diff options
authorMohammad Akhlaghi <mohammad@akhlaghi.org>2019-03-11 21:11:45 +0000
committerMohammad Akhlaghi <mohammad@akhlaghi.org>2019-03-11 21:11:45 +0000
commit5c51f92f2535a2153ae46fb6311ffd9a15c244b3 (patch)
parent7ea5e28b74535797277c2f796dcaddf7425a7d61 (diff)
Not checking software versions in initialize.mk
Until now, we were actually running all the programs to check their versions during initialization. But now that the number of programs has increased, this can be slow. With this commit, we simply report the version as a constant string. Maybe later, we can follow the strategy of the TeX Live packages and write them all at configure time.
-rw-r--r--.file-metadatabin3956 -> 3956 bytes
2 files changed, 84 insertions, 83 deletions
diff --git a/.file-metadata b/.file-metadata
index 9d0d613..c44891d 100644
--- a/.file-metadata
+++ b/.file-metadata
Binary files differ
diff --git a/reproduce/src/make/initialize.mk b/reproduce/src/make/initialize.mk
index 47bf3c7..545fcc1 100644
--- a/reproduce/src/make/initialize.mk
+++ b/reproduce/src/make/initialize.mk
@@ -351,89 +351,90 @@ $(mtexdir)/initialize.tex: | $(mtexdir)
# Versions of programs (same order as 'dependency-versions.mk'),
# ordered alphabetically (by their executable name).
- # --------- Delete for no Gnuastro ---------
- $(call pvcheck, astnoisechisel, $(gnuastro-version), Gnuastro, \
- gnuastroversion)
- # ------------------------------------------
- $(call pvcheck, awk, $(gawk-version), GNU AWK, gawkversion)
- $(call pvcheck, bash, $(bash-version), GNU Bash, bashversion)
- $(call pvcheck, cmake, $(cmake-version), CMake, cmakeversion)
- $(call pvcheck, curl, $(curl-version), cURL, curlversion)
- $(call pvcheck, diff, $(diffutils-version), GNU Diffutils, \
- diffutilsversion)
- $(call pvcheck, find, $(findutils-version), GNU Findutils, \
- findutilsversion)
- $(call pvcheck, git, $(git-version), Git, gitversion)
- $(call pvcheck, glibtool, $(libtool-version), GNU Libtool, \
- libtoolversion)
- $(call pvcheck, grep, $(grep-version), GNU Grep, grepversion)
- $(call pvcheck, gs, $(ghostscript-version), GPL Ghostscript, \
- ghostscriptversion)
- $(call pvcheck, gzip, $(gzip-version), GNU Gzip, gzipversion)
- $(call pvcheck, ls, $(coreutils-version), GNU Coreutils, \
- coreutilsversion)
- $(call pvcheck, lzip, $(lzip-version), Lzip, lzipversion)
- $(call pvcheck, make, $(make-version), GNU Make, makeversion)
- $(call pvcheck, metastore, $(metastore-version), Metastore, \
- metastoreversion)
- $(call pvcheck, pkg-config, $(pkgconfig-version), pkg-config, \
- pkgconfigversion)
- $(call pvcheck, sed, $(sed-version), GNU SED, sedversion)
- $(call pvcheck, tar, $(tar-version), GNU Tar, tarversion)
- $(call pvcheck, unzip, $(unzip-version), Unzip, unzipversion, -v)
- $(call pvcheck, wget, $(wget-version), GNU Wget, wgetversion)
- $(call pvcheck, which, $(which-version), GNU Which, whichversion)
- $(call pvcheck, xz, $(xz-version), XZ Utils, xzversion)
- $(call pvcheck, zip, $(zip-version), Zip, zipversion, -v)
- # Bzip2 prints its version in standard error, not standard output!
- echo "" | bzip2 --version &> $@_bzip2_ver;
- v=$$(awk 'NR==1 && /'$(bzip2-version)'/{print "y"; exit 0}' \
- $@_bzip2_ver);
- if [ x$$v != xy ]; then
- echo; echo "PIPELINE ERROR: Not running Bzip2 $(bzip2-version)";
- echo; exit 1;
- fi;
- rm $@_bzip2_ver
- echo "\newcommand{\\bziptwoversion}{$(bzip2-version)}" >> $@
- # Unfortunately we couldn't find a way to retrieve the version of
- # the discoteq `flock' that we are using here. So we'll just repot
- # the version we downloaded and installed.
- echo "\newcommand{\\flockversion}{$(flock-version)}" >> $@
- # Versions of libraries.
