# Default values for the common options to all the programs in GNU # Astronomy Utitlies. # # IMPORTANT NOTE FOR THE REPRODUCTION PIPELINE: The `lastconfig' # option is very important here, because we don't want any of # Gnuastro's programs to go into an un-controlled environment (user or # system wide configuration files). Uncomment the `onlyversion' option # when the paper/pipeline is ready to be published and set the value # of X.X accordingly. # # The rest of this configuration file in this template reproduction # pipeline is taken from the default Gnuastro configuration from its # source (`bin/gnuastro.conf'). # Reproduction pipeline (`./config' has to be before `lastconfig'). config .gnuastro/gnuastro-local.conf # onlyversion X.X lastconfig 1 # Input: hdu 1 ignorecase 1 searchin name # Tessellation tilesize 50,50 numchannels 1,1 remainderfrac 0.1 workoverch 0 interpnumngb 9 interponlyblank 0 # Output: tableformat fits-binary