path: root/reproduce
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'reproduce')
2 files changed, 80 insertions, 67 deletions
diff --git a/reproduce/software/make/basic.mk b/reproduce/software/make/basic.mk
index 93dcdc2..48ba3de 100644
--- a/reproduce/software/make/basic.mk
+++ b/reproduce/software/make/basic.mk
@@ -58,7 +58,15 @@ export PKG_CONFIG_PATH := $(ildir)/pkgconfig
export PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR := $(ildir)/pkgconfig
export CPPFLAGS := -I$(idir)/include $(CPPFLAGS)
export LDFLAGS := $(rpath_command) -L$(ildir) $(LDFLAGS)
-export LD_LIBRARY_PATH := $(shell echo $(LD_LIBRARY_PATH) \
+# This is the "basic" tools where we are relying on the host operating
+# system, but are slowly populating our basic software envirnoment. To run
+# (system or template) programs, `LD_LIBRARY_PATH' is necessary, so here,
+# we'll first tell the programs to look into any possible pre-defined
+# `LD_LIBRARY_PATH', then we'll add our own newly installed libraries. We
+# will also make sure that there is no "current directory" in it (by
+# removing a starting or trailing `:' and any occurance of `::'.
+export LD_LIBRARY_PATH := $(shell echo $(LD_LIBRARY_PATH):$(ildir) \
| sed -e's/::/:/g' -e's/^://' -e's/:$$//')
# RPATH is automatically written in macOS, so `DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH' is
@@ -658,6 +666,66 @@ $(ibidir)/bash: $(ibidir)/readline \
+# The `-shared' flag will cause problems while building Perl on macOS, so
+# we'll only use this configuration option when we are GNU/Linux
+# systems. However, since the whole option must be used (which includes `='
+# and empty space), its easier to define the variable as a Make variable
+# outside the recipe, not as a shell variable inside it.
+ifeq ($(on_mac_os),yes)
+perl-conflddlflags =
+perl-conflddlflags = -Dlddlflags="-shared $$LDFLAGS"
