Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author | Lines |
SUMMARY: no change necessary in your project, this commit only involves
changes in how already-existing software are built. Some handy options have
also been added to the top-level project script and the copyright years
have been updated.
Until now, if the host's '/bin/sh' had conflicts with the Maneage
environment, the configuration of Maneage would crash as soon as we entered
the building of high-level software. The full scenario is described in the
comments of the newly added 'reproduce/software/shell/'. This
is most relevant when building older Maneage'd project in newer
With this commit, the following changes were made to avoid the problem
- Maneage edits the source code of all installed software to replace
'/bin/sh' with Maneage's own shell before the programs are
built. Through this, we were able to solve the problem described
- The portable '#!/usr/bin/env sh' shebangs are now used at the start of
the scripts that run during configure time so it uses the first
available shell that it finds in its PATH (the system's before Dash is
built), then Dash, and after Dash is built, Bash.
- For TeXLive, since we don't install it from source, it was necessary to
add the libraries necessary for the local '/bin/sh' in LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
Some high-level options have been added to the './project' script to
simplify certain operations:
--keep-going: do not stop upon the first crash, but keep going on to
build targets until all build-able targets have been built. This is
very useful for debugging large pipelines and allows you to isolate the
problematic part of your project.
--highlight-all: equivalent to calling both '--highlight-new' &
SUMMARY: just house-cleaning, no need to do anything major in your
branch. Just update the copyright years in files that you have added.
Until now, the latest copyright years of the whole Maneage source code was
2022! As of this commit, we have already moved to 2023 for 5 months!
Furthermore, there were a few other minor issues that needed correction:
- The URL to download input datasets wasn't quoted in '' or
the download script! As a result, when the input URL had characters that
are meaningful to the shell (like '&'), the download command would not
- The only program that had 'make check' in the '' programs was
MPFR. At that stage, we still haven't built our own compiler at this
stage, this is not accurate.
- The 'pyerfa' and 'extension-helpers' packages in Python need
'setuptools_scm' on some systems. But until now, it was not in the list
of their prerequisites.
With this commit, all the issues above have been corrected.
This commit primarily affects the configuration step of Maneage'd projects,
and in particular, updated versions of the many of the software (see
P.S.). So it shouldn't affect your high-level analysis other than the
version bumps of the software you use (and the software's possibly
improve/changed behavior).
The following software (and thus their dependencies) couldn't be updated as
described below:
- Cryptography: isn't building because it depends on a new
setuptools-rust package that has problems
(, so it has been
commented in 'versions.conf'.
- SecretStorage: because it depends on Cryptography.
- Keyring: because it depends on SecretStorage.
- Astroquery: because it depends on Keyring.
This is a "squashed" commit after rebasing a development branch of 60
commits corresponding to a roughly two-month time interval. The following
people contributed to this branch.
- Boudewijn Roukema added all the R software infrastructure and the R
packages, as well as greatly helping in fixing many bugs during the
- Raul Infante-Sainz helped in testing and debugging the build.
- Pedram Ashofteh Ardakani found and fixed a bug.
- Zahra Sharbaf helped in testing and found several bugs.
Below a description of the most noteworthy points is given.
- Software tarballs: all updated software now have a unified format
tarball (ustar; if not possible, pax) and unified compression (Lzip) in
Maneage's software repository in Zenodo
( For more on this See . This won't affect any extra
software you would like to add; you can use any format recognized by
GNU Tar, and all common compression algorithms. This new requirement is
only for software that get merged to the core Maneage branch.
- Metastore (and thus libbsd and libmd) moved to highlevel: Metastore
(and the packages it depends on) is a high-level product that is only
relevant during the project development (like Emacs!): when the user
wants the file meta data (like dates) to be unchanged after checking
out branches. So it should be considered a high-level software, not
basic. Metastore also usually causes many more headaches and error
messages, so personally, I have stopped using it! Instead I simply
merge my branches in a separate clone, then pull the merge commit: in
this way, the files of my project aren't re-written during the checkout
phase and therefore their dates are untouched (which can conflict with
Make's dates on configuration files).
- The un-official cloned version of Flex (2.6.4-91 until this commit) was
causing problems in the building of Netpbm, so with this commit, it has
been moved back to version 2.6.4.
- Netpbm's official page had version 10.73.38 as the latest stable
tarball that was just released in late 2021. But I couldn't find our
previously-used version 10.86.99 anywhere (to see when it was released
and why we used it! Its at last more than one year old!). So the
official stable version is being used now.
- Improved instructions in '' for building software environment
in a Docker container (while having project source and output data
products on the local system; including the usage of the host's
'/dev/shm' to speed up temporary operations).
