path: root/reproduce/software/bash/configure.sh
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'reproduce/software/bash/configure.sh')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1397 deletions
diff --git a/reproduce/software/bash/configure.sh b/reproduce/software/bash/configure.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index c681298..0000000
--- a/reproduce/software/bash/configure.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1397 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/bash
-# Necessary preparations/configurations for the reproducible project.
-# Copyright (C) 2018-2020 Mohammad Akhlaghi <mohammad@akhlaghi.org>
-# This script is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-# Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
-# option) any later version.
-# This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# Public License for more details.
-# A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
-# <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-# Script settings
-# ---------------
-# Stop the script if there are any errors.
-set -e
-# Internal directories
-# --------------------
-# These are defined to help make this script more readable.
-# --------- Delete for no Gnuastro ---------
-# ------------------------------------------
-# Notice for top of generated files
-# ---------------------------------
-# In case someone opens the files output from the configuration scripts in
-# a text editor and wants to edit them, it is important to let them know
-# that their changes are not going to be permenant.
-function create_file_with_notice() {
- if echo "# IMPORTANT: file can be RE-WRITTEN after './project configure'" > "$1"
- then
- echo "#" >> "$1"
- echo "# This file was created during configuration" >> "$1"
- echo "# ('./project configure'). Therefore, it is not under" >> "$1"
- echo "# version control and any manual changes to it will be" >> "$1"
- echo "# over-written if the project re-configured." >> "$1"
- echo "#" >> "$1"
- else
- echo; echo "Can't write to $1"; echo;
- exit 1
- fi
-# Get absolute address
-# --------------------
-# Since the build directory will go into a symbolic link, we want it to be
-# an absolute address. With this function we can make sure of that.
-function absolute_dir() {
- if stat "$1" 1> /dev/null; then
- echo "$(cd "$(dirname "$1")" && pwd )/$(basename "$1")"
- else
- exit 1;
- fi
-# Inform the user
-# ---------------
-# Print some basic information so the user gets a feeling of what is going
-# on and is prepared on what will happen next.
-cat <<EOF
-Project's local configuration
-Local configuration includes things like top-level directories, or
-processing steps. It is STRONGLY recommended to read the comments, and set
-the best values for your system (where necessary).
-# What to do with possibly existing configuration file
-# ----------------------------------------------------
-# `LOCAL.conf' is the top-most local configuration for the project. If it
-# already exists when this script is run, we'll make a copy of it as backup
-# (for example the user might have ran `./project configure' by mistake).
-if [ -f $pconf ] || [ -f $glconf ]; then
- if [ $existing_conf = 1 ]; then
- printnotice=no
- if [ -f $pconf ]; then rewritepconfig=no; fi
- if [ -f $glconf ]; then rewritegconfig=no; fi
- fi
-# Make sure the group permissions satisfy the previous configuration (if it
-# exists and we don't want to re-write it).
-if [ $rewritepconfig = no ]; then
- oldgroupname=$(awk '/GROUP-NAME/ {print $3; exit 0}' $pconf)
- if [ "x$oldgroupname" = "x$reproducible_paper_group_name" ]; then
- just_a_place_holder_to_avoid_not_equal_test=1;
- else
- echo "-----------------------------"
- echo "!!!!!!!! ERROR !!!!!!!!"
- echo "-----------------------------"
- if [ "x$oldgroupname" = x ]; then
- status="NOT configured for groups"
- confcommand="./project configure"
- else
- status="configured for '$oldgroupname' group"
- confcommand="./project configure --group=$oldgroupname"
- fi
- echo "Project was previously $status!"
- echo "Either enable re-write of this configuration file,"
- echo "or re-run this configuration like this:"
- echo
- echo " $confcommand"; echo
- exit 1
- fi
-# Identify the downloader tool
-# ----------------------------
-# After this script finishes, we will have both Wget and cURL for
-# downloading any necessary dataset during the processing. However, to
-# complete the configuration, we may also need to download the source code
-# of some necessary software packages (including the downloaders). So we
-# need to check the host's available tool for downloading at this step.
-if [ $rewritepconfig = yes ]; then
- if type wget > /dev/null 2>/dev/null; then
- name=$(which wget)
- # By default Wget keeps the remote file's timestamp, so we'll have
- # to disable it manually.
- downloader="$name --no-use-server-timestamps -O";
- elif type curl > /dev/null 2>/dev/null; then
- name=$(which curl)
- # - cURL doesn't keep the remote file's timestamp by default.
- # - With the `-L' option, we tell cURL to follow redirects.
- downloader="$name -L -o"
- else
- cat <<EOF
-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Warning !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-Couldn't find GNU Wget, or cURL on this system. These programs are used for
-downloading necessary programs and data if they aren't already present (in
-directories that you can specify with this configure script). Therefore if
-the necessary files are not present, the project will crash.
