path: root/zlib-1.2.11.tar.lz
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorLines
2021-10-05Compressed with the -9 option of lzip for best compression rateMohammad Akhlaghi-0/+0
As recommended by Antonio Diaz Diaz, the tarballs are now built with level-9 compression by Lzip (which provides a better compression rate than '--best'). These tarballs aren't yet in the 'maneage' branch and are still in a development branch of Maneage, so there is no problem if they are changed in a commit. But generally, this helps in having a common standard.
2021-10-04All pre-make and compression tarballs now in unified formatMohammad Akhlaghi-0/+0
Following the discussion in Task #15699 [1], all software that come into Maneage will be archived in a unified format. To do this, the downloaded tarball from each software's webpage (or the version we already had) was put in an 'orig' directory, then the following two commands were run (for example for xz version 5.2.5): $ name=xz-5.2.5 $ tar xf orig/$name.tar.gz \ && tar -c -Hustar --owner=root --group=root \ -f $name.tar $name/ \ && lzip $name.tar \ && rm -r $name/ But besides the formatting, the top directory within the tarballs is now always just the name of the tarball without the 'tar.lz'. While most software already follow that convention, some (like Zip or Unzip) didn't. So they have also been corrected. As one exception, for now, Make has not been updated because it would have the same file name as before and we don't want to break any dependencies (by modifying it, and thus its checksum). I tried bootstrapping Make's latest commit (so the version identifier can be different), but there was a bug when building the latest version on my computer and it has been reported to its developers [2]. [1] https://savannah.nongnu.org/task/?15699 [2] https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-make/2021-10/msg00002.html