\begin{columns}[t] \column{5cm} \vspace{-0.4cm} \begin{tikzpicture} \draw [white] (0,0) -- (0,7.4); %% Template branch. \ifdefined\tofuture \draw[->, line width=2mm] (0,0) -- (0,7.3); \else \ifdefined\tempevolve \draw[->, line width=2mm] (0,0) -- (0,5.5); \else \draw[->, line width=2mm] (0,0) -- (0,2.3); \fi \fi %% Project branch. \ifdefined\projinit \draw[line width=2mm] (0,1.5) -- (1,2); \ifdefined\tofuture \draw[->, line width=2mm] (0.95,1.92) -- (0.95,7.3); \else \ifdefined\mergewithtemp \draw[->, line width=2mm] (0.95,1.92) -- (0.95,5.7); \else \ifdefined\projwork \draw[->, line width=2mm] (0.95,1.92) -- (0.95,5); \else \draw[->, line width=2mm] (0.95,1.92) -- (0.95,3); \fi \fi \fi \fi %% Merge link \ifdefined\mergewithtemp \draw[line width=2mm] (0,4.5) -- (0.95,5.05); \fi %% COMMITS: Note that commits have to come after the branches, %% otherwise the black lines are going to be over the commit %% circles. %% Template commits. \ifdefined\tofuture \foreach \y in {0.55,...,7} \draw [fill=green!80!blue, opacity=0.5] (0,\y) circle [radius=2.1mm]; \else \ifdefined\tempevolve \foreach \y in {0.55,...,5} \draw [fill=green!80!blue, opacity=0.5] (0,\y) circle [radius=2.1mm]; \else \foreach \y in {0.55,...,2.5} \draw [fill=green!80!blue, opacity=0.5] (0,\y) circle [radius=2.1mm]; \fi \fi %% Project commits. \ifdefined\projinit \draw[anchor=north] (1,1.7) node {Project}; \ifdefined\tofuture \foreach \y in {2,...,6} \draw [fill=red!60!green, opacity=0.5] (0.95,\y) circle [radius=2.1mm]; \else \ifdefined\mergewithtemp \foreach \y in {2,...,5} \draw [fill=red!60!green, opacity=0.5] (0.95,\y) circle [radius=2.1mm]; \else \ifdefined\projwork \foreach \y in {2,...,4.9} \draw [fill=red!60!green, opacity=0.5] (0.95,\y) circle [radius=2.1mm]; \else \foreach \y in {2,...,2.9} \draw [fill=red!60!green, opacity=0.5] (0.95,\y) circle [radius=2.1mm]; \fi \fi \fi \fi \draw[anchor=north] (0,0) node {Template}; %% Happy scientist \ifdefined\githappy \node [inner sep=0pt] at (3.5,4) {\includegraphics[width=2cm]{img/happy.jpg}}; \node [inner sep=0pt] at (4.15,5.3) {\includegraphics[width=0.2cm]{img/checkmark.png}}; \draw[anchor=east] (2.4,6) node {\footnotesize\texttt{5cfe2eab}}; \draw[anchor=south] (4.5,5) node [rotate=20] {\tiny\texttt{5cfe2eab}}; \fi \end{tikzpicture} \column{8cm} \vspace{-5mm} \begin{itemize} \setlength\itemsep{0.3cm} \item Template's history is recorded. \ifdefined\projinit \item New project: a branch from the template. \fi \ifdefined\projwork \item Research progresses in the project branch. \fi \ifdefined\tempevolve \item Template will evolve (improved infrastructure). \fi \ifdefined\mergewithtemp \item Template can be imported/merged back into project. \fi \ifdefined\tofuture \item The template and project will \alert{evolve}. \fi \ifdefined\githappy \item During research this \alert{encourages creative tests}\\ (previous research states can easily be retrieved). \item \alert{Coauthors} can work on same project in parallel \\(separate project branches). \item Upon publication, the \alert{Git hash} is enough to verify the integrity of the result. \fi \end{itemize} \end{columns}