- downloader="no-downloader-found"
- fi;
-# Build directory
-# ---------------
-if [ $rewritepconfig = yes ]; then
- cat <<EOF
-Build directory
-The project's "source" (this directory) and "build" directories are treated
-separately. This greatly helps in managing the many intermediate files that
-are created during the build. The intermediate build files don't need to be
-archived or backed up: you can always re-build them with the contents of
-the source directory. The build directory also needs a relatively large
-amount of free space (atleast serveral Giga-bytes), while the source
-directory (all plain text) will usually be a mega-byte or less.
-'.build' (a symbolic link to the build directory) will also be created
-during this configuration. It can help encourage you to set the actual
-build directory in a very different address from this one (one that can be
-deleted and has large volume), while having easy access to it from here.
---- CAUTION ---
-Do not choose any directory under the top source directory (this
-directory). The build directory cannot be a subdirectory of the source.
- bdir=
- currentdir=$(pwd)
- junkname=pure-junk-974adfkj38
- while [ x$bdir == x ]
- do
- # Ask the user (if not already set on the command-line).
- if [ x"$build_dir" = x ]; then
- read -p"Please enter the top build directory: " build_dir
- fi
- # If it exists, see if we can write in it. If not, try making it.
- if [ -d $build_dir ]; then
- if mkdir $build_dir/$junkname 2> /dev/null; then
- instring="the already existing"
- bdir=$(absolute_dir $build_dir)
- rm -rf $build_dir/$junkname
- else
- echo " -- Can't write in '$build_dir'"; echo
- fi
- else
- if mkdir $build_dir 2> /dev/null; then
- instring="the newly created"
- bdir=$(absolute_dir $build_dir)
- else
- echo " -- Can't create '$build_dir'"; echo
- fi
- fi
- # Make sure the given directory is not a subdirectory of the
- # source directory.
- if ! [ x"$bdir" = x ]; then
- if [[ $bdir == $currentdir* ]]; then
- # If it was newly created, it will be empty, so delete it.
- if ! [ "$(ls -A $bdir)" ]; then rm --dir $bdir; fi
- # Inform the user that this is not acceptable and reset `bdir'.
- bdir=
- echo " -- The build-directory cannot be under the source-directory."
- echo " Please specify another build-directory that is outside of the source."
- echo ""
- else
- echo " -- Build directory set to ($instring): '$bdir'"
- fi
- fi
- # Reset `build_dir' to blank, so it continues asking when the
- # previous value wasn't usable.
- build_dir=
- done
-# Input directory
-# ---------------
-if [ x"$input_dir" = x ]; then
- indir=$optionaldir
- indir=$input_dir
-wfpc2name=$(awk '!/^#/ && $1=="WFPC2IMAGE" {print $3}' $adir/INPUTS.conf)
-wfpc2md5=$(awk '!/^#/ && $1=="WFPC2MD5" {print $3}' $adir/INPUTS.conf)
-wfpc2size=$(awk '!/^#/ && $1=="WFPC2SIZE" {print $3}' $adir/INPUTS.conf)
-wfpc2url=$(awk '!/^#/ && $1=="WFPC2URL" {print $3}' $adir/INPUTS.conf)
-if [ $rewritepconfig = yes ] && [ x"$input_dir" = x ]; then
- cat <<EOF
-(OPTIONAL) Input dataset directory
-This project needs the dataset(s) listed below. If you already have them,
-please specify the directory hosting them on this system. If you don't,
-they will be downloaded automatically. Each file is shown with its total
-volume and its 128-bit MD5 checksum in parenthesis.
- $wfpc2name ($wfpc2size, $wfpc2md5):
- A 100x100 Hubble Space Telescope WFPC II image used in the FITS
- standard webpage as a demonstration of this file format.
- URL: $wfpc2url/$wfpc2name
-NOTE I: This directory, or the datasets above, are optional. If it doesn't
-exist, the files will be downloaded in the build directory and used.
-NOTE II: This directory (if given) will only be read, nothing will be
-written into it, so no writing permissions are necessary.
-TIP: If you have these files in multiple directories on your system and
-don't want to download them or make duplicates, you can create symbolic
-links to them and put those symbolic links in the given top-level
- read -p"(OPTIONAL) Input datasets directory ($indir): " inindir
- if [ x$inindir != x ]; then
- indir=$inindir
- echo " -- Using '$indir'"
- fi
-# Dependency tarball directory
-# ----------------------------
-if [ x"$software_dir" = x ]; then
- ddir=$optionaldir
- ddir=$software_dir
-if [ $rewritepconfig = yes ] && [ x"$software_dir" = x ]; then
- cat <<EOF
-(OPTIONAL) Software tarball directory
-To ensure an identical build environment, the project will use its own
-build of the programs it needs. Therefore the tarball of the relevant
-programs are necessary. If a tarball isn't present in the specified
-directory, *IT WILL BE DOWNLOADED* automatically.
-If you don't specify any directory here, or it doesn't contain the tarball
-of a dependency, it is necessary to have an internet connection. The
-project will download the tarballs it needs automatically.
