path: root/reproduce/software/config/installation/LOCAL.conf.in
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorLines
2020-04-17IMPORTANT: software config directly under reproduce/software/configMohammad Akhlaghi-17/+0
Until now the software configuration parameters were defined under the `reproduce/software/config/installation/' directory. This was because the configuration parameters of analysis software (for example Gnuastro's configurations) were placed under there too. But this was terribly confusing, because the run-time options of programs falls under the "analysis" phase of the project. With this commit, the Gnuastro configuration files have been moved under the new `reproduce/analysis/config/gnuastro' directory and the software configuration files are directly under `reproduce/software/config'. A clean build was done with this change and it didn't crash, but it may cause crashes in derived projects, so after merging with Maneage, please re-configure your project to see if anything has been missed. Please let us know if there is a problem.
2020-01-31Configure step: compiler checks done before basic settingsMohammad Akhlaghi-0/+1
Until now, the project would first ask for the basic directories, then it would start testing the compiler. But that was problematic because the build directory can come from a previous setting (with `./project configure -e'). Also, it could confuse users to first ask for details, then suddently tell them that you don't have a working C library! We also need to store the CPATH variable in the `LOCAL.conf' because in some cases, the compiler won't work without it. With this commit, the compiler checking has been moved at the start of the configure script. Instead of putting the test program in the build directory, we now make a temporary hidden directory in the source directory and delete that directory as soon as the tests are done. In the process, I also noticed that the copyright year of the two hidden files weren't updated and corrected them.
2020-01-20IMPORTANT!!! Configuration Makefiles now have a .conf suffixMohammad Akhlaghi-0/+16
Until now, the configuration Makefiles (in `reproduce/software/config/installation' and `reproduce/analysis/config') had a `.mk' suffix, similar to the workhorse Makefiles. Although they are indeed Makefiles, but given their nature (to only keep configuration parameters), it is confusing (especially to early users) for them to also have a `.mk' (similar to the analysis or software building Makefiles). To address this issue, with this commit, all the configuration Makefiles (in those directories) are now given a `.conf' suffix. This is also assumed for all the files that are loaded. The configuration (software building) and running of the template have been checked with this change from scratch, but please report any error that may not have been noticed. THIS IS AN IMPORTANT CHANGE AND WILL CAUSE CRASHES OR UNEXPECTED BEHAVIORS FOR PROJECTS THAT HAVE BRANCHED FROM THIS TEMPLATE. PLEASE CORRECT THE SUFFIX OF ALL YOUR PROJECT'S CONFIGURATION MAKEFILES (IN THE DIRECTORIES ABOVE), OTHERWISE THEY AREN'T AUTOMATICALLY LOADED ANYMORE.