diff options
authorBoud Roukema <boud@cosmo.torun.pl>2020-04-23 02:55:51 +0200
committerBoud Roukema <boud@cosmo.torun.pl>2020-04-23 02:55:51 +0200
commite27634fae4d71a31ff83ffd236545b355bd747c8 (patch)
parent52e9ae4463684584fd8bd7a4655b7b181471cfbe (diff)
4.6 Project analysis - publication
About 20 words less. The ArXiv URL is added - this adds no extra length in words, and some readers will not be familiar with ArXiv (although the COVID-19 pandemic has attracted attention to BiorXiv).
1 files changed, 12 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/paper.tex b/paper.tex
index c13900c..6613d6f 100644
--- a/paper.tex
+++ b/paper.tex
@@ -671,20 +671,18 @@ Permission management and avoiding conflicts in the build directory while member
\subsection{Publishing the project}
-Once the project is complete, it needs to be published.
-In a scientific scenario, it is submitted to a journal, while in an industrial context it is submitted to the customers or employers.
-To facilitate the publication of the project's source, Maneage has a special \inlinecode{dist} target during the build process which is activated with the command \inlinecode{./project make dist}.
-In this mode, Maneage will not do any analysis, it will simply copy the full project's source (on the given commit) into a temporary directory and compress it into a \inlinecode{.tar.gz} file.
-If a Zip compression is necessary, the \inlinecode{dist-zip} target can be called instead \inlinecode{dist}.
-Since the complete project is in plain text, this compressed file has usually a size of around 100 kilobytes.
-However, the necessary inputs (\ref{definition:input}) and outputs may be arbitrarily large, from megabytes to petabytes or more.
-Therefore, there are two scenarios for the publication of the project: 1) only publishing the source, 2) publishing the source with the data.
-In the former case, the output of \inlinecode{dist} (described above) can be submitted to the journal as a supplement, or uploaded to pre-print servers like arXiv that will actually compile the \LaTeX{} source and build their own PDFs.
-The Git history can also be archived as a single ``bundle'' file and also submitted as a supplement.
-When publishing with datasets, the project's outputs, and inputs (if necessary), can be published on servers like Zenodo.
-For example, \citet[\href{https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3408481}{zenodo.3408481}]{akhlaghi19} uploaded all the project's necessary software and its final PDF along with the project's source tarball and Git ``bundle'' to Zenodo.
+In a scientific scenario, the subject report is submitted to a journal, while in an industrial context it is submitted to the customers or employers.
+To facilitate publication of the project's source, Maneage has a \inlinecode{dist} target, which is activated with the command \inlinecode{./project make dist}.
+In this mode, Maneage will not do any analysis, but will instead copy the full project's source (for the given commit, without the version history) into a temporary directory and compress it into a \inlinecode{.tar.gz} file.
+(The \inlinecode{dist-zip} target provides Zip compression as an alternative.)
+Since the complete project is in plain text, this compressed file is typically abut 100 kilobytes in size.
+However, the required inputs (\ref{definition:input}) and the outputs may be much bigger, from megabytes to petabytes.
+This gives two scenarios for publication of the project: 1) publishing only the source, or 2) publishing the source with the data.
+In the former case, the output of \inlinecode{dist} can be submitted to the journal as a supplement, or uploaded to pre-print servers like \href{https://arXiv.org}{arXiv} that will compile the \LaTeX{} source and build their own PDFs.
+The Git history can also be archived as a single ``bundle'' file and submitted as a supplement.
+When publishing with datasets, the project's outputs, and/or inputs, can be published on servers like Zenodo.
+For example, \citet[\href{https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3408481}{zenodo.3408481}]{akhlaghi19} uploaded all the project's required software and its final PDF along with the project's source tarball and a Git ``bundle'' to Zenodo.