- $(call lvcheck, fitsio.h, $(cfitsio-version), CFITSIO, cfitsioversion)
- $(call lvcheck, gsl/gsl_version.h, $(gsl-version), \
- GNU Scientific Library (GSL), gslversion)
- $(call lvcheck, git2/version.h, $(libgit2-version), Libgit2, \
- libgitwoversion)
- $(call lvcheck, openssl/opensslv.h, $(openssl-version), OpenSSL, \
- opensslversion)
- $(call lvcheck, ncursesw/curses.h, $(ncurses-version), GNU NCURSES, \
- ncursesversion)
- $(call lvcheck, readline/readline.h, $(readline-version), GNU Readline, \
- readlineversion)
- $(call lvcheck, tiffvers.h, $(libtiff-version), Libtiff, \
- libtiffversion)
- $(call lvcheck, wcslib/wcsconfig.h, $(wcslib-version), WCSLIB, \
- wcslibversion)
- $(call lvcheck, zlib.h, $(zlib-version), zlib, zlibversion)
- # Problematic libraries:
- # - libjpeg not yet checked.
- # - libbsd has no version string in its headers.
- echo "\newcommand{\\libbsdversion}{$(libbsd-version)}" >> $@
- echo "\newcommand{\\libjpegversion}{$(libjpeg-version)}" >> $@
+ echo "\newcommand{\\bashversion}{$(bash-version)}" >> $@
+# echo "\newcommand{\\bashversion}{$(binutils-version)}" >> $@
+ echo "\newcommand{\\bziptwoversion}{$(bzip2-version)}" >> $@
+ echo "\newcommand{\\cmakeversion}{$(cmake-version)}" >> $@
+ echo "\newcommand{\\coreutilsversion}{$(coreutils-version)}" >> $@
+ echo "\newcommand{\\diffutilsversion}{$(diffutils-version)}" >> $@
+ echo "\newcommand{\\findutilsversion}{$(findutils-version)}" >> $@
+ echo "\newcommand{\\flockversion}{$(flock-version)}" >> $@
+ echo "\newcommand{\\freetypeversion}{$(freetype-version)}" >> $@
+ echo "\newcommand{\\gawkversion}{$(gawk-version)}" >> $@
+ echo "\newcommand{\\gccversion}{$(gcc-version)}" >> $@
+ echo "\newcommand{\\ghostscriptversion}{$(ghostscript-version)}" >> $@
+ echo "\newcommand{\\gitversion}{$(git-version)}" >> $@
+ echo "\newcommand{\\gmpversion}{$(gmp-version)}" >> $@
+ echo "\newcommand{\\gnuastroversion}{$(gnuastro-version)}" >> $@
+ echo "\newcommand{\\grepversion}{$(grep-version)}" >> $@
+ echo "\newcommand{\\gzipversion}{$(gzip-version)}" >> $@
+ echo "\newcommand{\\islversion}{$(isl-version)}" >> $@
+ echo "\newcommand{\\libbsdversion}{$(libbsd-version)}" >> $@
+ echo "\newcommand{\\libffiversion}{$(libffi-version)}" >> $@
+ echo "\newcommand{\\libpngversion}{$(libpng-version)}" >> $@
+ echo "\newcommand{\\libtoolversion}{$(libtool-version)}" >> $@
+ echo "\newcommand{\\lzipversion}{$(lzip-version)}" >> $@
+ echo "\newcommand{\\makeversion}{$(make-version)}" >> $@
+ echo "\newcommand{\\metastoreversion}{$(metastore-version)}" >> $@
+ echo "\newcommand{\\mpfrversion}{$(mpfr-version)}" >> $@
+ echo "\newcommand{\\mpcversion}{$(mpc-version)}" >> $@
+ echo "\newcommand{\\ncursesversion}{$(ncurses-version)}" >> $@
+ echo "\newcommand{\\opensslversion}{$(openssl-version)}" >> $@
+ echo "\newcommand{\\patchelfversion}{$(patchelf-version)}" >> $@
+ echo "\newcommand{\\pkgconfigversion}{$(pkgconfig-version)}" >> $@
+ echo "\newcommand{\\pythonversion}{$(python-version)}" >> $@
+ echo "\newcommand{\\readlineversion}{$(readline-version)}" >> $@
+ echo "\newcommand{\\sedversion}{$(sed-version)}" >> $@
+ echo "\newcommand{\\swarpversion}{$(swarp-version)}" >> $@
+ echo "\newcommand{\\tarversion}{$(tar-version)}" >> $@
+ echo "\newcommand{\\unzipversion}{$(unzip-version)}" >> $@
+ echo "\newcommand{\\wgetversion}{$(wget-version)}" >> $@
+ echo "\newcommand{\\whichversion}{$(which-version)}" >> $@
+ echo "\newcommand{\\xzversion}{$(xz-version)}" >> $@
+ echo "\newcommand{\\zipversion}{$(zip-version)}" >> $@
+ # Libraries.
