# Initialize the reproduction pipeline. # # Original author: # Mohammad Akhlaghi # Contributing author(s): # Your name # Copyright (C) 2018-2019, Your Name. # # This Makefile is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the # Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your # option) any later version. # # This Makefile is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General # Public License for more details. # # A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at # . # High-level directory definitions # -------------------------------- # # Basic directories that are used throughout the whole pipeline. # # Locks are used to make sure that an operation is done in series not in # parallel (even if Make is run in parallel with the `-j' option). The most # common case is downloads which are better done in series and not in # parallel. Also, some programs may not be thread-safe, therefore it will # be necessary to put a lock on them. This pipeline uses the `flock' # program to achieve this. texdir = $(BDIR)/tex srcdir = reproduce/src lockdir = $(BDIR)/locks indir = $(BDIR)/inputs mtexdir = $(texdir)/macros pconfdir = reproduce/config/pipeline installdir = $(BDIR)/dependencies/installed # --------- Delete for no Gnuastro --------- gconfdir = reproduce/config/gnuastro # ------------------------------------------ # TeX build directory # ------------------ # # In scenarios where multiple users are working on the pipeline # simultaneously, they can't all build the final paper together, there will # be conflicts! It is possible to manage the working on the analysis, so no # conflict is caused in that phase, but it would be very slow to only let # one of the project members to build the paper at every instance # (independent parts of the paper can be added to it independently). To fix # this problem, when we are in a group setting, we'll use the user's ID to # create a separate LaTeX build directory for each user. # # The same logic applies to the final paper PDF: each user will create a # separte final PDF (for example `paper-user1.pdf' and `paper-user2.pdf') # and no `paper.pdf' will be built. This isn't a problem because # `initialize.tex' is a .PHONY prerequisite, so the rule to build the final # paper is always executed (even if it is present and nothing has # changed). So in terms of over-all efficiency and processing steps, this # doesn't change anything. ifeq ($(FOR-GROUP),yes) user = $(shell whoami) texbdir = $(texdir)/build-$(user) final-paper = paper-$(user).pdf else texbdir = $(texdir)/build final-paper = paper.pdf endif tikzdir = $(texbdir)/tikz # Original system environment # --------------------------- # # Before defining the local sub-environment here, we'll need to save the # system's environment for some scenarios (for example after `clean'ing the # built programs). sys-path := $(PATH) sys-rm := $(shell which rm) curdir := $(shell echo $$(pwd)) # High level environment # ---------------------- # # We want the full recipe to be executed in one call to the shell. Also we # want Make to run the specific version of Bash that we have installed # during `./configure' time. # # Regarding the directories, this pipeline builds its major dependencies # itself and doesn't use the local system's default tools. With these # environment variables, we are setting it to prefer the software we have # build here. .ONESHELL: .SHELLFLAGS = -ec export CCACHE_DISABLE := 1 export PATH := $(installdir)/bin export LD_LIBRARY_PATH := $(installdir)/lib export LDFLAGS := -L$(installdir)/lib export SHELL := $(installdir)/bin/bash export CPPFLAGS := -I$(installdir)/include # High-level level directories # ---------------------------- # # These are just the top-level directories for all the separate steps. The # directories (or possible sub-directories) for individual steps will be # defined and added within their own Makefiles. # # IMPORTANT NOTE for $(BDIR)'s dependency: it only depends on the existance # (not the time-stamp) of `$(pconfdir)/LOCAL.mk'. So the user can make any # changes within that file and if they don't affect the pipeline. For # example a change of the top $(BDIR) name, while the contents are the same # as before. # # The `.SUFFIXES' rule with no prerequisite is defined to eliminate all the # default implicit rules. The default implicit rules are to do with # programming (for example converting `.c' files to `.o' files). The # problem they cause is when you want to debug the make command with `-d' # option: they add too many extra checks that make it hard to find what you # are looking for in this pipeline. .SUFFIXES: $(tikzdir): | $(texbdir); mkdir $@ $(texdir) $(lockdir): | $(BDIR); mkdir $@ $(mtexdir) $(texbdir): | $(texdir); mkdir $@ # High-level Makefile management # ------------------------------ # # About `.PHONY': these are targets that must be built even if a file with # their name exists. # # Only `$(mtexdir)/initialize.tex' corresponds to a file. This is because # we want to ensure that the file is always built in every run: it contains # the pipeline version which may change between two separate runs, even # when no file actually differs. .PHONY: all clean distclean clean-mmap $(mtexdir)/initialize.tex # --------- Delete for no Gnuastro --------- clean-mmap:; rm -f reproduce/config/gnuastro/mmap* # ------------------------------------------ clean: clean-mmap # Delete the top-level PDF file. rm -f *.pdf # Delete all the built outputs except the dependency # programs. We'll use Bash's extended options builtin (`shopt') to # enable "extended glob" (for listing of files). It allows extended # features like ignoring the listing of a file with `!