- read -p"(OPTIONAL) Directory of dependency tarballs ($ddir): " tmpddir
- if [ x"$tmpddir" != x ]; then
- ddir=$tmpddir
- echo " -- Using '$ddir'"
- fi
-# Write the parameters into the local configuration file.
-if [ $rewritepconfig = yes ]; then
- # Add commented notice.
- create_file_with_notice $pconf
- # Write the values.
- sed -e's|@bdir[@]|'"$bdir"'|' \
- -e's|@indir[@]|'"$indir"'|' \
- -e's|@ddir[@]|'"$ddir"'|' \
- -e's|@downloader[@]|'"$downloader"'|' \
- -e's|@groupname[@]|'"$reproducible_paper_group_name"'|' \
- $pconf.in >> $pconf
- # Read the values from existing configuration file.
- inbdir=$(awk '$1=="BDIR" {print $3}' $pconf)
- # Read the software directory.
- ddir=$(awk '$1=="DEPENDENCIES-DIR" {print $3}' $pconf)
- # The downloader command may contain multiple elements, so we'll just
- # change the (in memory) first and second tokens to empty space and
- # write the full line (the original file is unchanged).
- downloader=$(awk '$1=="DOWNLOADER" {$1=""; $2=""; print $0}' $pconf)
- # Make sure all necessary variables have a value
- err=0
- verr=0
- novalue=""
- if [ x"$inbdir" = x ]; then novalue="BDIR, "; fi
- if [ x"$downloader" = x ]; then novalue="$novalue"DOWNLOADER; fi
- if [ x"$novalue" != x ]; then verr=1; err=1; fi
- # Make sure `bdir' is an absolute path and it exists.
- berr=0
- ierr=0
- bdir=$(absolute_dir $inbdir)
- if ! [ -d $bdir ]; then if ! mkdir $bdir; then berr=1; err=1; fi; fi
- if [ $err = 1 ]; then
- cat <<EOF
-######## ERORR reading existing configuration file ############
- if [ $verr = 1 ]; then
- cat <<EOF
-These variables have no value: $novalue.
- fi
- if [ $berr = 1 ]; then
- cat <<EOF
-Couldn't create the build directory '$bdir' (value to 'BDIR') in
- fi
- cat <<EOF
-Please run the configure script again (accepting to re-write existing
-configuration file) so all the values can be filled and checked.
- fi
-# --------- Delete for no Gnuastro ---------
-# Get the version of Gnuastro that must be used.
-gversion=$(awk '$1=="gnuastro-version" {print $NF}' $depverfile)
-# Gnuastro's local configuration settings
-if [ $rewritegconfig = yes ]; then
- create_file_with_notice $glconf
- echo "# Minimum number of bytes to use HDD/SSD instead of RAM." >> $glconf
- echo " minmapsize $minmapsize" >> $glconf
- echo >> $glconf
- echo "# Version of Gnuastro that must be used." >> $glconf
- echo " onlyversion $gversion" >> $glconf
- ingversion=$(awk '$1=="onlyversion" {print $NF}' $glconf)
- if [ x$ingversion != x$gversion ]; then
- cat <<EOF
-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!CONFIGURATION ERROR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-Gnuastro's version in '$glconf' ($ingversion) doesn't match the tarball
-version that this project was designed to use in '$depverfile'
-($gversion). Please re-run after removing the former file:
- $ rm $glconf
- $ ./project configure
- exit 1
- fi
-# ------------------------------------------
-# Delete final configuration target
-# ---------------------------------
-# We only want to start running the project later if this script has
-# completed successfully. To make sure it hasn't crashed in the middle
-# (without the user noticing), in the end of this script we make a file and
-# we'll delete it here (at the start). Therefore if the script crashed in
-# the middle that file won't exist.
-if ! [ -d $sdir ]; then mkdir $sdir; fi
-rm -f $finaltarget
-# Project's top-level directories
-# -------------------------------
-# These directories are possibly needed by many steps of process, so to
-# avoid too many directory dependencies throughout the software and
-# analysis Makefiles (thus making them hard to read), we are just building
-# them here
-# Software tarballs
-if ! [ -d $tardir ]; then mkdir $tardir; fi
-# Installed software
-if ! [ -d $instdir ]; then mkdir $instdir; fi
-# To record software versions and citation.
-if ! [ -d $verdir ]; then mkdir $verdir; fi
-# Program and library versions and citation.
-if ! [ -d $ibidir ]; then mkdir $ibidir; fi
-# Python module versions and citation.
-if ! [ -d $ipydir ]; then mkdir $ipydir; fi
-# Used software BibTeX entries.
-if ! [ -d $ictdir ]; then mkdir $ictdir; fi
-# TeXLive versions.
-if ! [ -d $itidir ]; then mkdir $itidir; fi
-# Top-level LaTeX.
-if ! [ -d $texdir ]; then mkdir $texdir; fi
-# LaTeX macros.
