diff options
authorMohammad Akhlaghi <mohammad@akhlaghi.org>2018-02-28 16:30:01 +0100
committerMohammad Akhlaghi <mohammad@akhlaghi.org>2018-02-28 16:30:01 +0100
commitc318568cef429df71e699eaaa024feb85715b3d0 (patch)
parent7a989feae06c46f57d31fc434f940561a4199669 (diff)
Header for pages, new font and author management
The computer modern font that was designed by Donald Knuth and is the default of LaTeX is indeed a very good, elegant and nice font in print. However, most journals choose the roman fonts and thus the computer modern font doesn't (subjectively) fit into the journal format nicely. So the default font of this pipeline's paper now uses LaTeX's `newtx' package for a roman style font. Also, a set of preamble settings were added to allow headers in the pages of the paper to make the result resemble more like a journal paper (familiar to the eye), while also adding important information. A new header was made for this job. This new header now also contains the title and author settings (after all, these are also a type of header). Finally, the LaTeX `authblk' package was used to organize authors and their affiliations.
4 files changed, 125 insertions, 30 deletions
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 83e0692..560c2e5 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -468,8 +468,11 @@ been explained here), please let us know to correct it.
are only for the initial/test run, not for any real analysis. The
respective files to remove and parts to fix are discussed here.
- - `paper.tex`: Delete the main body of text that is marked within
- comments.
+ - `paper.tex`: Delete the main body and abstract of text and
+ generally.
+ - `tex/preamble-header.tex`: Correct/add the titles, headers and
+ authors list of the paper.
- `Makefile`: Delete the two occurrences of `delete-me` in the
`foreach` loops.
diff --git a/paper.tex b/paper.tex
index 4dd644a..a423e33 100644
--- a/paper.tex
+++ b/paper.tex
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
%% paper, while keeping modularity in the preambles.
@@ -37,9 +38,8 @@
%% Start writing.
-%% Write the title, authors and date.
+%% Abstract, keywords and reproduction pipeline notice.
- %% -------- Delete this ---------
You have completed the reproduction pipeline and are ready to configure
and implement it for your own research. This template reproduction
@@ -51,10 +51,23 @@
reproducible. If this pipeline proves useful in your research, please
cite \citet{ai15}.
- %% ------------------------------
+ \vspace{0.25cm}
+ \textsl{Keywords}: Add some keywords for your research here.
+ \textsl{Reproducible paper}: Generated from reproduction pipeline
+ \pipelineversion{} and Gnuastro \gnuastroversion. Pipeline available at:
+ \url{https://link-to.the/git/repo-of-your-pipeline}.
-%% -------- Delete this ---------
+%% To add the first page's headers.
+%% Start of the main body of text.
Congratulations on running the reproduction pipeline! You can now follow
the checklist in the \texttt{README.md} file to customize this pipeline to
@@ -124,6 +137,9 @@ new co-authors (who don't want to be distracted by these issues in their
first time reading).
\section{Notice and citations}
To encourage other scientists to publish similarly reproducible papers,
please add a notice close to the start of your paper or in the end of the
@@ -137,9 +153,13 @@ cite the first paper that used the first version of this pipeline:
After publication, don't forget to upload all the necessary data, software
source code and the reproduction pipeline to a long-lasting host like
Zenodo (\url{https://zenodo.org}).
-%% ------------------------------
+%% Tell BibLaTeX to put the bibliography list here.
+%% Finish LaTeX
diff --git a/tex/preamble-header.tex b/tex/preamble-header.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d16d9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/preamble-header.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+%% The headers: title, authors, top of pages and section title formatting
+%% of the final LaTeX file are configured here.
+%% General page header settings.
+\lhead{\footnotesize{\scshape Draft paper}, {\footnotesize nnn:i (pp), Year Month day}}
+\rhead{\scshape\footnotesize YOUR-NAME et al.}
+%% Specific style for first page.
+ \lhead{\footnotesize{\scshape Draft paper}, nnn:i (pp), YYYY Month day\\
+ \scriptsize \textcopyright YYYY, Your name. All rights reserved.}
+ \rhead{\footnotesize \footnotesize \today, \currenttime\\}
+%To set the style of the titles:
+ {\centering\normalfont\uppercase}
+ {\thesection.}
+ {0em}
+ { }
+ {\centering\normalsize\slshape}
+ {\thesubsection.}
+ {0em}
+ { }
+ {\centering\small\slshape}
+ {\thesubsubsection.}
+ {0em}
+ { }
+% Basic Document information that goes into the PDF meta-data.
+ pdfauthor={YOUR NAME},
+ pdfkeywords={SOME, KEYWORDS, FOR, THE, PDF}
+%% Title and author information
+\title{\large \uppercase{Put the title of your exciting project here}}
+\author[1]{Your name}
+\author[2]{Coauthor one}
+\author[1,3]{Coauthor two}
+\affil[1]{The first affiliation in the list.; \url{your@email.address}}
+\affil[2]{Another affilation can be put here.}
+\affil[3]{And generally as many affiliations as you like.
+\par \emph{Received YYYY MM DD; accepted YYYY MM DD; published YYYY MM DD}}
diff --git a/tex/preamble-style.tex b/tex/preamble-style.tex
index 2e4180f..fb08df7 100644
--- a/tex/preamble-style.tex
+++ b/tex/preamble-style.tex
@@ -10,6 +10,15 @@
+%% Font.
%% Print size
\usepackage[a4paper, includeheadfoot, body={18.7cm, 24.5cm}]{geometry}
@@ -126,26 +135,3 @@
-% Basic Document information that goes into the PDF meta-data.
- pdfauthor={YOUR NAME},
- pdfkeywords={SOME, KEYWORDS, FOR, THE, PDF}
-% Title, author, pipeline info and date as they appear on the output PDF.
-\title{\vspace{-3em}THE TITLE OF YOUR PROJECT}
-\date{\small Reproduction pipeline \pipelineversion{}
- and Gnuastro \gnuastroversion\\on \today, \currenttime}