# Build the reproduction pipeline dependencies (programs and libraries). # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # !!!!! IMPORTANT NOTES !!!!! # # This Makefile will be run by the initial `./configure' script. It is not # included into the reproduction pipe after that. # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Original author: # Mohammad Akhlaghi # Contributing author(s): # Your name # Copyright (C) 2018, Your Name. # # This Makefile is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the # Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your # option) any later version. # # This Makefile is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General # Public License for more details. # # A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at # . # Top level environment include reproduce/config/pipeline/LOCAL.mk include reproduce/src/make/dependencies-build-rules.mk include reproduce/config/pipeline/dependency-texlive.mk include reproduce/config/pipeline/dependency-versions.mk ddir = $(BDIR)/dependencies tdir = $(BDIR)/dependencies/tarballs idir = $(BDIR)/dependencies/installed ibdir = $(BDIR)/dependencies/installed/bin ildir = $(BDIR)/dependencies/installed/lib ilidir = $(BDIR)/dependencies/installed/lib/built # Define the top-level programs to build (installed in `.local/bin'). top-level-programs = gs git flock astnoisechisel texlive-ready all: $(foreach p, $(top-level-programs), $(ibdir)/$(p)) # Other basic environment settings: We are only including the host # operating system's PATH environment variable (after our own!) for the # compiler and linker. For the library binaries and headers, we are only # using our internally built libraries. .ONESHELL: .SHELLFLAGS := -ec export PATH := $(ibdir) export LD_RUN_PATH := $(ildir) export LD_LIBRARY_PATH := $(ildir) export SHELL := $(ibdir)/bash export CPPFLAGS := -I$(idir)/include export PKG_CONFIG_PATH := $(ildir)/pkgconfig export PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR := $(ildir)/pkgconfig export LDFLAGS := -Wl,-rpath-link=$(ildir) -L$(ildir) # Tarballs # -------- # # All the necessary tarballs are defined and prepared with this rule. # # Note that we want the tarballs to follow the convention of NAME-VERSION # before the `tar.XX' prefix. For those programs that don't follow this # convention, but include the name/version in their tarball names with # another format, we'll do the modification before the download so the # downloaded file has our desired format. tarballs = $(foreach t, cfitsio-$(cfitsio-version).tar.gz \ cmake-$(cmake-version).tar.gz \ curl-$(curl-version).tar.gz \ flock-$(flock-version).tar.xz \ ghostscript-$(ghostscript-version).tar.gz \ git-$(git-version).tar.xz \ gnuastro-$(gnuastro-version).tar.lz \ gsl-$(gsl-version).tar.gz \ jpegsrc.$(libjpeg-version).tar.gz \ tiff-$(libtiff-version).tar.gz \ libtool-$(libtool-version).tar.xz \ libgit2-$(libgit2-version).tar.gz \ wcslib-$(wcslib-version).tar.bz2 \ zlib-$(zlib-version).tar.gz \ , $(tdir)/$(t) ) $(tarballs): $(tdir)/%: if [ -f $(DEPENDENCIES-DIR)/$* ]; then cp $(DEPENDENCIES-DIR)/$* $@ else # Remove all numbers, `-' and `.' from the tarball name so we can # search more easily only with the program name. n=$$(echo $* | sed -e's/[0-9\-]/ /g' -e's/\./ /g' \ | awk '{print $$1}' ) # Set the top download link of the requested tarball. mergenames=1 if [ $$n = cfitsio ]; then mergenames=0 v=$$(echo $(cfitsio-version) | sed -e's/\.//' \ | awk '{l=length($1); \ printf (l==4 ? "%d\n" \ : (l==3 ? "%d0\n" \ : (l==2 ? "%d00\n" \ : "%d000\n") ), $$1)}') w=https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/FTP/software/fitsio/c/cfitsio$$v.tar.gz elif [ $$n = cmake ]; then w=https://cmake.org/files/v3.12 elif [ $$n = curl ]; then w=https://curl.haxx.se/download elif [ $$n = flock ]; then w=https://github.com/discoteq/flock/releases/download/v$(flock-version) elif [ $$n = ghostscript ]; then w=https://github.com/ArtifexSoftware/ghostpdl-downloads/releases/download/gs926 elif [ $$n = git ]; then w=https://mirrors.edge.