-if ! [ -d $mtexdir ]; then mkdir $mtexdir; fi
-# TeX build directory. If built in a group scenario, the TeX build
-# directory must be separate for each member (so they can work on their
-# relevant parts of the paper without conflicting with each other).
-if [ "x$reproducible_paper_group_name" = x ]; then
- texbdir=$texdir/build
- user=$(whoami)
- texbdir=$texdir/build-$user
-if ! [ -d $texbdir ]; then mkdir $texbdir; fi
-# TiKZ (for building figures within LaTeX).
-if ! [ -d $tikzdir ]; then mkdir $tikzdir; fi
-# Set the symbolic links for easy access to the top project build
-# directories. Note that these are put in each user's source/cloned
-# directory, not in the build directory (which can be shared between many
-# users and thus may already exist).
-# Note: if we don't delete them first, it can happen that an extra link
-# will be created in each directory that points to its parent. So to be
-# safe, we are deleting all the links on each re-configure of the project.
-rm -f .build .local tex/build tex/tikz .gnuastro
-ln -s $bdir .build
-ln -s $instdir .local
-ln -s $texdir tex/build
-ln -s $tikzdir tex/tikz
-# --------- Delete for no Gnuastro ---------
-ln -s $topdir/reproduce/software/config/gnuastro .gnuastro
-# ------------------------------------------
-# Temporary software un-packing/build directory: if the host has the
-# standard `/dev/shm' mounting-point, we'll do it in shared memory (on the
-# RAM), to avoid harming/over-using the HDDs/SSDs. The RAM of most systems
-# today (>8GB) is large enough for the parallel building of the software.
-# For the name of the directory under `/dev/shm' (for this project), we'll
-# use the names of the two parent directories to the current/running
-# directory, separated by a `-' instead of `/'. We'll then appended that
-# with the user's name (in case multiple users may be working on similar
-# project names). Maybe later, we can use something like `mktemp' to add
-# random characters to this name and make it unique to every run (even for
-# a single user).
-rm -rf $tmpblddir/* $tmpblddir # If its a link, we need to empty its
- # contents first, then itself.
-# Set the top-level shared memory location.
-if [ -d /dev/shm ]; then shmdir=/dev/shm
-else shmdir=""
-# If a shared memory mounted directory exists and there is enough space
-# there (in RAM), build a temporary directory for this project.
-if [ x"$shmdir" != x ]; then
- available_space=$(df $shmdir | awk 'NR==2{print $4}')
- if [ $available_space -gt $needed_space ]; then
- dirname=$(pwd | sed -e's/\// /g' \
- | awk '{l=NF-1; printf("%s-%s",$l, $NF)}')
- tbshmdir=$shmdir/"$dirname"-$(whoami)
- if ! [ -d $tbshmdir ]; then mkdir $tbshmdir; fi
- fi
- tbshmdir=""
-# If a shared memory directory was created set `build-tmp' to be a
-# symbolic link to it. Otherwise, just build the temporary build
-# directory under the project build directory.
-if [ x$tbshmdir = x ]; then mkdir $tmpblddir;
-else ln -s $tbshmdir $tmpblddir;
-# Check for C/C++ compilers
-# -------------------------
-# To build the software, we'll need some basic tools (the compilers in
-# particular) to be present.
-if type cc > /dev/null 2>/dev/null; then
- if type c++ > /dev/null 2>/dev/null; then hascc=1; fi
- if type gcc > /dev/null 2>/dev/null; then
- if type g++ > /dev/null 2>/dev/null; then hascc=1; fi
- else
- if type clang > /dev/null 2>/dev/null; then
- if type clang++ > /dev/null 2>/dev/null; then hascc=1; fi
- fi
- fi
-if [ $hascc = 0 ]; then
- cat <<EOF
-!!!!!!! C/C++ Compiler NOT FOUND !!!!!!!
-To build the project's software, the host system needs to have basic C and
-C++ compilers. The executables that were checked are 'cc', 'gcc' and
-'clang' for a C compiler, and 'c++', 'g++' and 'clang++' for a C++
-compiler. If you have a relevant compiler that is not checked, please get
-in touch with us (with the form below) so we add it:
- https://savannah.nongnu.org/support/?func=additem&group=reproduce
- exit 1
-# Check C compiler
-# ----------------
-echo; echo; echo "Checking host C compiler...";
-echo "#include <stdio.h>" > $testsource
-echo "#include <stdlib.h>" >> $testsource
-echo "int main(void){printf(\"...C compiler works.\n\");" >> $testsource
-echo " return EXIT_SUCCESS;}" >> $testsource
-if gcc $testsource -o$testprog && $testprog; then
- rm $testsource $testprog
- rm $testsource
- cat <<EOF
-!!!!!!! C compiler doesn't work !!!!!!!
-Host C compiler ('gcc') can't build a simple program.
-A working C compiler is necessary for building the project's software.
