path: root/tex/src/preamble-biblatex.tex
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tex/src/preamble-biblatex.tex')
1 files changed, 116 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tex/src/preamble-biblatex.tex b/tex/src/preamble-biblatex.tex
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/tex/src/preamble-biblatex.tex
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+%% Biblatex settings.
+%% Settings necessary to make the bibliography with Biblatex. Keeping all
+%% BibLaTeX settings in a separate preamble was done in the spirit of
+%% modularity to 1) easily managable, 2) If a similar BibLaTeX
+%% configuration is necessary in another LaTeX compilation, this file can
+%% just be copied there and used.
+%% USAGE:
+%% - `tex/src/references.tex': the file containing Bibtex source of each
+%% reference. The file suffix doesn't have to be `.bib'. This naming
+%% helps in clearly identifying the files and avoiding places that
+%% complain about `.bib' files.
+%% To break up highlighted text (for example texttt when some it is on the
+%% line break) and also to no underline emphasized words (like journal
+%% titles in the references).
+% Basic BibLaTeX settings
+ doi=false,
+ url=false,
+ dashed=false,
+ eprint=false,
+ maxbibnames=4,
+ minbibnames=1,
+ hyperref=true,
+ maxcitenames=2,
+ mincitenames=1,
+ style=authoryear,
+ uniquelist=false,
+ backend=biber,natbib]{biblatex}
+\DefineBibliographyStrings{english}{references = {References}}
+%% Include the adsurl field key into those that are recognized:
+ \maps[datatype=bibtex]{
+ \map{
+ \step[fieldsource=adsurl,fieldtarget=iswc]
+ \step[fieldsource=gbkurl,fieldtarget=iswc]
+ }
+ }
+%% Set the color of the doi link to mymg (magenta) and the ads links
+%% to mypurp (or purple):
+%% Define a format for the printtext commands in
+%% DeclareBibliographyDriver to make links for the doi, ads link and
+%% arxiv link:
+ \iffieldundef{doi}{#1}{\doihref{http://dx.doi.org/\thefield{doi}}{#1}}}
+ \iffieldundef{iswc}{#1}{\adshref{\thefield{iswc}}{#1}}}
+ \iffieldundef{eprint}{#1}{\href{http://arxiv.org/abs/\thefield{eprint}}{#1}}}
+ \iffieldundef{doi}{#1}{\doihref{http://dx.doi.org/\thefield{doi}}{#1}}}
+ \iffieldundef{iswc}{#1}{\adshref{\thefield{iswc}}{#1}}}
+%% Set the formatting to make the last three values into the
+%% appropriate link. Note that the % signs are necessary. Without
+%% them, the items will be indented.
+ \usebibmacro{bibindex}%
+ \usebibmacro{begentry}%
+ \usebibmacro{author/translator+others}%
+ \newunit%
+ \ifdefined\makethesis\printtext{\usebibmacro{title}}\fi%
+ \newunit%
+ \printtext[doilink]{\usebibmacro{journal}}%
+ \addcomma%
+ \printtext[adslink]{\printfield{volume}}%
+ \addcomma%
+ \printtext[arxivlink]{\printfield{pages}}%
+ \addperiod%
+ \usebibmacro{bibindex}%
+ \usebibmacro{begentry}%
+ \usebibmacro{author/translator+others}%
+ \newunit%
+ \printtext{\usebibmacro{title}}%
+ \addperiod%
+ \addspace%
+ \printlist[doiforbook]{publisher}%
+ \addcomma%
+ \addspace%
+ \printfield[googlebookslink]{edition}%
+ \printtext{ ed.}%
+ \addperiod%
+%% In order to have et al. instead of et al.,: