path: root/tex/src/figure-project-outline.tex
diff options
authorMohammad Akhlaghi <mohammad@akhlaghi.org>2020-01-18 04:03:13 +0000
committerMohammad Akhlaghi <mohammad@akhlaghi.org>2020-01-18 04:30:24 +0000
commit5e830f5fb60c4bb186cbd4bd92908e187c037af4 (patch)
treeb727dc5653ec833f93efe29d80e806192563cfbe /tex/src/figure-project-outline.tex
parent4483a81c4254596dd2fa977e7a2faf6f28a7ac6f (diff)
Raw draft (until now as a separate repository) imported
Until now, I was writing the paper without the template. But we will soon be adding a tutorial to the template, and I thought it will be good to have an example demonstration here too. So I just brought the hole project into the template structure, allowing us to add the template analysis later when its ready, and also allowing us to easily reproduce this paper ofcourse (without having to worry about the host's TeXLive installation.
Diffstat (limited to 'tex/src/figure-project-outline.tex')
1 files changed, 229 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tex/src/figure-project-outline.tex b/tex/src/figure-project-outline.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4cd933d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/src/figure-project-outline.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+% Copyright (C) 2018-2019 Mohammad Akhlaghi <mohammad@akhlaghi.org>
+% This LaTeX source is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
+% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+% published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+% License, or (at your option) any later version.
+% This LaTeX source is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+% General Public License for more details.
+% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+% along with this LaTeX source. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+%% Environment variables.
+\begin{tikzpicture}[>=stealth, thick, black!50, text=black,
+ every new ->/.style={shorten >=1pt},
+ hv path/.style={to path={-| (\tikztotarget)}},
+ graphs/every graph/.style={edges=rounded corners}]
+ \footnotesize
+ %% This white line is only added to fix the vertical position of the
+ %% figure so it doesn't change as we add more boxes.
+ \draw [white] (0,-4.3) -- (0,3.8);
+ \draw [white] (-0.5,0) -- (12,0);
+ %% Box showing containers.
+ \ifdefined\containers
+ \filldraw[orange!20!white, rounded corners=2mm] (-0.1,0.3) rectangle (5.6,3.8);
+ \draw (-0.1,3.65) node [anchor=west] {\scriptsize Existing solutions:};
+ \draw (0,3.35) node [anchor=west] {\scriptsize Virtual machines};
+ \draw (0,3.05) node [anchor=west] {\scriptsize Containers};
+ \draw (0,2.75) node [anchor=west] {\scriptsize Package managers};
+ \fi
+ \graph[grow right sep, simple] {
+ { [nodes={yshift=7mm}]
+ soft/Software [gbox] -> build/Build [bbox],
+ hard/Hardware/data [gbox, yshift=-0.5cm] --
+ p1 [coordinate, xshift=2cm, yshift=-0.5cm]
+ } -- [hv path]
+ p2 [coordinate] ->
+ srun/Run software on data [bbox] ->
+ paper/Paper [bbox]
+ };
+ \ifdefined\paperfinal
+ \node (happy) [inner sep=0pt, below=of paper, yshift=+8mm]
+ {\includegraphics[width=2cm]{img/happy-question.jpg}};
+ \node (happyurl) [below=of happy, xshift=-9.5mm, yshift=+1cm]
+ {\tiny \url{https://heywhatwhatdidyousay.wordpress.com}};
+ \node (qurl) [below=of happyurl, xshift=10.5mm, yshift=+1.2cm]
+ {\tiny \url{http://pngimages.net}};
+ \else
+ \ifdefined\paperinit
+ \node (happy) [inner sep=0pt, below=of paper, yshift=+8mm]
+ {\includegraphics[width=2cm]{img/happy.jpg}};
+ \node (happyurl) [below=of happy, xshift=-9.5mm, yshift=+1cm]
+ {\tiny \url{https://heywhatwhatdidyousay.wordpress.com}};
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ %% Software...