-Please use the error message above to find a good solution and re-run the
-project configuration.
-If you can't find a solution, please send the error message above to the
-link below and we'll try to help
-TIP: Once you find the solution, you can use the '-e' option to use
-existing configuration:
- $ ./project configure -e
- exit 1
-# See if the linker accepts -Wl,-rpath-link
-# -----------------------------------------
-# `-rpath-link' is used to write the information of the linked shared
-# library into the shared object (library or program). But some versions of
-# LLVM's linker don't accept it an can cause problems.
-echo "#include <stdio.h>" > $cprog
-echo "int main(void) {return 0;}" >> $cprog
-if [ x$CC = x ]; then CC=gcc; fi;
-if $CC $cprog -o$oprog -Wl,-rpath-link &> /dev/null; then
- export rpath_command="-Wl,-rpath-link=$instdir/lib"
- export rpath_command=""
-rm -f $oprog $cprog
-# See if we need the dynamic-linker (-ldl)
-# ----------------------------------------
-# Some programs (like Wget) need dynamic loading (using `libdl'). On
-# GNU/Linux systems, we'll need the `-ldl' flag to link such programs. But
-# Mac OS doesn't need any explicit linking. So we'll check here to see if
-# it is present (thus necessary) or not.
-cat > $cprog <<EOF
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <dlfcn.h>
-main(void) {
- void *handle=dlopen ("/lib/CEDD_LIB.so.6", RTLD_LAZY);
- return 0;
-if gcc $cprog -o$oprog &> /dev/null; then needs_ldl=no; else needs_ldl=yes; fi
-rm -f $oprog $cprog
-# See if the C compiler can build static libraries
-# ------------------------------------------------
-# We are manually only working with shared libraries: because some
-# high-level programs like Wget and cURL need dynamic linking and if we
-# build the libraries statically, our own builds will be ignored and these
-# programs will go and find their necessary libraries on the host system.
-# Another good advantage of shared libraries is that we can actually use
-# the shared library tool of the system (`ldd' with GNU C Library) and see
-# exactly where each linked library comes from. But in static building,
-# unless you follow the build closely, its not easy to see if the source of
-# the library came from the system or our build.
-#echo "#include <stdio.h>" > $cprog
-#echo "int main(void) {return 0;}" >> $cprog
-#if [ x$CC = x ]; then CC=gcc; fi;
-#if $CC $cprog -o$oprog -static &> /dev/null; then
-# export static_build="yes"
-# export static_build="no"
-#rm -f $oprog $cprog
-#if [ $printnotice = yes ] && [ $static_build = "no" ]; then
-# cat <<EOF
-#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WARNING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-#Your system's C compiler ('$CC') doesn't support building static
-#libraries. Therefore the dependencies will be built dynamically. This means
-#that they will depend more strongly on changes/updates in the host
-#system. For high-level applications (like most research projects in natural
-#sciences), this shouldn't be a significant problem.
-#But generally, for reproducibility, its better to build static libraries
-#and programs. For more on their difference (and generally an introduction
-#on linking), please see the link below:
-#If you have other compilers on your system, you can select a different
-#compiler by setting the 'CC' environment variable before running
-#'./project configure'.
-# sleep 5
-# If we are on a Mac OS system
-# ----------------------------
-# For the time being, we'll use the existance of `otool' to see if we are
-# on a Mac OS system or not. Some tools (for example OpenSSL) need to know
-# this.
-# On Mac OS, the building of GCC crashes sometimes while building libiberty
-# with CLang's `g++'. Until we find a solution, we'll just use the host's C
-# compiler.
-if type otool > /dev/null 2>/dev/null; then
- host_cc=1
- on_mac_os=yes
- host_cc=0
- on_mac_os=no
-# Necessary C library element positions
-# -------------------------------------
-# On some systems (in particular Debian-based OSs), the static C library
-# and necessary headers in a non-standard place, and we can't build GCC. So
-# we need to find them first. The `sys/cdefs.h' header is also in a
-# similarly different location.
-if [ x"$$on_mac_os" != xyes ]; then
- # Get the GCC target name of the compiler, when its given, special
- # C libraries and headers are in a sub-directory of the host.
- gcctarget=$(gcc -v 2>&1 \
- | tr ' ' '\n' \
- | awk '/\-\-target/' \
- | sed -e's/\-\-target=//')
- if [ x"$gcctarget" != x ]; then
- if [ -f /usr/lib/$gcctarget/libc.a ]; then
- export sys_library_path=/usr/lib/$gcctarget
- export sys_cppflags=-I/usr/include/$gcctarget
- fi
- fi
- # For a check:
- #echo "sys_library_path: $sys_library_path"
- #echo "sys_cppflags: $sys_cppflags"
-# See if a link-able static C library exists
-# ------------------------------------------
-# After building GCC, we must use PatchELF to correct its RPATHs. However,
-# PatchELF links internally with `libstdc++'. So a dynamicly linked
-# PatchELF cannot be used to correct the links to `libstdc++' in general
-# (on some systems this causes no problem, but on others it doesn't!).
