- # mostly irrelevant.
- if $(ibdir)/tlmgr --version &> /dev/null; then
- echo "TeX Live manager ('tlmgr') is already installed."
- else
- if wget -O$(tdir)/install-tl-unx.tar.gz \
+# link of all the TeX Live executables in $(ibdir). But symbolic links are
+# hard to track for Make (as a target). So we'll make a simple ASCII file
+# called `texlive-ready' when it is complete and use that as a target.
+$(ibdir)/texlive-ready-tlmgr: reproduce/config/pipeline/texlive.conf
+ # To work with TeX live installation, we'll need the internet.
+ if ping -c1 ctan.org; then
+ # Download the TeX Live installation tarball.
+ $(DOWNLOADER) $(tdir)/install-tl-unx.tar.gz \
- then
- # Unpack, enter the directory, and do a basic installation.
- cd $(ddir)
- rm -rf install-tl-*
- tar xf $(tdir)/install-tl-unx.tar.gz
- cd install-tl-*
- sed -e's|@installdir[@]|$(idir)|g' -e's|@topdir[@]|'"$$topdir"'|g' \
- $$topdir/reproduce/config/pipeline/texlive.conf > texlive.conf
- ./install-tl --profile=texlive.conf
- cd ..
- rm -rf install-tl-* $(tdir)/install-tl-unx.tar.gz
- # Put a symbolic link of the TeX Live executables in
- # `ibdir'. For `latex' do a copy, because it is the target of
- # this rule and it won't cause problems.
- ln -fs $(idir)/texlive/20*/bin/*/* $(ibdir)/
- fi
+ # Unpack, enter the directory, and install based on the given
+ # configuration (prerequisite of this rule).
+ topdir=$$(pwd)
+ cd $(ddir)
+ rm -rf install-tl-*
+ tar xf $(tdir)/install-tl-unx.tar.gz
+ cd install-tl-*
+ sed -e's|@installdir[@]|$(idir)|g' -e's|@topdir[@]|'"$$topdir"'|g' \
+ $$topdir/$< > texlive.conf
+ ./install-tl --profile=texlive.conf
+ # Put a symbolic link of the TeX Live executables in `ibdir'. The
+ # main problem is that the year and build system (for example
+ # `x86_64-linux') are also in the directory names, making it hard
+ # to be generic. We are using wildcards here, but only in this
+ # Makefile, not in any other.
+ ln -fs $(idir)/texlive/20*/bin/*/* $(ibdir)/
+ # Clean up and build the final target.
+ cd .. && rm -rf install-tl-* $(tdir)/install-tl-unx.tar.gz
+ echo "TeX Live is ready." > $@
- # In scenarios like having no internet on the first run, its
- # possible to get to this point without actually having `tlmgr'
- # ready for usage. Since the pipeline can still do its processing
- # without building the final PDF, we don't want to stop the build.
- if $(ibdir)/tlmgr --version &> /dev/null; then
+# To keep things modular and simple, we'll break up the installation of TeX
+# Live itself (only very basic TeX and LaTeX) and the installation of its
+# necessary packages into two packages.
+$(ibdir)/texlive-ready: reproduce/config/pipeline/dependency-texlive.mk \
+ $(ibdir)/texlive-ready-tlmgr
+ # To work with TeX live installation, we'll need the internet.
+ res=$(cat $(ibdir)/texlive-ready-tlmgr)
+ if ping -c1 ctan.org \
+ && [ -f $(ibdir)/texlive-ready-tlmgr ] \
+ && [ x$$res != x"NOT" ]; then
+ # The current directory is necessary later.
+ topdir=$$(pwd)
# Install all the extra necessary packages. If LaTeX complains
- # about not finding a package, simply run the following command
- # to find which package its in, then add it to the
- # `texlive-packages' variable.
+ # about not finding a command/file/what-ever/XXXXXX, simply run
+ # the following command to find which package its in, then add it
+ # to the `texlive-packages' variable of the first prerequisite.
+ #
+ # ./.local/bin/tlmgr info XXXXXX
- # tlmgr info XXXXXX.sty
+ # We are putting a notice, because if there is no internet,
+ # `tlmgr' just hangs waiting.
+ echo; echo; echo "Downloading necessary TeX packages..."; echo;
tlmgr install $(texlive-packages)
+ echo "returned: $$?"; echo; echo;
# Make a symbolic link of all the TeX Live executables in the bin
# directory so we don't have to modify `PATH'.
@@ -333,16 +347,14 @@ $(ibdir)/texlive-ready: reproduce/config/pipeline/dependency-texlive.mk
# LaTeX Package versions.
tlmgr info $(texlive-packages) --only-installed | awk \
- '$$1=="package:" {version=0; \
- if($$NF=="tex-gyre") name="texgyre"; \
- else name=$$NF} \
- $$1=="cat-version:" {version=$$NF} \
- $$1=="cat-date:" {if(version==0) version=$$2; \
- printf("\\newcommand{\\tex%sversion}{%s}\n",\
- name, version)}' >> $$tv
+ '$$1=="package:" {version=0; \
+ if($$NF=="tex-gyre") name="texgyre"; \
+ else name=$$NF} \
+ $$1=="cat-version:" {version=$$NF} \
+ $$1=="cat-date:" {if(version==0) version=$$2; \
+ printf("\\newcommand{\\tex%sversion}{%s}\n", \
+ name, version)}' >> $$tv
+ # Write the target if TeX live was actually installed.
+ echo "TeX Live's packages are also ready." > $@
- # Write the target if TeX live was actually installed.
- if [ -f $(idir)/texlive/20*/bin/*/latex ]; then
- echo "TeX Live is installed." > $@
- fi;