path: root/paper.tex
diff options
authorMohammad Akhlaghi <mohammad@akhlaghi.org>2019-04-04 12:45:48 +0100
committerMohammad Akhlaghi <mohammad@akhlaghi.org>2019-04-04 12:45:48 +0100
commitae2a7bc4de81c09eb6ba9c0267fdeaf97a1bce05 (patch)
tree56a79a8050d07554a226ad20939ac3980eb3abc4 /paper.tex
parenta8f19d7c8aec1eb5e8c545f0fc003d0fe7ab4818 (diff)
parentef19dbeb3aa7131754e03ce6d3ccd66db9fd81fd (diff)
Numpy and Scipy build on Mac imported into the main branch
We were developing the build of Numpy and Scipy on Mac in a parallel thread and things seems to be working relatively nice now. There were only two problems: 1) GCC still has some random building issues on Mac. 2) ATLAS shared libraries can't be built on Mac (so we used OpenBLAS to build Numpy and Scipy on both Mac and GNU/Linux). But for now, none of these problems are critical. So, we can progress in one branch. There were only very minor conflicts in the merge.
Diffstat (limited to 'paper.tex')
1 files changed, 41 insertions, 28 deletions
diff --git a/paper.tex b/paper.tex
index e62ba46..ff03836 100644
--- a/paper.tex
+++ b/paper.tex
@@ -204,36 +204,49 @@ SUNDIAL ITN, and from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness
(MINECO) under grant number AYA2016-76219-P.
The following free software tools were also critical component of this
-research (in alphabetical order): Bzip2 \bziptwoversion, CFITSIO
-\cfitsioversion, CMake \cmakeversion, cURL \curlversion, Discoteq flock
-\flockversion, Git \gitversion, GNU Astronomy Utilities \gnuastroversion,
-GNU AWK \gawkversion, GNU Bash \bashversion, GNU Coreutils
-\coreutilsversion, GNU Diffutils \diffutilsversion, GNU Findutils
-\findutilsversion, GNU Grep \grepversion, GNU Gzip \gzipversion, GNU
-Libtool \libtoolversion, GNU Make \makeversion, GNU NCURSES
-\ncursesversion, GNU Readline \readlineversion, GNU Sed \sedversion, GNU
-Scientific Library (GSL) \gslversion, GNU Tar \tarversion, GNU Wget
-\wgetversion, GNU Which \whichversion, Lzip \lzipversion, GPL Ghostscript
-\ghostscriptversion, Libbsd \libbsdversion, Libgit2 \libgittwoversion,
-Libjpeg \libjpegversion, Libtiff \libtiffversion, Metastore (forked)
-\metastoreversion, OpenSSL \opensslversion, Pkg-config \pkgconfigversion,
+research (in alphabetical order): ATLAS \atlasversion, Bzip2
+\bziptwoversion, CFITSIO \cfitsioversion, CMake \cmakeversion, cURL
+\curlversion, Discoteq flock \flockversion, FreeType \freetypeversion, Git
+\gitversion, GNU Astronomy Utilities \gnuastroversion, GNU AWK \gawkversion,
+GNU Bash \bashversion, GNU Coreutils \coreutilsversion, GNU Diffutils
+\diffutilsversion, GNU Findutils \findutilsversion, GNU Grep \grepversion,
+GNU Gzip \gzipversion, GNU Libtool \libtoolversion, GNU Make \makeversion,
+GNU NCURSES \ncursesversion, GNU Readline \readlineversion, GNU Sed
+\sedversion, GNU Scientific Library (GSL) \gslversion, GNU Tar \tarversion,
+GNU Wget \wgetversion, GNU Which \whichversion, Lapack \lapackversion, Lzip
+\lzipversion, GPL Ghostscript \ghostscriptversion, Libbsd \libbsdversion,
+Libgit2 \libgitwoversion, Libjpeg \libjpegversion, Libpng \libpngversion,
+Libtiff \libtiffversion, Metastore (forked) \metastoreversion, OpenSSL