+ echo "\newcommand{\\cfitsioversion}{$(cfitsio-version)}" >> $@
+ echo "\newcommand{\\curlversion}{$(curl-version)}" >> $@
+ echo "\newcommand{\\gslversion}{$(gsl-version)}" >> $@
+ echo "\newcommand{\\libgittwoversion}{$(libgit2-version)}" >> $@
+ echo "\newcommand{\\libjpegversion}{$(libjpeg-version)}" >> $@
+ echo "\newcommand{\\libtiffversion}{$(libtiff-version)}" >> $@
+ echo "\newcommand{\\wcslibversion}{$(wcslib-version)}" >> $@
+ echo "\newcommand{\\zlibversion}{$(zlib-version)}" >> $@
+ # Python modules.
+ echo "\newcommand{\\asncryptoversion}{$(asn1crypto-version)}" >> $@
+ echo "\newcommand{\\astroqueryversion}{$(astroquery-version)}" >> $@
+ echo "\newcommand{\\astropyversion}{$(astropy-version)}" >> $@
+ echo "\newcommand{\\beautifulsoupversion}{$(beautifulsoup4-version)}" >> $@
+ echo "\newcommand{\\certifiversion}{$(certifi-version)}" >> $@
+ echo "\newcommand{\\cffiversion}{$(cffi-version)}" >> $@
+ echo "\newcommand{\\chardetversion}{$(chardet-version)}" >> $@
+ echo "\newcommand{\\cryptographyversion}{$(cryptography-version)}" >> $@
+ echo "\newcommand{\\cyclerversion}{$(cycler-version)}" >> $@
+ echo "\newcommand{\\entrypointsversion}{$(entrypoints-version)}" >> $@
+ echo "\newcommand{\\htmlfivelibversion}{$(html5lib-version)}" >> $@
+ echo "\newcommand{\\indaversion}{$(idna-version)}" >> $@
+ echo "\newcommand{\\jeepneyversion}{$(jeepney-version)}" >> $@
+ echo "\newcommand{\\kiwisolverversion}{$(kiwisolver-version)}" >> $@
+ echo "\newcommand{\\keyringversion}{$(keyring-version)}" >> $@
+ echo "\newcommand{\\matplotlibversion}{$(matplotlib-version)}" >> $@
+ echo "\newcommand{\\numpyversion}{$(numpy-version)}" >> $@
+# echo "\newcommand{\\pipversion}{$(pip-version)}" >> $@
+ echo "\newcommand{\\pycparserversion}{$(pycparser-version)}" >> $@
+ echo "\newcommand{\\pyparsingversion}{$(pyparsing-version)}" >> $@
+ echo "\newcommand{\\pythondateutilversion}{$(python-dateutil-version)}" >> $@
+ echo "\newcommand{\\requestsversion}{$(requests-version)}" >> $@
+ echo "\newcommand{\\scipyversion}{$(scipy-version)}" >> $@
+ echo "\newcommand{\\screenstorageversion}{$(secretstorage-version)}" >> $@
+ echo "\newcommand{\\setuptoolsversion}{$(setuptools-version)}" >> $@
+ echo "\newcommand{\\setuptoolsscmversion}{$(setuptools_scm-version)}" >> $@
+ echo "\newcommand{\\sixversion}{$(six-version)}" >> $@
+ echo "\newcommand{\\soupsieveversion}{$(soupsieve-version)}" >> $@
+ echo "\newcommand{\\urllibthreeversion}{$(urllib3-version)}" >> $@
+ echo "\newcommand{\\virtualenvversion}{$(virtualenv-version)}" >> $@
+ echo "\newcommand{\\webencodingsversion}{$(webencodings-version)}" >> $@
# TeX package versions
cat $(BDIR)/dependencies/texlive-versions.tex >> $@
- # Python packages
- $(call pvcheck, python3, $(python-version), Python, pythonversion)
- echo "\newcommand{\\numpyversion}{$(numpy-version)}" >> $@
- echo "\newcommand{\\astropyversion}{$(astropy-version)}" >> $@