+$(ibidir)/perl: | $(ibidir)/bash \
+ $(tdir)/perl-$(perl-version).tar.gz
+ major_version=$$(echo $(perl-version) \
+ | sed -e's/\./ /g' \
+ | awk '{printf("%d", $$1)}'); \
+ base_version=$$(echo $(perl-version) \
+ | sed -e's/\./ /g' \
+ | awk '{printf("%d.%d", $$1, $$2)}'); \
+ cd $(ddir) \
+ && rm -rf perl-$(perl-version) \
+ && if ! tar xf $(word 1,$(filter $(tdir)/%,$|)); then \
+ echo; echo "Tar error"; exit 1; \
+ fi \
+ && cd perl-$(perl-version) \
+ && sed -e's|\#\! /bin/sh|\#\! $(ibdir)/bash|' \
+ -e's|\#\!/bin/sh|\#\! $(ibdir)/bash|' \
+ Configure > Configure-tmp \
+ && mv -f Configure-tmp Configure \
+ && chmod +x Configure \
+ && ./Configure -des \
+ -Dusethreads \
+ -Duseshrplib \
+ -Dprefix=$(idir) \
+ -Dvendorprefix=$(idir) \
+ -Dprivlib=$(idir)/share/perl$$major_version/core_perl \
+ -Darchlib=$(idir)/lib/perl$$major_version/$$base_version/core_perl \
+ -Dsitelib=$(idir)/share/perl$$major_version/site_perl \
+ -Dsitearch=$(idir)/lib/perl$$major_version/$$basever/site_perl \
+ -Dvendorlib=$(idir)/share/perl$$major_version/vendor_perl \
+ -Dvendorarch=$(idir)/lib/perl$$major_version/$$base_version/vendor_perl \
+ -Dscriptdir=$(idir)/bin/core_perl \
+ -Dsitescript=$(idir)/bin/site_perl \
+ -Dvendorscript=$(idir)/bin/vendor_perl \
+ -Dinc_version_list=none \
+ -Dman1ext=1perl \
+ -Dman3ext=3perl \
+ -Dcccdlflags='-fPIC' \
+ $(perl-conflddlflags) \
+ -Dldflags="$$LDFLAGS" \
+ && make SHELL=$(ibdir)/bash -j$(numthreads) \
+ && make SHELL=$(ibdir)/bash install \
+ && cd .. \
+ && rm -rf perl-$(perl-version) \
+ && cd $$topdir \
+ && echo "Perl $(perl-version)" > $@
# Coreutils
# ---------
@@ -677,8 +745,10 @@ $(ibidir)/bash: $(ibidir)/readline \
# The echo after the PatchELF loop is to avoid a crash if the last
# file that PatchELF encounters is not usable (and it returns with
# an error).
+# Coreutils uses Perl to create man pages!
$(ibidir)/coreutils: $(ibidir)/openssl \
- | $(ibidir)/bash \
+ | $(ibidir)/perl \
cd $(ddir) \
&& rm -rf coreutils-$(coreutils-version) \
@@ -847,17 +917,17 @@ $(ibidir)/wget: $(ibidir)/libiconv \
# there is no access to the system's PATH.
$(ibidir)/diffutils: | $(ibidir)/coreutils \
- $(call gbuild, diffutils-$(diffutils-version), static, , V=1) \
+ $(call gbuild, diffutils-$(diffutils-version), static,,V=1) \
&& echo "GNU Diffutils $(diffutils-version)" > $@
$(ibidir)/file: | $(ibidir)/coreutils \
- $(call gbuild, file-$(file-version), static) \
+ $(call gbuild, file-$(file-version), static,,V=1) \
&& echo "File $(file-version)" > $@
$(ibidir)/findutils: | $(ibidir)/coreutils \
- $(call gbuild, findutils-$(findutils-version), static, , V=1) \
+ $(call gbuild, findutils-$(findutils-version), static,,V=1) \
&& echo "GNU Findutils $(findutils-version)" > $@
$(ibidir)/gawk: $(ibidir)/gmp \
@@ -910,13 +980,13 @@ $(ibidir)/gmp: | $(ibidir)/m4 \
$(ibidir)/glibtool: | $(ibidir)/m4 \
$(call gbuild, libtool-$(libtool-version), static, \
- --program-prefix=g) \
+ --program-prefix=g, V=1) \
&& ln -s $(ibdir)/glibtoolize $(ibdir)/libtoolize \
&& echo "GNU Libtool $(libtool-version)" > $@
$(ibidir)/grep: | $(ibidir)/coreutils \
- $(call gbuild, grep-$(grep-version), static) \
+ $(call gbuild, grep-$(grep-version), static,,V=1) \
&& echo "GNU Grep $(grep-version)" > $@
$(ibidir)/libbsd: | $(ibidir)/coreutils \
@@ -927,7 +997,7 @@ $(ibidir)/libbsd: | $(ibidir)/coreutils \
$(ibidir)/m4: | $(ibidir)/coreutils \
$(ibidir)/texinfo \
- $(call gbuild, m4-$(m4-version), static) \
+ $(call gbuild, m4-$(m4-version), static,,V=1) \
&& echo "GNU M4 $(m4-version)" > $@
# Metastore is used (through a Git hook) to restore the source modification
@@ -1020,63 +1090,6 @@ $(ibidir)/mpfr: $(ibidir)/gmp \
$(call gbuild, mpfr-$(mpfr-version), static, , , make check) \
&& echo "GNU Multiple Precision Floating-Point Reliably $(mpfr-version)" > $@
-# The `-shared' flag will cause problems while building Perl on macOS, so
-# we'll only use this configuration option when we are GNU/Linux
-# systems. However, since the whole option must be used (which includes `='
-# and empty space), its easier to define the variable as a Make variable
-# outside the recipe, not as a shell variable inside it.