- Until now, the convention in Maneage was to put eight SPACE characters
before the comment lines within recipes. This was done because by
default GNU Emacs (also many other editors) show a TAB as eight
characters. However, in other text editors, online browsers, or even
the Git diff, a TAB can correspond to a different number of
characters. In such cases, the Maneage recipes wouldn't look too
interesting (the comments and the recipe commands would show a
different indentation!).
With this commit, all the comment lines in the Makefiles within the
core Maneage branch have a hash ('#') as their first character and a
TAB as the second. This allows the comment lines in recipes to have the
same indentation as code; making the code much more easier to read in a
general scenario including a 'git diff' (editor agnostic!).
P.S. List of updated software with their old and new versions
- Software with no version update are not mentioned.
- The old version of newly added software are shown with '--'.
Name (Basic) Old version New version
------------ ----------- -----------
Bzip2 1.0.6 1.0.8
CURL 7.71.1 7.79.1
File 5.39 5.41
Flock 0.2.3 0.4.0
GNU Bash 5.0.18 5.1.8
GNU Binutils 2.35 2.37
GNU Coreutils 8.32 9.0
GNU GCC 10.2.0 11.2.0
GNU M4 1.4.18 1.4.19
GNU Readline 8.0 8.1.1
GNU Tar 1.32 1.34
GNU Texinfo 6.7 6.8
GNU diffutils 3.7 3.8
GNU findutils 4.7.0 4.8.0
GNU gmp 6.2.0 6.2.1
GNU grep 3.4 3.7
GNU gzip 1.10 1.11
GNU libunistring 0.9.10 1.0
GNU mpc 1.1.0 1.2.1
GNU mpfr 4.0.2 4.1.0
GNU nano 5.2 6.0
GNU ncurses 6.2 6.3
GNU wget 1.20.3 1.21.2
Git 2.28.0 2.34.0
Less 563 590
Libxml2 2.9.9 2.9.12
Lzip 1.22-rc2 1.22
OpenSLL 1.1.1a 3.0.0
Patchelf 0.10 0.13
Perl 5.32.0 5.34.0
Podlators -- 4.14
Name (Highlevel) Old version New version
---------------- ----------- -----------
Apachelog4cxx 0.10.0-603 0.12.1 0.80 0.85
Boost 1.73.0 1.77.0
CFITSIO 3.48 4.0.0
Cmake 3.18.1 3.21.4
Eigen 3.3.7 3.4.0
Expat 2.2.9 2.4.1
FFTW 3.3.8 3.3.10
Flex 2.6.4-91 2.6.4
Fontconfig 2.13.1 2.13.94
Freetype 2.10.2 2.11.0
GNU Astronomy Utilities 0.12 0.16.1-e0f1
GNU Autoconf 2.69.200-babc 2.71
GNU Automake 1.16.2 1.16.5
GNU Bison 3.7 3.8.2
GNU Emacs 27.1 27.2
GNU GDB 9.2 11.1
GNU GSL 2.6 2.7
GNU Help2man 1.47.11 1.48.5
Ghostscript 9.52 9.55.0
ICU -- 70.1
ImageMagick 7.0.8-67 7.1.0-13
Libbsd 0.10.0 0.11.3
Libffi 3.2.1 3.4.2
Libgit2 1.0.1 1.3.0
Libidn 1.36 1.38
Libjpeg 9b 9d
Libmd -- 1.0.4
Libtiff 4.0.10 4.3.0
Libx11 1.6.9 1.7.2
Libxt 1.2.0 1.2.1
Netpbm 10.86.99 10.73.38
OpenBLAS 0.3.10 0.3.18
OpenMPI 4.0.4 4.1.1
Pixman 0.38.0 0.40.0
Python 3.8.5 3.10.0
R 4.0.2 4.1.2
SWIG 3.0.12 4.0.2
Util-linux 2.35 2.37.2
Util-macros 1.19.2 1.19.3
Valgrind 3.15.0 3.18.1
WCSLIB 7.3 7.7
Xcb-proto 1.14 1.14.1
Xorgproto 2020.1 2021.5
Name (Python) Old version New version
------------- ----------- -----------
Astropy 4.0 5.0
Beautifulsoup4 4.7.1 4.10.0
Beniget -- 0.4.1
Cffi 1.12.2 1.15.0
Cryptography 2.6.1 36.0.1
Cycler 0.10.0 0.11.0+}
Cython 0.29.21 0.29.24
Esutil 0.6.4 0.6.9
Extension-helpers -- 0.1
Galsim 2.2.1 2.3.3
Gast -- 0.5.3
Jinja2 -- 3.0.3
MPI4py 3.0.3 3.1.3
Markupsafe -- 2.0.1
Numpy 1.19.1 1.21.3
Packaging -- 21.3
Pillow -- 8.4.0
Ply -- 3.11
Pyerfa --
Pyparsing 2.3.1 3.0.4
Pythran -- 0.11.0
Scipy 1.5.2 1.7.3
Setuptools 41.6.0 58.3.0
Six 1.12.0 1.16.0
Uncertainties 3.1.2 3.1.6
Wheel -- 0.37.0
Name (R) Old version New version
-------- ----------- -----------
Cli -- 2.5.0
Colorspace -- 2.0-1
Cowplot -- 1.1.1
Crayon -- 1.4.1
Digest -- 0.6.27
Ellipsis -- 0.3.2
Fansi -- 0.5.0
Farver -- 2.1.0
Ggplot2 -- 3.3.4
Glue -- 1.4.2
GridExtra -- 2.3
Gtable -- 0.3.0
Isoband -- 0.2.4
Labeling -- 0.4.2
Lifecycle -- 1.0.0
Magrittr -- 2.0.1
MASS -- 7.3-54
Mgcv -- 1.8-36
Munsell -- 0.5.0
Pillar -- 1.6.1
R-Pkgconfig -- 2.0.3
