path: root/configure
diff options
authorMohammad Akhlaghi <mohammad@akhlaghi.org>2019-04-05 16:54:41 +0100
committerMohammad Akhlaghi <mohammad@akhlaghi.org>2019-04-05 16:54:41 +0100
commit39372eedc72c4f608fc6bd9df10e67dfb8462bf1 (patch)
tree9fb8c79c84a734fe6f712bb3dcfe7a447e24aa82 /configure
parentac439cf62255ab38da940eb7bba0ccc00fc835f2 (diff)
Software acknowledgement section is automatically generated
Until now, management of the software names and versions in the paper was done manually (a macro had to be defined in `initialize.mk', then used in `paper.tex', so they had to be manually set in two places). Managing this was not easy. To fix this, with this commit, each software building rule's target is a text file that contains its human-readable name and its version. In the end, the configure script sorts them by their name and writes them into a LaTeX input file that we can easily import as a file into the main paper.
Diffstat (limited to 'configure')
1 files changed, 64 insertions, 116 deletions
diff --git a/configure b/configure
index 1e3ef82..6f4895b 100755
--- a/configure
+++ b/configure
@@ -525,7 +525,10 @@ if [ $rewritepconfig = yes ]; then
$pconf.in >> $pconf
# Read the values from existing configuration file.
- inbdir=$(awk '$1=="BDIR" {print $3}' $pconf)
+ inbdir=$(awk '$1=="BDIR" {print $3}' $pconf)
+ # Read the software directory.
+ ddir=$(awk '$1=="DEPENDENCIES-DIR" {print $3}' $pconf)
# The downloader command may contain multiple elements, so we'll just
# change the (in memory) first and second tokens to empty space and
@@ -629,6 +632,21 @@ if ! [ -d $tardir ]; then mkdir $tardir; fi
if ! [ -d $instdir ]; then mkdir $instdir; fi
+if ! [ -d $verdir ]; then mkdir $verdir; fi
+if ! [ -d $ibidir ]; then mkdir $ibidir; fi
+if ! [ -d $ilidir ]; then mkdir $ilidir; fi
+if ! [ -d $ipydir ]; then mkdir $ipydir; fi
+if ! [ -d $itidir ]; then mkdir $itidir; fi
if ! [ -d $texdir ]; then mkdir $texdir; fi
@@ -637,7 +655,6 @@ if ! [ -d $mtexdir ]; then mkdir $mtexdir; fi
rm -f $installedlink
ln -s $instdir $installedlink
# --------- Delete for no Gnuastro ---------
rm -f .gnuastro
ln -s $(pwd)/reproduce/config/gnuastro .gnuastro
@@ -803,8 +820,7 @@ fi
# The reason its sepecial is that we need it to serialize the download
# process of the dependency tarballs.
-flockversion=$(awk '/flock-version/{print $3}' \
- reproduce/config/pipeline/dependency-versions.mk)
+flockversion=$(awk '/flock-version/{print $3}' $pdir/dependency-versions.mk)
@@ -825,16 +841,16 @@ if ! [ -f $tardir/$flocktar ]; then
-# If the tarball is newer than the (possibly existing) program, then delete
-# the program.
+# If the tarball is newer than the (possibly existing) program (the version
+# has changed), then delete the program.