-# However, to build a Static PatchELF, we need to be able to link with the
-# static C library, which is not always available on some GNU/Linux
-# systems. Therefore we need to check this here. If we can't build a static
-# PatchELF, we won't build any GCC either.
-if [ x"$host_cc" = x0 ]; then
- testprog=$tmpblddir/test-c
- testsource=$tmpblddir/test.c
- echo; echo; echo "Checking if static C library is available...";
- echo "#include <stdio.h>" > $testsource
- echo "#include <stdlib.h>" >> $testsource
- echo "#include <sys/cdefs.h>" >> $testsource
- echo "int main(void){printf(\"...yes\n\");" >> $testsource
- echo " return EXIT_SUCCESS;}" >> $testsource
- cc_call="gcc $testsource $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS -o$testprog -static -lc"
- if $cc_call && $testprog; then
- gccwarning=0
- good_static_libc=1
- rm $testsource $testprog
- else
- echo; echo "Compilation command:"; echo "$cc_call"
- good_static_libc=0
- rm $testsource
- gccwarning=1
- host_cc=1
- cat <<EOF
-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Warning !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-A usable static C library ('libc.a', in any directory) cannot be linked,
-and 'sys/cdefs.h' cannot be included with the current settings of this
-system. Because of this we can't build a static PatchELF, hence we can't
-build GCC.
-If you have 'libc.a', but in a non-standard location (for example in
-'/PATH/TO/STATIC/LIBC/libc.a' and '/PATH/TO/SYS/CDEFS_H/sys/cdefs.h'),
-please run the commands below, then re-configure the project to fix this
- fi
-# Print a warning if GCC is not meant to be built.
-if [ x"$gccwarning" = x1 ]; then
- cat <<EOF
-Since GCC is pretty low-level, this configuration script will continue in 5
-seconds and use your system's C compiler (it won't build a custom GCC). But
-please consider installing the necessary package(s) to complete your C
-compiler, then re-run './project configure'.
- sleep 5
-# Fortran compiler
-# ----------------
-# If GCC is ultimately build within the project, the user won't need to
-# have a fortran compiler, we'll build it internally for high-level
-# programs. However, when the host C compiler is to be used, the user needs
-# to have a Fortran compiler available.
-if [ $host_cc = 1 ]; then
- # See if a Fortran compiler exists.
- hasfc=0;
- if type gfortran > /dev/null 2>/dev/null; then hasfc=1; fi
- if [ $hasfc = 0 ]; then
- cat <<EOF
-!!!!!!! Fortran Compiler NOT FOUND !!!!!!!
-Because the project won't be building its own GCC (which includes a Fortran
-compiler), you need to have a Fortran compiler available. Fortran is
-commonly necessary for many lower-level scientific programs. Currently we
-search for 'gfortran'. If you have a Fortran compiler that is not checked,
-please get in touch with us (with the form below) so we add it:
- https://savannah.nongnu.org/support/?func=additem&group=reproduce
-Note: GCC will not be built because you are either using the '--host-cc'
-option, or you are using an operating system that currently has bugs when
-building GCC.
- exit 1
- fi
- # See if the Fortran compiler works
- testprog=$tmpblddir/test-f
- testsource=$tmpblddir/test.f
- echo; echo; echo "Checking host Fortran compiler...";
- echo " PRINT *, \"... Fortran Compiler works.\"" > $testsource
- echo " END" >> $testsource
- if gfortran $testsource -o$testprog && $testprog; then
- rm $testsource $testprog
- else
- rm $testsource
- cat <<EOF
-!!!!!!! Fortran compiler doesn't work !!!!!!!
-Host Fortran compiler ('gfortran') can't build a simple program.
-A working Fortran compiler is necessary for building some of the project's
-software. Please use the error message above to find a good solution and
-re-run the project configuration.
-If you can't find a solution, please send the error message above to the
-link below and we'll try to help
-TIP: Once you find the solution, you can use the '-e' option to use
-existing configuration:
- $ ./project configure -e
- exit 1
- fi
-# inform the user that the build process is starting
-# -------------------------------------------------
-if [ $printnotice = yes ]; then
- tsec=10
- cat <<EOF
-Building dependencies ...
-Necessary dependency programs and libraries will be built in $tsec sec.
-NOTE: the built software will NOT BE INSTALLED on your system (no root
-access is required). They are only for local usage by this project. They
-will be installed in:
- $sdir/installed
-**TIP**: you can see which software is being installed at every moment with
-the following command. See "Inspecting status" section of
-'README-hacking.md' for more. In short, run it while the project is being
-configured (in another terminal, but on this same directory: '`pwd`'):
- $ while true; do echo; date; ls .build/software/build-tmp; sleep 1; done
- sleep $tsec
-# Number of threads for basic builds
-# ----------------------------------
-# Since the system might not have GNU Make at this stage, and other Make
-# implementations can't deal with parallel build properly, we'll just
-# default to 1 thread. This is because some versions of Make complain about
-# not having enough 'pipe' (memory) on some systems. After some searching,
-# I found out its because of too many threads. GNU Make will be present on
-# GNU systems (that have `nproc', part of GNU Coreutils). So to simplify
-# the test for GNU Make, we'll just try running `nproc'.