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git elif [ $$n = gnuastro ]; then w=http://akhlaghi.org/src elif [ $$n = gsl ]; then w=http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/gsl elif [ $$n = jpegsrc ]; then w=http://ijg.org/files elif [ $$n = libtool ]; then w=ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/libtool elif [ $$n = libgit ]; then mergenames=0 w=https://github.com/libgit2/libgit2/archive/v$(libgit2-version).tar.gz elif [ $$n = tiff ]; then w=https://download.osgeo.org/libtiff elif [ $$n = wcslib ]; then w=ftp://ftp.atnf.csiro.au/pub/software/wcslib elif [ $$n = zlib ]; then w=http://www.zlib.net else echo; echo; echo; echo "'$$n' not recognized as a dependency name to download." echo; echo; echo; exit 1 fi # Download the requested tarball. Note that some packages may not # follow our naming convention (where the package name is merged # with its version number). In such cases, `w' will be the full # address, not just the top directory address. But since we are # storing all the tarballs in one directory, we want it to have # the same naming convention, so we'll download it to a temporary # name, then rename that. if [ $$mergenames = 1 ]; then tarballurl=$$w/"$*" else tarballurl=$$w fi echo "Downloading $$tarballurl" $(DOWNLOADER) $@ $$tarballurl fi # Libraries # --------- # # We would prefer to build static libraries, but some compilers like LLVM # don't have static capabilities, so they'll only build dynamic/shared # libraries. Therefore, we can't use the easy `.a' suffix for static # libraries as targets and there are different conventions for shared # library names. # # For the actual build, the same compiler that built the library will build # the programs, so exact knowledge of the suffix is ultimately irrelevant # for us here. So, we'll make an `$(ildir)/built' directory and make a # simple plain text file in it with the basic library name (an no prefix) # and create/write into it when the library is successfully built. $(ilidir): | $(ildir); mkdir -p $@ $(ilidir)/cfitsio: $(tdir)/cfitsio-$(cfitsio-version).tar.gz \ $(ibdir)/curl | $(ilidir) $(call gbuild, $<,cfitsio, static, --enable-sse2 --enable-reentrant) \ && echo "CFITSIO is built" > $@ $(ilidir)/libgit2: $(tdir)/libgit2-$(libgit2-version).tar.gz \ $(ibdir)/cmake \ $(ibdir)/curl | $(ilidir) $(call cbuild, $<, libgit2-$(libgit2-version), static, \ -DUSE_SSH=OFF -DUSE_OPENSSL=OFF -DBUILD_CLAR=OFF \ -DTHREADSAFE=ON) \ && echo "Libgit2 is built" > $@ $(ilidir)/gsl: $(tdir)/gsl-$(gsl-version).tar.gz | $(ilidir) $(call gbuild, $<, gsl-$(gsl-version), static) \ && echo "GNU Scientific Library is built" > $@ $(ilidir)/libjpeg: $(tdir)/jpegsrc.$(libjpeg-version).tar.gz | $(ilidir) $(call gbuild, $<, jpeg-9b, static) && echo "Libjpeg is built" > $@ $(ilidir)/libtiff: $(tdir)/tiff-$(libtiff-version).tar.gz \ $(ilidir)/libjpeg | $(ilidir) $(call gbuild, $<, tiff-$(libtiff-version), static) \ && echo "Libtiff is built" > $@ $(ilidir)/wcslib: $(tdir)/wcslib-$(wcslib-version).tar.bz2 \ $(ilidir)/cfitsio | $(ilidir) # Unfortunately WCSLIB forces the building of shared libraries. $(call gbuild, $<, wcslib-$(wcslib-version), , \ LIBS="-pthread -lcurl -lm" --without-pgplot \ --disable-fortran) \ && echo "WCSLIB is built" > $@ # Zlib: its `./configure' doesn't use Autoconf's configure script, it just # accepts a direct `--static' option. $(ilidir)/zlib: $(tdir)/zlib-$(zlib-version).tar.gz | $(ilidir) ifeq ($(static_build),yes) $(call gbuild, $<, zlib-$(zlib-version), , --static) \ && echo "Zlib is built" > $@ else $(call gbuild, $<, zlib-$(zlib-version)) && echo "Zlib is built" > $@ endif # Programs # -------- # # CMake can be built with its custom `./bootstrap' script. $(ibdir)/cmake: $(tdir)/cmake-$(cmake-version).tar.gz cd $(ddir) && rm -rf cmake-$(cmake-version) && \ tar xf $< && cd cmake-$(cmake-version) && \ ./bootstrap --prefix=$(idir) && make && make install && \ cd ..