# Versions of the various dependnecies # Programs bash-version = 5.0 binutils-version = 2.31.1 cmake-version = 3.12.4 coreutils-version = 8.30 diffutils-version = 3.7 findutils-version = flock-version = 0.2.3 freetype-version = 2.9 gawk-version = 4.2.1 gcc-version = 8.3.0 ghostscript-version = 9.26 git-version = 2.20.1 gmp-version = 6.1.2 gnuastro-version = 0.8 grep-version = 3.3 gzip-version = 1.10 isl-version = 0.18 libbsd-version = 0.9.1 libffi-version = 3.2.1 libpng-version = 1.6.36 libtool-version = 2.4.6 lzip-version = 1.20 make-version = 4.2.90 metastore-version = 1.1.2-23-fa9170b mpfr-version = 4.0.2 mpc-version = 1.1.0 ncurses-version = 6.1 openssl-version = 1.1.1a patchelf-version = 0.9 pkgconfig-version = 0.29.2 python-version = 3.6.8 readline-version = 8.0 sed-version = 4.7 tar-version = 1.31 unzip-version = 6.0 wget-version = 1.20.1 which-version = 2.21 xz-version = 5.2.4 zip-version = 3.0 # Libraries cfitsio-version = 3.45 curl-version = 7.63.0 gsl-version = 2.5 libjpeg-version = v9b libtiff-version = 4.0.10 zlib-version = 1.2.11 # Python packages # --------------- # # IMPORTANT: Fix url in `reproduce/src/make/dependencies.mk' # if changing the version asn1crypto-version = 0.24.0 astroquery-version = 0.3.9 astropy-version = 3.1.1 beautifulsoup4-version = 4.7.1 certifi-version = 2018.11.29 cffi-version = 1.12.2 chardet-version = 3.0.4 cryptography-version = 2.6.1 cycler-version = 0.10.0 entrypoints-version = 0.3 html5lib-version = 1.0.1 idna-version = 2.8 jeepney-version = 0.4 kiwisolver-version = 1.0.1 keyring-version = 18.0.0 matplotlib-version = 3.0.2 numpy-version = 1.16.1 pip-version = 19.0.2 pycparser-version = 2.19 pyparsing-version = 2.3.1 python-dateutil-version = 2.8.0 requests-version = 2.21.0 scipy-version = 1.2.1 secretstorage-version = 3.1.1 setuptools-version = 40.8.0 setuptools_scm-version = 3.2.0 six-version = 1.12.0 soupsieve-version = 1.8 urllib3-version = 1.24.1 virtualenv-version = 16.4.0 webencodings-version = 0.5.1 # Special libraries # ----------------- # # When updating the version of these libraries, please look into the build # rule first: In one way or another, the version string becomes necessary # during their build and must be accounted for. bzip2-version = 1.0.6 libgit2-version = 0.26.0 wcslib-version = 6.2