\documentclass{article} %% This is a convenience variable if you are using PGFPlots to build plots %% within LaTeX. If you want to import PDF files for plots directly (and %% not build them with TikZ in LaTeX), then comment the next line. To use %% PDF files, they have to be in a `tikz' directory. To MAKE PDF files with %% TikZ and PGFPlots, it is assumed that the texfile containing the source %% are in a `tex' subdirectory relative to the directory which latex is run %% in. \newcommand{\makepdf}{} %% Necessary LaTeX preambles to include for relevant functionality. We want %% to start this file as fast as possible with the actual body of the %% report, while keeping modularity in the preambles. \input{tex/pipeline.tex} \input{tex/preamble-style.tex} %\input{tex/preamble-biblatex.tex} \input{tex/preamble-pgfplots.tex} \input{tex/preamble-necessary.tex} %% Start writing. \begin{document} \maketitle Data were taken from \url{\websurvey}. \end{document}