&& rm -rf cmake-$(cmake-version) $(ibdir)/curl: $(tdir)/curl-$(curl-version).tar.gz \ $(ilidir)/zlib $(call gbuild, $<, curl-$(curl-version), static, --without-brotli) # On Mac OS, libtool does different things, so to avoid confusion, we'll # prefix GNU's libtool executables with `glibtool'. $(ibdir)/glibtool: $(tdir)/libtool-$(libtool-version).tar.xz $(call gbuild, $<, libtool-$(libtool-version), static, \ --program-prefix=g) $(ibdir)/gs: $(tdir)/ghostscript-$(ghostscript-version).tar.gz $(call gbuild, $<, ghostscript-$(ghostscript-version)) $(ibdir)/flock: $(tdir)/flock-$(flock-version).tar.xz $(call gbuild, $<, flock-$(flock-version), static) $(ibdir)/git: $(tdir)/git-$(git-version).tar.xz \ $(ilidir)/zlib $(call gbuild, $<, git-$(git-version), static, \ --without-tcltk --with-shell=$(ibdir)/bash) $(ibdir)/astnoisechisel: $(tdir)/gnuastro-$(gnuastro-version).tar.lz \ $(ibdir)/gs \ $(ilidir)/gsl \ $(ilidir)/wcslib \ $(ibdir)/glibtool \ $(ilidir)/libjpeg \ $(ilidir)/libtiff \ $(ilidir)/libgit2 ifeq ($(static_build),yes) $(call gbuild, $<, gnuastro-$(gnuastro-version), static, \ --enable-static=yes --enable-shared=no, -j8, \ make check -j8) else $(call gbuild, $<, gnuastro-$(gnuastro-version), , , -j8, \ make check -j8) endif # Since we want to avoid complicating the PATH, we are putting a symbolic # link of all the TeX Live executables in $(ibdir). But symbolic links are # hard to track for Make (as a target). So we'll make a simple ASCII file # called `texlive-ready' when it is complete and use that as a target. $(ibdir)/texlive-ready-tlmgr: reproduce/config/pipeline/texlive.conf # To work with TeX live installation, we'll need the internet. if $(DOWNLOADER) $(tdir)/install-tl-unx.tar.gz \ http://mirror.ctan.org/systems/texlive/tlnet/install-tl-unx.tar.gz; \ then # Unpack, enter the directory, and install based on the given # configuration (prerequisite of this rule). topdir=$$(pwd) cd $(ddir) rm -rf install-tl-* tar xf $(tdir)/install-tl-unx.tar.gz cd install-tl-* sed -e's|@installdir[@]|$(idir)|g' -e's|@topdir[@]|'"$$topdir"'|g' \ $$topdir/$< > texlive.conf ./install-tl --profile=texlive.conf # Put a symbolic link of the TeX Live executables in `ibdir'. The # main problem is that the year and build system (for example # `x86_64-linux') are also in the directory names, making it hard # to be generic. We are using wildcards here, but only in this # Makefile, not in any other. ln -fs $(idir)/texlive/20*/bin/*/* $(ibdir)/ # Clean up and build the final target. cd .. && rm -rf install-tl-* $(tdir)/install-tl-unx.tar.gz echo "TeX Live is ready." > $@ fi # To keep things modular and simple, we'll break up the installation of TeX # Live itself (only very basic TeX and LaTeX) and the installation of its # necessary packages into two packages. $(ibdir)/texlive-ready: reproduce/config/pipeline/dependency-texlive.mk \ $(ibdir)/texlive-ready-tlmgr # To work with TeX live installation, we'll need the internet. res=$(cat $(ibdir)/texlive-ready-tlmgr) if [ -f $(ibdir)/texlive-ready-tlmgr ]; then # The current directory is necessary later. topdir=$$(pwd) # Install all the extra necessary packages. If LaTeX complains # about not finding a command/file/what-ever/XXXXXX, simply run # the following command to find which package its in, then add it # to the `texlive-packages' variable of the first prerequisite. # # ./.local/bin/tlmgr info XXXXXX # # We are putting a notice, because if there is no internet, # `tlmgr' just hangs waiting. echo; echo; echo "Downloading necessary TeX packages..."; echo; tlmgr install $(texlive-packages) # Make a symbolic link of all the TeX Live executables in the bin # directory so we don't have to modify `PATH'. ln -fs $(idir)/texlive/20*/bin/*/* $(ibdir)/ # Get all the necessary versions. tv=$(ddir)/texlive-versions.tex texlive=$$(pdflatex --version | awk 'NR==1' | sed 's/.*(\(.*\))/\1/' \ | awk '{print $$NF}'); echo "\newcommand{\\texliveversion}{$$texlive}" > $$tv # LaTeX Package versions. tlmgr info $(texlive-packages) --only-installed | awk \ '$$1=="package:" {version=0; \ if($$NF=="tex-gyre") name="texgyre"; \ else name=$$NF} \ $$1=="cat-version:" {version=$$NF} \ $$1=="cat-date:" {if(version==0) version=$$2; \ printf("\\newcommand{\\tex%sversion}{%s}\n", \ name, version)}' >> $$tv # Write the target if TeX live was actually installed. echo "TeX Live's packages are also ready." > $@ fi