diff options
authorMohammad Akhlaghi <mohammad@akhlaghi.org>2019-04-15 14:04:48 +0100
committerMohammad Akhlaghi <mohammad@akhlaghi.org>2019-04-15 14:04:48 +0100
commitd8512aa92398b0f4f2dc03a6695f7ab07d34f011 (patch)
parent313b936b502d22b6a2ff43f560dee0bb51fd01d0 (diff)
Template's main branch is now master
Until now, the main template branch was called `template'. However, the standard Git convention is that the main branch of a project be called `master'. Many systems rely on this default and it is also easier for new users (who have been accustomed to this convention). So with this commit, the main template branch is `master', but in `README-hacking.mk', we instruct the users on how to rename it to `template' as part of their customization. This is infact better, because when we are actually developing the template in a separate fork, we can refer/use the `master' branch like any other project. And when we are working on a project that uses this template, we will be referring to the main template branch as `template'.
1 files changed, 44 insertions, 25 deletions
diff --git a/README-hacking.md b/README-hacking.md
index 94eec8c..a975e62 100644
--- a/README-hacking.md
+++ b/README-hacking.md
@@ -466,18 +466,23 @@ get more advanced in later stages of your work.
- **Get this repository and its history** (if you don't already have it):
Arguably the easiest way to start is to clone this repository as shown
- below. The main branch of this template is called `template`. This
- allows you to use the common branch name `master` for your own
- research, while keeping up to date with improvements in the template.
+ below. As you see, after the cloning some further corrections to your
+ clone's Git settings are necessary: first, you need to remove all
+ possibly existing Git tags from the template's history. Then you need
+ to rename conventional `origin` remote server, and the `master`
+ branch. This is because managing your project will be much more easier
+ if you follow the conventions and point these names to your project's
+ man branch and remote server.
$ git clone git://git.sv.gnu.org/reproduce
- $ mv reproducible-paper my-project-name # Your own directory name.
- $ cd my-project-name # Go into the cloned directory.
+ $ mv reproduce my-project # Change the name to your project's name.
+ $ cd my-project # Go into the cloned directory.
$ git tag | xargs git tag -d # Delete all template tags.
$ git config remote.origin.tagopt --no-tags # No tags in future fetch/pull from this template.
- $ git remote rename origin template-origin # Rename the template's remote.
- $ git checkout -b master # Create, enter master branch.
+ $ git remote rename origin template # Rename current/only remote to "template".
+ $ git branch -m template # Rename current/only branch to "template".
+ $ git checkout -b master # Create and enter new "master" branch.
- **Test the template**: Before making any changes, it is important to
@@ -503,14 +508,26 @@ get more advanced in later stages of your work.
that supports Git to keep an online copy of your project's version
controlled history. We recommend [GitLab](https://gitlab.com) because
- it allows any number of private repositories for free and because you
- can host GitLab on your own server. Create an account in your favorite
- hosting facility (if you don't already have one), and define a new
- project there. It will give you a link (ending in `.git`) that you can
- put in place of `XXXXXXXXXX` in the command below.
+ it is [more ethical (although not
+ perfect)](https://www.gnu.org/software/repo-criteria-evaluation.html),
+ and later you can also host GitLab on your own server. Anyway, create
+ an account in your favorite hosting facility (if you don't already
+ have one), and define a new project there. It will give you a URL
+ (usually starting with `git@` and ending in `.git`), put this URL in
+ place of `XXXXXXXXXX` in the first command below. With the second
+ command, "push" your `master` branch to your `origin` remote, and
+ (with the `--set-upstream' option) set them to track/follow each
+ other. However, the `template` branch is currently tracking/following
+ your `template` remote (automatically set when you cloned the
+ template). So when pushing the `template` branch to your `origin`
+ remote, you shouldn't use `--set-upstream`. With the last command, you
+ can actually check this.
- git remote add origin XXXXXXXXXX
+ git remote add origin XXXXXXXXXX # Newly created repo is now called 'origin'.
+ git push --set-upstream origin master # Push 'master' to 'origin' (enable tracking).
+ git push origin template # Push 'template' to 'origin' (no tracking).
+ git branch -vv # Just to check of the trackings.
- **Title**, **short description** and **author** in source files: In this
@@ -630,12 +647,14 @@ get more advanced in later stages of your work.
$ git tag -a v0 # Tag this as the zero-th version of your project.
- - **Push to the remote**: Push your first commit and its tag to the remote
- repository with these commands:
+ - **Push to the remote**: Push your first commit and its tag to your
+ remote repository with these commands. Since we have setup your
+ `master' branch to follow `origin/master`, you can just use `git push`
+ from now on.
- git push -u origin --all
- git push -u origin --tags
+ git push
+ git push --tags
- **Start your exciting research**: You are now ready to add flesh and
@@ -665,7 +684,7 @@ get more advanced in later stages of your work.
$ git checkout template
- $ git pull template-origin template # Get recent work in the template
+ $ git pull template template # Get recent work in the template
$ git log XXXXXX..XXXXXX --reverse # Inspect new work (replace XXXXXXs with hashs mentioned in output of previous command).
$ git log --oneline --graph --decorate --all # General view of branches.
$ git checkout master # Go to your top working branch.
@@ -676,16 +695,16 @@ get more advanced in later stages of your work.
colleagues continue your project, it will be necessary to have
separate forks/clones of it. But when you clone your own project on a
different system, or a colleague clones it to collaborate with you,
- the clone won't have the `template-origin` remote that you started the
+ the clone won't have the `template` remote that you started the
project with. As shown in the previous point, you need this remote to
- be able to pull recent updates from this template. The steps below,
- will setup the `template-origin` remote, and a `templage` branch to
- track it, on the new clone.
+ be able to pull recent updates from the template. The steps below,
+ will setup the `template` remote, and a `template` branch to track it,
+ on the new clone.
- $ git remote add template-origin git://git.sv.gnu.org/reproduce
- $ git fetch template-origin
- $ git checkout --track template-origin/template
+ $ git remote add template git://git.sv.gnu.org/reproduce
+ $ git fetch template
+ $ git checkout --track template/template
- **Pre-publication: add notice on reproducibility**: Add a notice