R6 -- 2.5.0
RColorBrewer -- 1.1-2
Rlang -- 0.4.11
Scales -- 1.1.1
Tibble -- 3.1.2
Utf8 -- 1.2.1
Vctrs -- 0.3.8
ViridisLite -- 0.4.0
Withr -- 2.4.2
Having entered 2021, it was necessary to update the copyright years at the
top of the source files. We recommend that you do this for all your
project-specific source files also.
Until now, there was no warning when the 'maneage' branch didn't exist in
the Git history. This can happen when you forget to push the 'maneage'
branch to a remote for your project, and you later clone your project from
that remote (for example on another computer). We use the 'maneage' branch
to report the latest commit hash and date in the final paper (which can
greatly help future readers). Since we check the 'maneage' branch on every
run of './project make' (in '') this would result in a printed
statement like this:
fatal: Not a valid object name maneage
Also until now, the description of what to do when TeXLive wasn't installed
properly wasn't complete: it didn't mention that it is necessary to delete
the TeXLive target files. This could confuse users (they would re-run
'./project configure -e', but with no effect).
With this commit, for the 'maneage' branch issue a complete warning will be
printed. Telling the user what to do to get the 'maneage' branch (and thus
fix this warning). Also, the LaTeX macros that go in the paper are now red
when the 'maneage' branch doesn't exist, telling the user to see the
printed warning (thus encouraging the user to get the branch). For the
TeXLive issue, the necessary commands to run are now also printed in the
This only concerns the TeX sources in the default branch. In case you don't
use them, there should only be a clean conflict in 'paper.tex' (that is
obvious and easy to fix). Conflicts may only happen in some of the
'tex/src/preamble-*.tex' files if you have actually changed them for your
project. But generally any conflict that does arise by this commit with
your project branch should be very clear and easy to fix and test.
In short, from now on things will even be easier: any LaTeX configuration
that you want to do for your project can be done in
'tex/src/preamble-project.tex', so you don't have to worry about any other
LaTeX preamble file. They are either templates (like the ones for PGFPlots
and BibLaTeX) or low-level things directly related to Maneage. Until now,
this distinction wasn't too clear.
Here is a summary of the improvements:
- Two new options to './project make': with '--highlight-new' and
'--highlight-notes' it is now possible to activate highlighting on the
command-line. Until now, there was a LaTeX macro for this at the start
of 'paper.tex' (\highlightchanges). But changing that line would change
the Git commit hash, making it hard for the readers to trust that this
is the same PDF. With these two new run-time options, the printed commit
hash will not changed.
- paper.tex: the sentences are formatted as one sentence per line (and one
line per sentence). This helps in version controlling narrative and
following the changes per sentence. A description of this format (and
its advantages) is also included in the default text.
- The internal Maneage preambles have been modified:
- 'tex/src/preamble-header.tex' and 'tex/src/preamble-style.tex' have
been merged into one preamble file called
'tex/src/preamble-maneage-default-style.tex'. This helps a lot in
simply removing it when you use a journal style file for example.
- Things like the options to highlight parts of the text are now put in
a special 'tex/src/preamble-maneage.tex'. This helps highlight that
these are Maneage-specific features that are independent of the style
used in the paper.