()' that we # are using afterwards. shopt -s extglob rm -rf $(BDIR)/!(dependencies) distclean: clean # We'll be deleting the built environent programs and just need the # `rm' program. So for this recipe, we'll use the host system's # `rm', not our own. $(sys-rm) -rf $(BDIR) reproduce/build $(sys-rm) -f Makefile .gnuastro .local $(sys-rm) -f $(pconfdir)/LOCAL.mk $(gconfdir)/gnuastro-local.conf # Check the version of programs which write their version # ------------------------------------------------------- pvcheck = prog="$(strip $(1))"; \ ver="$(strip $(2))"; \ name="$(strip $(3))"; \ macro="$(strip $(4))"; \ v=$$($$prog --version | awk '/'$$ver'/{print "y"; exit 0}'); \ if [ x$$v != xy ]; then \ echo; echo "PIPELINE ERROR: Not running $$name $$ver"; echo; \ exit 1; \ fi; \ echo "\newcommand{\\$$macro}{$$ver}" >> $@ lvcheck = idir=$(BDIR)/dependencies/installed/include; \ f="$$idir/$(strip $(1))"; \ ver="$(strip $(2))"; \ name="$(strip $(3))"; \ macro="$(strip $(4))"; \ v=$$(awk '/^\#/&&/define/&&/'$$ver'/{print "y";exit 0}' $$f); \ if [ x$$v != xy ]; then \ echo; echo "PIPELINE ERROR: Not linking with $$name $$ver"; \ echo; exit 1; \ fi; \ echo "\newcommand{\\$$macro}{$$ver}" >> $@ # Pipeline initialization results # ------------------------------- # # This file will store some basic info about the pipeline that is necessary # for the final PDF. Since these are not version controlled, it must be # calculated everytime the pipeline is run. So even though this file # actually exists, it is also aded as a `.PHONY' target above. $(mtexdir)/initialize.tex: | $(mtexdir) # Version of the pipeline and build directory (for LaTeX inputs). @v=$$(git describe --dirty --always); echo "\newcommand{\pipelineversion}{$$v}" > $@ @echo "\newcommand{\bdir}{$(BDIR)}" >> $@ # Versions of programs (same order as 'dependency-versions.mk'). $(call pvcheck, awk, $(gawk-version), GNU AWK, gawkversion) $(call pvcheck, bash, $(bash-version), GNU Bash, bashversion) $(call pvcheck, cmake, $(cmake-version), CMake, cmakeversion) $(call pvcheck, curl, $(curl-version), cURL, curlversion) $(call pvcheck, diff, $(diffutils-version), GNU Diffutils, \ diffutilsversion) $(call pvcheck, find, $(findutils-version), GNU Findutils, \ findutilsversion) $(call pvcheck, gs, $(ghostscript-version), GPL Ghostscript, \ ghostscriptversion) $(call pvcheck, git, $(git-version), Git, gitversion) $(call pvcheck, grep, $(grep-version), GNU Grep, grepversion) $(call pvcheck, glibtool, $(libtool-version), GNU Libtool, \ libtoolversion) $(call pvcheck, gzip, $(gzip-version), GNU Gzip, gzipversion) $(call pvcheck, ls, $(coreutils-version), GNU Coreutils, \ coreutilsversion) $(call pvcheck, lzip, $(lzip-version), Lzip, lzipversion) $(call pvcheck, make, $(make-version), GNU Make, makeversion) $(call pvcheck, metastore, $(metastore-version), Metastore, \ metastoreversion) $(call pvcheck, pkg-config, $(pkgconfig-version), pkg-config, \ pkgconfigversion) $(call pvcheck, sed, $(sed-version), GNU SED, sedversion) $(call pvcheck, tar, $(tar-version), GNU Tar, tarversion) $(call pvcheck, wget, $(wget-version), GNU Wget, wgetversion) $(call pvcheck, which, $(which-version), GNU Which, whichversion) $(call pvcheck, xz, $(xz-version), XZ Utils, xzversion) # --------- Delete for no Gnuastro --------- $(call pvcheck, astnoisechisel, $(gnuastro-version), Gnuastro, \ gnuastroversion) # ------------------------------------------ # Bzip2 prints its version in standard error, not standard output! echo "" | bzip2 --version &> $@_bzip2_ver; v=$$(awk 'NR==1 && /'$(bzip2-version)'/{print "y"; exit 0}' \ $@_bzip2_ver); if [ x$$v != xy ]; then echo; echo "PIPELINE ERROR: Not running Bzip2 $(bzip2-version)"; echo; exit 1; fi; rm $@_bzip2_ver echo "\newcommand{\\bziptwoversion}{$(bzip2-version)}" >> $@ # Unfortunately we couldn't find a way to retrieve the version of # the discoteq `flock' that we are using here. So we'll just repot # the version we downloaded and installed. echo "\newcommand{\\flockversion}{$(flock-version)}" >> $@ # Versions of libraries. $(call lvcheck, fitsio.h, $(cfitsio-version), CFITSIO, cfitsioversion) $(call lvcheck, gsl/gsl_version.h, $(gsl-version), \ GNU Scientific Library (GSL), gslversion) ########## libjpeg not yet checked. $(call lvcheck, git2/version.h, $(libgit2-version), Libgit2, \ libgitwoversion) $(call lvcheck, openssl/opensslv.h, $(openssl-version), OpenSSL, \ opensslversion) $(call lvcheck, ncursesw/curses.h, $(ncurses-version), GNU NCURSES, \ ncursesversion) $(call lvcheck, readline/readline.h, $(readline-version), GNU Readline, \ readlineversion) $(call lvcheck, tiffvers.h, $(libtiff-version), Libtiff, \ libtiffversion) $(call lvcheck, wcslib/wcsconfig.h, $(wcslib-version), WCSLIB, \ wcslibversion) $(call lvcheck, zlib.h, $(zlib-version), zlib, zlibversion) # TeX package versions cat $(BDIR)/dependencies/texlive-versions.tex >> $@