-if which nproc &> /dev/null; then
- if [ $jobs = 0 ]; then
- numthreads=$(nproc --all);
- else
- numthreads=$jobs
- fi
- numthreads=1;
-# Build `flock' before other program
-# ----------------------------------
-# Flock (or file-lock) is a unique program that is necessary to serialize
-# the (generally parallel) processing of make when necessary. GNU/Linux
-# machines have it as part of their `util-linux' programs. But to be
-# consistent in non-GNU/Linux systems, we will be using our own build.
-# The reason that `flock' is sepecial is that we need it to serialize the
-# download process of the software tarballs.
-flockversion=$(awk '/flock-version/{print $3}' $depverfile)
-flockchecksum=$(awk '/flock-checksum/{print $3}' $depshafile)
-# Prepare/download the tarball.
-if ! [ -f $tardir/$flocktar ]; then
- flocktarname=$tardir/$flocktar
- ucname=$flocktarname.unchecked
- if [ -f $ddir/$flocktar ]; then
- cp $ddir/$flocktar $ucname
- else
- if ! $downloader $ucname $flockurl/$flocktar; then
- rm -f $ucname;
- echo
- echo "DOWNLOAD ERROR: Couldn't download the 'flock' tarball:"
- echo " $flockurl"
- echo
- echo "You can manually place it in '$ddir' to avoid downloading."
- exit 1
- fi
- fi
- # Make sure this is the correct tarball.
- if type sha512sum > /dev/null 2>/dev/null; then
- checksum=$(sha512sum "$ucname" | awk '{print $1}')
- if [ x$checksum = x$flockchecksum ]; then mv "$ucname" "$flocktarname"
- else echo "ERROR: Non-matching checksum for '$flocktar'."; exit 1
- fi;
- else mv "$ucname" "$flocktarname"
- fi
-# If the tarball is newer than the (possibly existing) program (the version
-# has changed), then delete the program.
-if [ -f .local/bin/flock ]; then
- if [ $tardir/$flocktar -nt $ibidir/flock ]; then
- rm $ibidir/flock
- fi
-# Build `flock' if necessary.
-if ! [ -f $ibidir/flock ]; then
- cd $tmpblddir
- tar xf $tardir/$flocktar
- cd flock-$flockversion
- ./configure --prefix=$instdir
- make
- make install
- cd $topdir
- rm -rf $tmpblddir/flock-$flockversion
- echo "Discoteq flock $flockversion" > $ibidir/flock
-# library_path (ONLY FOR BASIC)
-# -----------------------------
-# During the basic build, we need to include possibly existing special C
-# compiler targets (if they exist).
-export CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS $sys_cppflags"
-if [ x"$sys_library_path" != x ]; then
- if [ x"$LIBRARY_PATH" = x ]; then
- export LIBRARY_PATH="$sys_library_path"
- else
- export LIBRARY_PATH="$LIBRARY_PATH:$sys_library_path"
- fi
-# Build basic software
-# --------------------
-# When building these software we don't have our own un-packing software,
-# Bash, Make, or AWK. In this step, we'll install such low-level basic
-# tools, but we have to be very portable (and use minimal features in all).
-echo; echo "Building necessary software (if necessary)..."
-make -f reproduce/software/make/basic.mk \
- good_static_libc=$good_static_libc \
- rpath_command=$rpath_command \
- static_build=$static_build \
- numthreads=$numthreads \
- needs_ldl=$needs_ldl \
- on_mac_os=$on_mac_os \
- host_cc=$host_cc \
- -j$numthreads
-# All other software
-# ------------------
-# We will be making all the dependencies before running the top-level
-# Makefile. To make the job easier, we'll do it in a Makefile, not a
-# script. Bash and Make were the tools we need to run Makefiles, so we had
-# to build them in this script. But after this, we can rely on Makefiles.
-if [ $jobs = 0 ]; then
- numthreads=$($instdir/bin/nproc --all)
- numthreads=$jobs
-.local/bin/env -i HOME=$bdir \
- .local/bin/make -f reproduce/software/make/high-level.mk \
- sys_library_path=$sys_library_path \
- rpath_command=$rpath_command \
- static_build=$static_build \
- numthreads=$numthreads \
- on_mac_os=$on_mac_os \
- host_cc=$host_cc \
- -j$numthreads
-# Make sure TeX Live installed successfully
-# -----------------------------------------
-# TeX Live is managed over the internet, so if there isn't any, or it
-# suddenly gets cut, it can't be built. However, when TeX Live isn't
-# installed, the project can do all its processing independent of it. It
-# will just stop at the stage when all the processing is complete and it is
-# only necessary to build the PDF. So we don't want to stop the project's
-# configuration and building if its not present.
