path: root/tex/src/preamble-style.tex
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorLines
2020-11-04Appendix of long paper added, optionally we can disable itMohammad Akhlaghi-156/+0
Given the referee reports, after discussing with the editors of CiSE, we decided that it is important to include the complete appendix we had before that included a thorough review of existing tools and methods. However, the appendix will not be published in the paper (due to the strict word-count limit). It will only be used in the arXiv/Zenodo versions of the paper. This actually created a technical problem: we want the commit hash of the project source to remain the same when the paper is built with an appendix or without it. To fix this problem the choice of including an appendix has gone into the 'project' script as a run-time option called '--no-appendix'. So by default (when someone just runs './project make'), the PDF will have an appendix, but when we want to submit to the journal, or when the appendix isn't needed for a certain reason, we can use this new option. The appendix also has its own separate bibliography. Some other corrections made in this commit: 1. Some new references were added that had an '_' in their source, they were corrected in 'references.tex'. 2. I noticed that 'preamble-style.tex' is not actually used in this paper, so it has been deleted.
2020-05-01Imported recent changes in Maneage, minor conflicts fixedMohammad Akhlaghi-1/+0
A few small conflicts showed up here and there. They are fixed with this merge.
2020-04-22Implemented Konrad's suggestions, minor edits here and thereMohammad Akhlaghi-0/+3
Today Konrad made the following suggestions after reading through the paper (created from Commit 1ac5c12). Thanks a lot Konrad ;-). I tried to address them all in this commit. Afterwards, while looking over the corrected parts, some minor edits came up to me to remove redundant parts and add extra points where it helps. In particular to be able to print the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA), I had to include the LaTeX `TIPA' package, but it was interesting to see that it was already available in the project as a dependency of another package we loaded.
2020-04-20Maneage instead of Template in README-hacking.md and copyright noticesMohammad Akhlaghi-11/+8
Until now, throughout Maneage we were using the old name of "Reproducible Paper Template". But we have finally decided to use Maneage, so to avoid confusion, the name has been corrected in `README-hacking.md' and also in the copyright notices. Note also that in `README-hacking.md', the main Maneage branch is now called `maneage', and the main Git remote has been changed to `https://gitlab.com/maneage/project' (this is a new GitLab Group that I have setup for all Maneage-related projects). In this repository there is only one `maneage' branch to avoid complications with the `master' branch of the projects using Maneage later.
2020-04-18Two papers cited, for research software and data management plansMohammad Akhlaghi-1/+5
These are important aspects that are highly relevant to Maneage: its philosophy (the former) and usability (the latter). To add them, I tried to summarize some other parts of the paper.
2020-04-14Further text shrink, added Competing interest and Author contributionsMohammad Akhlaghi-5/+5
To make the text easier to read and further comply with the author guideline, the text was shrank a little more and the two final sections were also added on "Competing interest" and "Author contributions". I also found the CODATA logo on Wikipedia in SVG format (vector graphics), so I replaced the previous pixelated PNG format with the PDF (converted from SVG).
2020-03-02Described the first analysis phase with a demo subMakefileMohammad Akhlaghi-3/+8
Until now, there was no explanation on an actual analysis phase, therefore with this commit an example scenario with a readable Makefile is included. The Data lineage graph was also simplified to both be more readable, and also to correspond to this new explanation and subMakefile. Some random edits/typos were also corrected and some references added for discussion.
2020-02-07Edited parts of the textMohammad Akhlaghi-0/+6
While reading over the already written parts (and hopefully complete the paper), they were edited/corrected to be more clear.
2020-01-27Analysis phase description started with Final paper and verificationMohammad Akhlaghi-1/+1
With this commit, the general outline of the analysis phase is given, as well as a description of the LaTeX macros and their relation to the paper and thier verification. Also, the data-lineage figure was updated to have references.tex also and some resizing of the folders in file-architecture to be more clear.
2020-01-26General project structure and configuration describedMohammad Akhlaghi-5/+18
In the last few days I have been writing these two sections in the middle of other work. But I am making this commit because it has already become a lot! I am now going onto the description of `./project make'.
2020-01-20Added figure showing project's file structureMohammad Akhlaghi-0/+1
It was a little hard to describe the file structure so instead of using a standard listing as most papers do, I thought of showing the file and directory structure as boxes within each other (modeled on the Gnome disk-utility). Some other polishing was done throughout the paper also.
2020-01-18Raw draft (until now as a separate repository) importedMohammad Akhlaghi-142/+115
Until now, I was writing the paper without the template. But we will soon be adding a tutorial to the template, and I thought it will be good to have an example demonstration here too. So I just brought the hole project into the template structure, allowing us to add the template analysis later when its ready, and also allowing us to easily reproduce this paper ofcourse (without having to worry about the host's TeXLive installation.
2020-01-01Copyright statements updated to include 2020Mohammad Akhlaghi-1/+1
Now that its 2020, its necessary to include this year in the copyright statements.
2019-04-13Corrected copyright notices and info about adding copyright infoMohammad Akhlaghi-4/+1
Until now, the files where the people were meant to change didn't have a proper copyright notice (for example `Copyright (C) YOUR NAME.'). This was wrong because the license does not convey copyright ownership. So the name of the file's original author must always be included and when people modify it (and add their own copyright-able modifications). With this commit, the file's original author (and email) are added to the copyright notice and when more than one person modified a file, both names have their individual copyright notice. Based on this, the description for adding a copyright notice in `README-hacking.md' has also been modified.
2019-03-29Added Copyright to all TeX and README filesMohammad Akhlaghi-0/+18
In order to be more clear, a copyright statement was added to all the LaTeX and README files.
2019-02-06Better management for .tex directories to build from tarballMohammad Akhlaghi-0/+137
In order to collaborate effectively in the project, even project members that don't necessarily want (or have the capacity) to do the whole analysis must be able to contribute to the project. Until now, the users of the distributed tarball could only modify the text and not the figures (built with PGFPlots) of the paper. With this commit, the management of TeX source files in the pipeline was slightly modified to allow this as cleanly as I could think of now! In short, the hand-written TeX files are now kept in `tex/src' and for the pipeline's generated TeX files (in particular the old `tex/pipeline.tex'), we now have a `tex/pipeline' symbolic-link/directory that points to the `tex' directory under the build directory. When packaging the project, `tex/pipeline' will be a full directory with a copy of all the necessary files. Therefore as far as LaTeX is concerned, having a build-directory is no longer relevant. Many other small changes were made to do this job cleanly which will just make this commit message too long! Also, the old `tarball' and `zip' targets are now `dist' and `dist-zip' (as in the standard GNU Build system).