+ \let\ppopacity\undefined
+ \ifdefined\allopacity \newcommand{\ppopacity}{1}
+ \else \ifdefined\focusonpackages
+ \newcommand{\ppopacity}{1}
+ \else
+ \newcommand{\ppopacity}{0.3}
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \ifdefined\sver
+ \node (sver)
+ [rbox, above=of soft, yshift=-8mm, opacity=\ppopacity]
+ {What version?};
+ \fi
+ \ifdefined\srep
+ \node (srep)
+ [rbox, above=of sver, yshift=-8mm, opacity=\ppopacity]
+ {Repository?};
+ \fi
+ %% Build
+ \ifdefined\dver
+ \node (dver)
+ [rbox, above=of build, yshift=-8mm, opacity=\ppopacity]
+ {Dependencies?};
+ \fi
+ \ifdefined\ddver
+ \node (ddver)
+ [rbox, above=of dver, yshift=-8mm, opacity=\ppopacity]
+ {Dep. versions?};
+ \fi
+ \ifdefined\confopt
+ \node (confopt)
+ [rbox, above=of ddver, yshift=-8mm, opacity=\ppopacity]
+ {Config options?};
+ \fi
+ \ifdefined\confenv
+ \node (confenv)
+ [rbox, above=of confopt, yshift=-8mm, opacity=\ppopacity]
+ {Config environment?};
+ \fi
+ %% Hardware/data
+ \let\ppopacity\undefined
+ \ifdefined\allopacity \newcommand{\ppopacity}{1}
+ \else \ifdefined\focusonhardware
+ \newcommand{\ppopacity}{1}
+ \else
+ \newcommand{\ppopacity}{0.3}
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \ifdefined\db
+ \node (db)
+ [rbox, below=of hard, yshift=+8mm, opacity=\ppopacity]
+ {Data base, or PID?};
+ \fi
+ \ifdefined\calib
+ \node (calib)
+ [rbox, below=of db, yshift=+8mm, opacity=\ppopacity]
+ {Calibration/version?};
+ \fi
+ \ifdefined\corr
+ \node (corr)
+ [rbox, below=of calib, yshift=+8mm, opacity=\ppopacity]
+ {Integrity?};
+ \fi
+ %% Run software ...
+ \let\ppopacity\undefined
+ \ifdefined\allopacity \newcommand{\ppopacity}{1}
+ \else \ifdefined\focusonrun
+ \newcommand{\ppopacity}{1}
+ \else
+ \newcommand{\ppopacity}{0.3}
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \ifdefined\runord
+ \node (runord)
+ [rbox, above=of srun, yshift=-8mm, opacity=\ppopacity]
+ {What order?};
+ \fi
+ \ifdefined\runopt
+ \node (runopt)
+ [rbox, above=of runord, yshift=-8mm, opacity=\ppopacity]
+ {Runtime options?};
+ \fi
+ \ifdefined\humanerr
+ \node (humanerr)
+ [rbox, above=of runopt, yshift=-8mm, opacity=\ppopacity]
+ {Human error?};
+ \fi
+ \ifdefined\confirmbias
+ \node (confirmbias)
+ [rbox, above=of humanerr, yshift=-8mm, opacity=\ppopacity]
+ {Confirmation bias?};
+ \fi
+ \ifdefined\depupdate
+ \node (depupdate)
+ [rbox, below=of srun, yshift=+8mm, opacity=\ppopacity]
+ {Environment update?};
+ \fi
+ \ifdefined\coauth
+ \node (coaut)
+ [rbox, below=of depupdate, yshift=+8mm, opacity=\ppopacity]
+ {In sync with coauthors?};
+ \fi
+ %% Paper ...
+ \let\ppopacity\undefined
+ \ifdefined\allopacity \newcommand{\ppopacity}{1}
+ \else \ifdefined\focusonpaper
+ \newcommand{\ppopacity}{1}
+ \else
+ \newcommand{\ppopacity}{0.3}
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \ifdefined\varsinpaper
+ \node (varsinpaper)
+ [rbox, above=of paper, xshift=-1mm, yshift=-8mm, opacity=\ppopacity]
+ {Sync with analysis?};
+ \fi
+ \ifdefined\recordinfo
+ \node (recordinfo)
+ [rbox, above=of varsinpaper, yshift=-8mm, opacity=\ppopacity]
+ {Report this info?};
+ \fi
+ \ifdefined\softcite
+ \node (softcite)
+ [rbox, above=of recordinfo, yshift=-8mm, opacity=\ppopacity]
+ {Cited software?};
+ \fi
+ \ifdefined\prevchange
+ \node (prevchange)
+ [rbox, above=of softcite, yshift=-8mm, opacity=\ppopacity]
+ {History recorded?};
+ \fi
+ \ifdefined\gitlogo
+ \node [inner sep=0pt, opacity=0.5] at (5.5,0)
+ {\includegraphics[width=10cm]{img/git.png}};
+ \fi