-if [ -f $itidir/texlive-ready-tlmgr ]; then
- texlive_result=$(cat $itidir/texlive-ready-tlmgr)
- texlive_result="NOT!"
-if [ x"$texlive_result" = x"NOT!" ]; then
- cat <<EOF
-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Warning !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-TeX Live couldn't be installed during the configuration (probably because
-there were downloading problems). TeX Live is only necessary in making the
-final PDF (which is only done after all the analysis has been complete). It
-is not used at all during the analysis.
-Therefore, if you don't need the final PDF, and just want to do the
-analysis, you can safely ignore this warning and continue.
-If you later have internet access and would like to add TeX live to your
-project, please delete the respective files, then re-run configure as shown
-below. Within configure, answer 'n' (for "no") when asked to re-write the
-configuration files.
- rm .local/version-info/tex/texlive-ready-tlmgr
- ./project configure
-# Citation of installed software
-# After everything is installed, we'll put all the names and versions in a
-# human-readable paragraph and also prepare the BibTeX citation for the
-# software.
-function prepare_name_version() {
- # First see if the (possible) `*' in the input arguments corresponds to
- # anything. Note that some of the given directories may be empty (no
- # software installed).
- hasfiles=0
- for f in $@; do
- if [ -f $f ]; then hasfiles=1; break; fi;
- done
- # If there are any files, merge all the names in a paragraph.
- if [ $hasfiles = 1 ]; then
- # Count how many names there are. This is necessary to identify the
- # last element.
- num=$(.local/bin/cat $@ \
- | .local/bin/sed '/^\s*$/d' \
- | .local/bin/wc -l)
- # Put them all in one paragraph.
- .local/bin/cat $@ \
- | .local/bin/sort \
- | .local/bin/awk 'NF>0 { \
- c++; \
- if(c==1) \
- { \
- if('$num'==1) printf("%s", $0); \
- else printf("%s", $0); \
- } \
- else if(c=='$num') printf(" and %s\n", $0); \
- else printf(", %s", $0) \
- }'
- fi
-# Report the different software in separate contexts (separating Python and
-# TeX packages from the C/C++ programs and libraries).
-proglibs=$(prepare_name_version $verdir/proglib/*)
-pymodules=$(prepare_name_version $verdir/python/*)
-texpkg=$(prepare_name_version $verdir/tex/texlive)
-# Write them as one paragraph for LaTeX.
-.local/bin/echo "This research was done with the following free" > $pkgver
-.local/bin/echo "software programs and libraries: $proglibs." >> $pkgver
-if [ x"$pymodules" != x ]; then
- .local/bin/echo "Within Python, the following modules" >> $pkgver
- echo "were used: $pymodules." >> $pkgver
-.local/bin/echo "The \LaTeX{} source of the paper was compiled" >> $pkgver
-.local/bin/echo "to make the PDF using the following packages:" >> $pkgver
-.local/bin/echo "$texpkg. We are very grateful to all their" >> $pkgver
-.local/bin/echo "creators for freely providing this necessary" >> $pkgver
-.local/bin/echo "infrastructure. This research (and many " >> $pkgver
-.local/bin/echo "others) would not be possible without them." >> $pkgver
-# Prepare the BibTeX entries for the used software (if there are any).
-for f in $bibfiles; do if [ -f $f ]; then hasentry=1; break; fi; done;
-# Make sure we start with an empty output file.
-echo "" > $pkgbib
-# Fill it in with all the BibTeX entries in this directory. We'll just
-# avoid writing any comments (usually copyright notices) and also put an
-# empty line after each file's contents to make the output more readable.
-if [ $hasentry = 1 ]; then
- for f in $bibfiles; do
- awk '!/^%/{print} END{print ""}' $f >> $pkgbib
- done
-# Clean the temporary build directory
-# ---------------------------------
-# By the time the script reaches here the temporary software build
-# directory should be empty, so just delete it. Note `tmpblddir' may be a
-# symbolic link to shared memory. So, to work in any scenario, first delete
-# the contents of the directory (if it has any), then delete `tmpblddir'.
-.local/bin/rm -rf $tmpblddir/* $tmpblddir
-# Register successful completion
-# ------------------------------
-echo `.local/bin/date` > $finaltarget
-# Final notice
-# ------------
-# The configuration is now complete, we can inform the user on the next
-# step(s) to take.
-if [ x$reproducible_paper_group_name = x ]; then
- buildcommand="./project prepare -j8"
- buildcommand="./project prepare --group=$reproducible_paper_group_name -j8"
-cat <<EOF
-The project and its environment are configured with no errors.
-Please run the following command to start.
-(Replace '8' with the number of CPU threads on your system)
- $buildcommand
-To change the configuration later, please re-run './project configure', DO
-NOT manually edit the relevant files.