if [ -f .local/bin/flock ]; then
- if [ $tardir/$flocktar -nt .local/bin/flock ]; then
- rm .local/bin/flock
+ if [ $tardir/$flocktar -nt $ibidir/flock ]; then
+ rm $ibidir/flock
# Build `flock' if necessary.
-if ! [ -f .local/bin/flock ]; then
+if ! [ -f $ibidir/flock ]; then
cd $depdir
tar xf $tardir/$flocktar
cd flock-$flockversion
@@ -842,6 +858,7 @@ if ! [ -f .local/bin/flock ]; then
make; make install
cd $topdir
rm -rf $depdir/flock-$flockversion
+ echo "Discoteq flock $flockversion" > $ibidir/flock
@@ -898,7 +915,6 @@ numthreads=$($instdir/bin/nproc)
# Make sure TeX Live installed successfully
# -----------------------------------------
@@ -908,7 +924,7 @@ numthreads=$($instdir/bin/nproc)
# it. It will just stop at the stage when all the processing is complete
# and it is only necessary to build the PDF. So we don't want to stop the
# pipeline if its not present.
-texlive_result=$(cat $instdir/bin/texlive-ready-tlmgr)
+texlive_result=$(cat $itidir/texlive-ready-tlmgr)
if [ x"$texlive_result" = x"NOT!" ]; then
cat <<EOF
@@ -929,7 +945,7 @@ pipeline, please delete the respective files, then re-run configure as
shown below. Within configure, answer 'n' (for "no") when asked to re-write
the configuration files.
- rm .local/bin/texlive-ready-tlmgr
+ rm .local/version-info/tex/texlive-ready-tlmgr
@@ -940,113 +956,45 @@ fi
+# Put all the names and versions in a human-readable format in LaTeX.
+function prepare_name_version() {
+ # Total number of tools to report.
+ num=$(cat "$@" | wc -l)
-# Write all the software versions as a LaTeX macro.
-# Versions of programs (same order as 'dependency-versions.mk').
-function version_in_tex() {
- v=$(awk '$1=="'"$1"'"{print $3}' $pdir/dependency-versions.mk)
- if [ x"$v" = x ]; then echo "'$1' not found!"; exit 1; fi
- echo "\newcommand{\\$2}{$v}" >> $vertex
+ # Put them all in one paragraph.
+ cat "$@" \
+ | sort \
+ | awk 'NF>0{ c++; \
+ if(c==1) \
+ { \
+ if('$num'==1) printf("%s", $0); \
+ else printf("%s", $0); \
+ } \
+ else if(c=='$num') printf(" and %s\n", $0); \
+ else printf(", %s", $0)}'
-echo "%% Automatically created list of software versions." > $vertex
-#version_in_tex "atlas-version" atlasversion
-version_in_tex "bash-version" bashversion
-#version_in_tex "binutils-version" binutilsversion
-version_in_tex "cfitsio-version" cfitsioversion
-version_in_tex "cmake-version" cmakeversion
-version_in_tex "coreutils-version" coreutilsversion
-version_in_tex "curl-version" curlversion
-version_in_tex "diffutils-version" diffutilsversion
-version_in_tex "fftw-version" fftwversion
-version_in_tex "findutils-version" findutilsversion
-version_in_tex "flock-version" flockversion
-version_in_tex "freetype-version" freetypeversion
-version_in_tex "gawk-version" gawkversion
-version_in_tex "gcc-version" gccversion
-version_in_tex "ghostscript-version" ghostscriptversion
-version_in_tex "git-version" gitversion
-version_in_tex "gmp-version" gmpversion
-version_in_tex "gnuastro-version" gnuastroversion
-version_in_tex "grep-version" grepversion
-version_in_tex "gsl-version" gslversion
-version_in_tex "gzip-version" gzipversion
-version_in_tex "hdf5-version" hdffiveversion
-version_in_tex "isl-version" islversion
-version_in_tex "libbsd-version" libbsdversion
-version_in_tex "libffi-version" libffiversion
-version_in_tex "libjpeg-version" libjpegversion
-version_in_tex "libpng-version" libpngversion
-version_in_tex "libtiff-version" libtiffversion
-version_in_tex "libtool-version" libtoolversion
-version_in_tex "lzip-version" lzipversion
-version_in_tex "make-version" makeversion
-version_in_tex "metastore-version" metastoreversion
-version_in_tex "mpfr-version" mpfrversion
-version_in_tex "mpc-version" mpcversion
-version_in_tex "ncurses-version" ncursesversion
-version_in_tex "openblas-version" openblasversion
-version_in_tex "openmpi-version" openmpiversion
-version_in_tex "openssl-version" opensslversion
-version_in_tex "patchelf-version" patchelfversion
-version_in_tex "pkgconfig-version" pkgconfigversion
-version_in_tex "python-version" pythonversion
-version_in_tex "readline-version" readlineversion
-version_in_tex "sed-version" sedversion
-version_in_tex "tar-version" tarversion
-version_in_tex "unzip-version" unzipversion
-version_in_tex "wget-version" wgetversion
-version_in_tex "which-version" whichversion
-version_in_tex "xz-version" xzversion
-version_in_tex "zip-version" zipversion
-version_in_tex "zlib-version" zlibversion
-# Special libraries.