+\opensslversion, Patchelf \patchelfversion, Pkg-config \pkgconfigversion,
Unzip \unzipversion, WCSLIB \wcslibversion, XZ Utils \xzversion, Zip
\zipversion, and ZLib \zlibversion. We use Python {\pythonversion} with the
-following packages: Numpy {\numpyversion} and Astropy {\astropyversion}
-\citep{astropy2013, astropy2018}. The final paper was produced with \TeX{}
-Live \texliveversion, using the following packages: \TeX{} \textexversion,
-EC \texecversion, NewTX \texnewtxversion, Fontaxes \texfontaxesversion,
-Keyval, \texxkeyvalversion, Etoolbox \texetoolboxversion, Xcolor
-\texxcolorversion, Setspace \texsetspaceversion, Caption
-\texcaptionversion, Footmisc \texfootmiscversion, Datetime
-\texdatetimeversion, Fmtcount \texfmtcountversion, Titlesec
-\textitlesecversion, Preprint \texpreprintversion, Ulem \texulemversion,
-Bib\LaTeX{} \texbiblatexversion, Biber \texbiberversion, Logreq
-\texlogreqversion, PGF/TiKZ \texpgfversion, PGFPlots \texpgfplotsversion,
-FP \texfpversion, Courier \texcourierversion, \TeX-gyre \textexgyreversion,
-TXFonts \textxfontsversion, Times \textimesversion. We are very grateful to
-all their creators for freely providing this necessary infrastructure. This
-research would not be possible without them.
+following packages: Asn1crypto \asncryptoversion, Astroquery
+\astroqueryversion, Astropy {\astropyversion} \citep{astropy2013,
+astropy2018}, BeautifulSoup \beautifulsoupversion, Certifi \certifiversion,
+Cffi \cffiversion, Chardet \chardetversion, Cryptography
+\cryptographyversion, Cycler \cyclerversion, EntryPoints
+\entrypointsversion, h5py \hpyversion, html5ib \htmlfivelibversion, idna
+\idnaversion, Jeepney \jeepneyversion, Kiwisolver \kiwisolverversion,
+keyring \keyringversion, Matplotlib \matplotlibversion, Numpy \numpyversion,
+pycparser \pycparserversion, PyParsing \pyparsingversion, python-dateutil
+\pythondateutilversion, Requests \requestsversion, Scipy \scipyversion,
+ScreenStorage \screenstorageversion, Setuptools \setuptoolsversion,
+Setuptools-scm \setuptoolsscmversion, Six \sixversion, SoupSieve
+\soupsieveversion, urllib3 \urllibthreeversion and webencondings
+\webencondingsversion. The final paper was produced with \TeX{} Live
+\texliveversion, using the following packages: \TeX{} \textexversion, EC
+\texecversion, NewTX \texnewtxversion, Fontaxes \texfontaxesversion, Keyval,
+\texxkeyvalversion, Etoolbox \texetoolboxversion, Xcolor \texxcolorversion,
+Setspace \texsetspaceversion, Caption \texcaptionversion, Footmisc
+\texfootmiscversion, Datetime \texdatetimeversion, Fmtcount
+\texfmtcountversion, Titlesec \textitlesecversion, Preprint
+\texpreprintversion, Ulem \texulemversion, Bib\LaTeX{} \texbiblatexversion,
+Biber \texbiberversion, Logreq \texlogreqversion, PGF/TiKZ \texpgfversion,
+PGFPlots \texpgfplotsversion, FP \texfpversion, Courier \texcourierversion,
+\TeX-gyre \textexgyreversion, TXFonts \textxfontsversion, Times
+\textimesversion. We are very grateful to all their creators for freely
+providing this necessary infrastructure. This research would not be possible
+without them.
%% Tell BibLaTeX to put the bibliography list here.