#!@BINDIR@/bash # # The example hook script to store the metadata information of version # controlled files (with each commit) using the `metastore' program. # # This script is taken from the `examples/hooks/pre-commit' file of the # `metastore' package (installed within the pipeline, with an MIT # license). We have just changed the name of the `MSFILE' and also set # special characters for the installation location of meta-store so our own # installation is found by Git. # # WARNING: # # If the commit is aborted (e.g. by not entering any synopsis), # then updated metastore file (.metadata by default) is not reverted, # so its new version remains in the index. # To undo any changes in metastore file written since HEAD commit, # you may want to reset and checkout HEAD version of the file: # # git reset HEAD -- .metadata # git checkout HEAD -- .metadata # File containig the metadata and metastore executable. MSFILE=".file-metadata" MSBIN=@BINDIR@/metastore # If metastore is not installed, then ignore this script (exit with a # status of 0). if [ ! -f $MSBIN ]; then exit 0; fi # Function to help in reporting a crash. exit_on_fail() { "$@" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed to execute: $@" >&2 exit 1 fi } # Run metastore. exit_on_fail \ $MSBIN -O @USER@ -G @GROUP@ -s -f "$MSFILE" # If it's first metastore commit, store again to include $MSFILE in $MSFILE. if ! git-ls-tree --name-only HEAD 2>/dev/null | grep -Fqx "$MSFILE"; then exit_on_fail \ $MSBIN -O @USER@ -G @GROUP@ -s -f "$MSFILE" fi # Check if the metadata file exists. if [ ! -e "$MSFILE" ]; then echo "\"$MSFILE\" missing" >&2 exit 1 fi # Add the metadata file to the Git repository. exit_on_fail \ git-add "$MSFILE" # Return with a success code (0). exit 0