diff options
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/paper.tex b/paper.tex
index dfb79e8..a219791 100644
--- a/paper.tex
+++ b/paper.tex
@@ -433,7 +433,7 @@ This paper uses basic software without associated scientific papers. For softwar
This is particularly important for research software, where citation is critical to justify continued development.
A notable example is GNU Parallel \citep{tange18} which prints citation information each time it is run, proposing to either cite the paper or support it with 10000 euros.
It provides a \inlinecode{--citation} option to disable the notice.
-This is justified by an uncomfortably true statement: ``\emph{history has shown that researchers forget to [cite software] if they are not reminded explicitly. ... If you feel the benefit from using GNU Parallel is too small to warrant a citation, then prove that by simply using another tool}''.
+In \href{http://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/parallel.git/tree/doc/citation-notice-faq.txt?h=master}{its FAQ} this is justified by ``\emph{If you feel the benefit from using GNU Parallel is too small to warrant a citation, then prove that by simply using another tool}''.
Most software does not resort to such drastic measures. However, proper citation is not only useful practically, it is also an ethical imperative.
Given the increasing role of software in research \citep{clement19}, automatic citation (as presented here) is a step forward.