- There is a new 'tex/src/preamble-project.tex' that is the place you
can add your project-specific customizations.
Until now, when the 'pdf-build-final' configuration variable (defined in
'reproduce/analysis/config/pdf-build.conf') was given any string a PDF
would be built. This was very confusing, because people could put a 'no'
and the PDF would still be built!
With this commit, only when this variable has a value of 'yes' will the PDF
be built. If given any other string (or no string at all), it will not
produce a PDF.
This issue was reported by Zahra Sharbaf.
Until now, no machine-related specifications were being documented in the
workflow. This information can become helpful when observing differences in
the outcome of both software and analysis segments of the workflow by
others (some software may behave differently based on host machine).
With this commit, the host machine's 'hardware class' and 'byte-order' are
collected and now available as LaTeX macros for the authors to use in the
paper. Currently it is placed in the acknowledgments, right after
mentioning the Maneage commit.
Furthermore, the project and configuration scripts are now capable of
dealing with input directory names that have SPACE (and other special
characters) by putting them inside double-quotes. However, having spaces
and metacharacters in the address of the build directory could cause
build/install failure for some software source files which are beyond the
control of Maneage. So we now check the user's given build directory
string, and if the string has any '@', '#', '$', '%', '^', '&', '*', '(',
')', '+', ';', and ' ' (SPACE), it will ask the user to provide a different
Until now, when the bibliography file ('paper.bbl') had a LaTeX-related
error (for example the journal name was a LaTeX macro that isn't defined),
the first 'pdflatex' command that is run before 'biber' would crash, not
allowing the project to reach 'biber'. So the user would have to manually
remove 'paper.bbl' before running './project make'.
With this commit, we remove any possibly existing 'paper.bbl' file before
rebuilding it. Generally, this also helps in keeping things clean during
the generation of the new bibliography.
This bug was found by Mahdieh Nabavi.
The 'pdflatex' program is used to build the default Maneage-branch paper.
But since the default paper uses PGFPlots to build the figures within LaTeX
as an external PDF, PGFPlots requires 'pdflatex' to be called with the
'-shell-escape' option. Generally, this option can be considered as a
security risk (in particular when 'pdflatex' is being run by an external
LaTeX file: a malicious LaTeX writer may embed commands in the LaTeX source
that will be executed on the host if this option is present).
This is not too serious of an issue in Maneage, because when someone runs
Maneage, they intentionally let it run many on their system. Hence if
someone wants to exploit a host system, they can add the necessary commands
long before 'pdflatex' is run. After all, all commands in Maneage are run
with the calling user's permissions, hence they have access to many parts
of the user's accounts. If someone is worried about security on a
non-trusted Maneage project they should act the same as they do with any
software: define a new user for it, and call it with that user (as a
weak-level security), or run it in a virtual machine or container.
However, since this option has been explicity mentioned as a security risk
before, it helps if we have a comment explaining its usage in ''.
With this commit, the concerned user will read a brief explanation and can
read the brief discussion at [1] and possibly re-open the discussion or
propose ways of mitigating the security risk(s).
In time, some of the copyright license description had been mistakenly
shortened to two paragraphs instead of the original three that is
recommended in the GPL. With this commit, they are corrected to be exactly
in the same three paragraph format suggested by GPL.
The following files also didn't have a copyright notice, so one was added
for them:
Until now, throughout Maneage we were using the old name of "Reproducible
Paper Template". But we have finally decided to use Maneage, so to avoid
confusion, the name has been corrected in `' and also in
the copyright notices.
Note also that in `', the main Maneage branch is now
called `maneage', and the main Git remote has been changed to
`' (this is a new GitLab Group that I
have setup for all Maneage-related projects). In this repository there is
only one `maneage' branch to avoid complications with the `master' branch
of the projects using Maneage later.
Until now, the configuration Makefiles (in
`reproduce/software/config/installation' and `reproduce/analysis/config')
had a `.mk' suffix, similar to the workhorse Makefiles. Although they are
indeed Makefiles, but given their nature (to only keep configuration
parameters), it is confusing (especially to early users) for them to also
have a `.mk' (similar to the analysis or software building Makefiles).
To address this issue, with this commit, all the configuration Makefiles
(in those directories) are now given a `.conf' suffix. This is also assumed
for all the files that are loaded.
The configuration (software building) and running of the template have been
checked with this change from scratch, but please report any error that may
not have been noticed.
Until now, the only verification that the template provided was the
published PDF. Users had to manually compare the published and generated
PDFs (numbers, plots, tables) and see if they obtained the same
result. However, this type of manual verification is not good and is prone
to frustration and missing important differences.