-version_in_tex "bzip2-version" bziptwoversion
-#version_in_tex "lapack-version" lapackversion
-version_in_tex "libgit2-version" libgittwoversion
-version_in_tex "wcslib-version" wcslibversion
-# Python modules.
-version_in_tex "asn1crypto-version" asncryptoversion
-version_in_tex "astroquery-version" astroqueryversion
-version_in_tex "astropy-version" astropyversion
-version_in_tex "beautifulsoup4-version" beautifulsoupversion
-version_in_tex "certifi-version" certifiversion
-version_in_tex "cffi-version" cffiversion
-version_in_tex "chardet-version" chardetversion
-version_in_tex "cryptography-version" cryptographyversion
-version_in_tex "cycler-version" cyclerversion
-version_in_tex "entrypoints-version" entrypointsversion
-version_in_tex "h5py-version" hpyversion
-version_in_tex "html5lib-version" htmlfivelibversion
-version_in_tex "idna-version" idnaversion
-version_in_tex "jeepney-version" jeepneyversion
-version_in_tex "kiwisolver-version" kiwisolverversion
-version_in_tex "keyring-version" keyringversion
-version_in_tex "matplotlib-version" matplotlibversion
-version_in_tex "mpi4py-version" mpipyversion
-version_in_tex "numpy-version" numpyversion
-#version_in_tex "pip-version" pipversion
-version_in_tex "pycparser-version" pycparserversion
-version_in_tex "pyparsing-version" pyparsingversion
-version_in_tex "python-dateutil-version" pythondateutilversion
-version_in_tex "requests-version" requestsversion
-version_in_tex "scipy-version" scipyversion
-version_in_tex "secretstorage-version" secretstorageversion
-version_in_tex "setuptools-version" setuptoolsversion
-version_in_tex "setuptools_scm-version" setuptoolsscmversion
-version_in_tex "six-version" sixversion
-version_in_tex "soupsieve-version" soupsieveversion
-version_in_tex "urllib3-version" urllibthreeversion
-#version_in_tex "virtualenv-version" virtualenvversion
-version_in_tex "webencodings-version" webencodingsversion
-# TeX package versions
-if [ x"$texlive_result" != x"NOT!" ]; then
- cat $depdir/texlive-versions.tex >> $vertex
+# Separate the parts by context.
+proglibs=$(prepare_name_version $verdir/bin/* $verdir/lib/*)
+pymodules=$(prepare_name_version $verdir/python/*)
+texpkg=$(prepare_name_version $verdir/tex/texlive)
+# Write them as one paragraph for LaTeX.
+echo "This research was done with the following free" > $pkgver
+echo "software programs and libraries: $proglibs." >> $pkgver
+npython=$(ls $verdir/python/* | wc -l)
+if [ $npython != 0 ]; then
+ echo "Within Python, the following modules were used: " >> $pkgver
+ echo "$pymodules." >> $pkgver
+echo "The \LaTeX{} source of the paper was compiled to make" >> $pkgver
+echo "the PDF using the following packages $texpkg. We are" >> $pkgver
+echo "very grateful to all their creators for freely" >> $pkgver
+echo "providing this necessary infrastructure. This " >> $pkgver
+echo "research (and many others) would not be possible" >> $pkgver
+echo "without them." >> $pkgver