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Maneage: managing data lineage

Maneage is a framework for starting and growing projects, see these slides for an introduction. Through Maneage, the complete data lineage of a project is recorded with its history and can easily be published or archived, enabling exact reproducibility. Maneage is a recipient of the RDA Europe Adoption grant.

To start a new project, simply run these commands to clone it from its Git repository.

git clone https://git.maneage.org/project.git # Clone Maneage, default branch `maneage'. mv project my-project && cd my-project # Set custom name and enter directory. git remote rename origin origin-maneage # Rename remote server to use `origin' later. git checkout -b master # Make new `master' branch, start customizing.

You are now ready to configure and make the raw template with the commands below. If they are successful, you can start customizing it.

./project configure # Build all necessary software from source. ./project make # Do the analysis (download data, run software on data, build PDF).

See the Customization Checklist in the cloned README-hacking.md file for the next steps to start customizing Maneage for your project.