With this commit, a new Makefile has been added in the analysis steps:
`'. It provides facilities to easily verify the results that go
into the paper. For example tables that go into making the paper's plots,
or the LaTeX macros that blend into the text. See the updated parts in
`` for a more complete explanation.
This completes task #15497.
Now that its 2020, its necessary to include this year in the copyright
Until now, to work on a project, it was necessary to `./configure' it and
build the software. Then we had to run `.local/bin/make' to run the project
and do the analysis every time. If the project was a shared project between
many users on a large server, it was necessary to call the `./for-group'
This way of managing the project had a major problem: since the user
directly called the lower-level `./configure' or `.local/bin/make' it was
not possible to provide high-level control (for example limiting the
environment variables). This was especially noticed recently with a bug
that was related to environment variables (bug #56682).
With this commit, this problem is solved using a single script called
`project' in the top directory. To configure and build the project, users
can now run these commands:
$ ./project configure
$ ./project make
To work on the project with other users in a group these commands can be
$ ./project configure --group=GROUPNAME
$ ./project make --group=GROUPNAME
The old options to both configure and make the project are still valid. Run
`./project --help' to see a list. For example:
$ ./project configure -e --host-cc
$ ./project make -j8
The old `configure' script has been moved to
`reproduce/software/bash/' and is called by the new `./project'
script. The `./project' script now just manages the options, then passes
control to the `' script. For the "make" step, it also reads
the options, then calls Make. So in the lower-level nothing has
changed. Only the `./project' script is now the single/direct user
interface of the project.
On a parallel note: as part of bug #56682, we also found out that on some
macOS systems, the `DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH' environment variable has to be set
to blank. This is no problem because RPATH is automatically set in macOS
and the executables and libraries contain the absolute address of the
libraries they should link with. But having `DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH' can
conflict with some low-level system libraries and cause very hard to debug
linking errors (like that reported in the bug report).
This fixes bug #56682.
While reviewing Prasenjit's commits, I noticed that we had forgot to add
the citation for TIDES, also to make things clear, the program/library
build rules are now sorted alphabetically.
Finally, I noticed that after building the TiKZ PDF figures, it is crashing
(like on Prasenjit's computer). After looking around, I noticed its because
we were setting the of the `TEXINPUTS' environment variable to be the
installed TeX Live directory (which was ultimately redundant because by
default TeX will look into where it was installed). The important thing is
just that we remove any possible value the host system has, not to set new
Until now, the `tex/build' symbolic link was put in the clone/source tree
when the build-directory's `tex' directory was being built. Thanks to
Roberto Baena, we just found a bug because of this behavior: when a second
group member is trying to build the pipeline, since the build directory's
`tex' directory already exists, no `tex/build' will be put in their
clone/source directory. As a result, the PDF building will crash.
To fix this (and keep things organized), the two `tex/build' and `tex/tikz'
links (to the build directory) are now built in the configure step while it
is building all the top-level directories. They are no longer built within
the Makefiles.
Also, a comment was added on top of every directory built during the
configuration phase to be clear.
This fixes bug #56362.
When we need to quote the new-line character we end the line with a
backslash (`\'). Until now, our convention has been to put all such
backslashes under each other to help in visual inspection.
But this causes a lot of confusion in version control: if only one line's
length is larger, the whole block will be marked as changed and thus makes
it hard to visually see the actual change. It also makes debuging the code
(adding some temporary lines) hard.
With this commit, I went through all the files and tried to fix all such
cases so only a single white space character is between the last command
character and the backslash. Where there was an empty line (ending with a
backslash, to help in visually separating the code into blocks), I put the
backslash right under the previous line's.
This completes task #15259.
Until now, there were erros in the citation of Astrometry-net and Scamp
With this commit, we fix these problems. The Swarp bibtex has also been
modify to follow the stetic of the citation style we have right now in
the project.
We also added the `dependency-bib.tex' as a prerequisite of `paper.bbl'.
Until now, the software building and analysis steps of the pipeline were
intertwined. However, these steps (of how to build a software, and how to
use it) are logically completely independent.
Therefore with this commit, the pipeline now has a new architecture
(particularly in the `reproduce' directory) to emphasize this distinction:
The `reproduce' directory now has the two `software' and `analysis'
subdirectories and the respective parts of the previous architecture have
been broken up between these two based on their function. There is also no
more `src' directory. The `config' directory for software and analysis is
now mixed with the language-specific directories.
Also, some of the software versions were also updated after some checks
with their webpages.
This new architecture will allow much more focused work on each part of the
pipeline (to install the software and to run them for an analysis).