-ifeq ($(on_mac_os),yes)
-perl-conflddlflags =
-perl-conflddlflags = -Dlddlflags="-shared $$LDFLAGS"
-$(ibidir)/perl: | $(ibidir)/coreutils \
- $(tdir)/perl-$(perl-version).tar.gz
- major_version=$$(echo $(perl-version) \
- | sed -e's/\./ /g' \
- | awk '{printf("%d", $$1)}'); \
- base_version=$$(echo $(perl-version) \
- | sed -e's/\./ /g' \
- | awk '{printf("%d.%d", $$1, $$2)}'); \
- cd $(ddir) \
- && rm -rf perl-$(perl-version) \
- && if ! tar xf $(word 1,$(filter $(tdir)/%,$|)); then \
- echo; echo "Tar error"; exit 1; \
- fi \
- && cd perl-$(perl-version) \
- && sed -e's|\#\! /bin/sh|\#\! $(ibdir)/bash|' \
- -e's|\#\!/bin/sh|\#\! $(ibdir)/bash|' \
- Configure > Configure-tmp \
- && mv -f Configure-tmp Configure \
- && chmod +x Configure \
- && ./Configure -des \
- -Dusethreads \
- -Duseshrplib \
- -Dprefix=$(idir) \
- -Dvendorprefix=$(idir) \
- -Dprivlib=$(idir)/share/perl$$major_version/core_perl \
- -Darchlib=$(idir)/lib/perl$$major_version/$$base_version/core_perl \
- -Dsitelib=$(idir)/share/perl$$major_version/site_perl \
- -Dsitearch=$(idir)/lib/perl$$major_version/$$basever/site_perl \
- -Dvendorlib=$(idir)/share/perl$$major_version/vendor_perl \
- -Dvendorarch=$(idir)/lib/perl$$major_version/$$base_version/vendor_perl \
- -Dscriptdir=$(idir)/bin/core_perl \
- -Dsitescript=$(idir)/bin/site_perl \
- -Dvendorscript=$(idir)/bin/vendor_perl \
- -Dinc_version_list=none \
- -Dman1ext=1perl \
- -Dman3ext=3perl \
- -Dcccdlflags='-fPIC' \
- $(perl-conflddlflags) \
- -Dldflags="$$LDFLAGS" \
- && make SHELL=$(ibdir)/bash -j$(numthreads) \
- && make SHELL=$(ibdir)/bash install \
- && cd .. \
- && rm -rf perl-$(perl-version) \
- && cd $$topdir \
- && echo "Perl $(perl-version)" > $@
$(ibidir)/pkg-config: | $(ibidir)/coreutils \
# An existing `libiconv' can cause a conflict with `pkg-config',
@@ -1101,7 +1114,7 @@ $(ibidir)/pkg-config: | $(ibidir)/coreutils \
$(ibidir)/sed: | $(ibidir)/coreutils \
- $(call gbuild, sed-$(sed-version), static) \
+ $(call gbuild, sed-$(sed-version), static,,V=1) \
&& echo "GNU Sed $(sed-version)" > $@
$(ibidir)/texinfo: | $(ibidir)/perl \
diff --git a/reproduce/software/make/high-level.mk b/reproduce/software/make/high-level.mk
index bc77dab..0d05626 100644
--- a/reproduce/software/make/high-level.mk
+++ b/reproduce/software/make/high-level.mk
@@ -634,7 +634,7 @@ $(ibidir)/healpix: $(ibidir)/cfitsio \
&& echo "HEALPix $(healpix-version) \citep{healpix}" > $@
$(ibidir)/libjpeg: | $(tdir)/jpegsrc.$(libjpeg-version).tar.gz
- $(call gbuild, jpeg-9b, static) \
+ $(call gbuild, jpeg-9b, static,,V=1) \
&& echo "Libjpeg $(libjpeg-version)" > $@
$(ibidir)/libnsl: $(ibidir)/libtirpc \