# Build the project's dependencies (programs and libraries). # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # !!!!! IMPORTANT NOTES !!!!! # # This Makefile will be run by the initial `./configure' script. It is not # included into the reproduction pipe after that. # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Copyright (C) 2018-2019 Mohammad Akhlaghi # # This Makefile is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the # Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your # option) any later version. # # This Makefile is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General # Public License for more details. # # A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at # . # Top level environment include reproduce/software/make/build-rules.mk include reproduce/software/config/installation/LOCAL.mk include reproduce/software/config/installation/texlive.mk include reproduce/software/config/installation/versions.mk lockdir = $(BDIR)/locks tdir = $(BDIR)/software/tarballs ddir = $(BDIR)/software/build-tmp idir = $(BDIR)/software/installed ibdir = $(BDIR)/software/installed/bin ildir = $(BDIR)/software/installed/lib dtexdir = $(shell pwd)/reproduce/software/bibtex ibidir = $(BDIR)/software/installed/version-info/bin ilidir = $(BDIR)/software/installed/version-info/lib itidir = $(BDIR)/software/installed/version-info/tex ictdir = $(BDIR)/software/installed/version-info/cite ipydir = $(BDIR)/software/installed/version-info/python # Define the top-level programs to build (installed in `.local/bin'). # # About ATLAS: currently the template does not depend on ATLAS but many # high level software depend on it. The current rule for ATLAS is tested # successfully on Mac (only static) and GNU/Linux (shared and static). But, # since it takes a few hours to build, it is not currently a target. # About available software/libraries: currently the template has rules for # installing software that are widely used in science, and in particular in # astrophysics. However, not all of these software will be used for all # people interested in this template. Due to that, we put some of what we # consider the main software as optional software of the template (to see a # complete list of all software/libraries, look at the version number # Makefile). If that software is needed, just remove the comment `#' to # install it. top-level-libraries = # atlas top-level-programs = gnuastro # astrometrynet scamp sextractor swarp top-level-python = numpy # astropy astroquery matplotlib scipy all: $(foreach p, $(top-level-libraries), $(ilidir)/$(p)) \ $(foreach p, $(top-level-programs), $(ibidir)/$(p)) \ $(foreach p, $(top-level-python), $(ipydir)/$(p)) \ $(itidir)/texlive # Other basic environment settings: We are only including the host # operating system's PATH environment variable (after our own!) for the # compiler and linker. For the library binaries and headers, we are only # using our internally built libraries. # # To investigate: # # 1) Set SHELL to `$(ibdir)/env - NAME=VALUE $(ibdir)/bash' and set all # the parameters defined bellow as `NAME=VALUE' statements before # calling Bash. This will enable us to completely ignore the user's # native environment. # # 2) Add `--noprofile --norc' to `.SHELLFLAGS' so doesn't load the # user's environment. .ONESHELL: .SHELLFLAGS := --noprofile --norc -ec export CCACHE_DISABLE := 1 export PATH := $(ibdir) export SHELL := $(ibdir)/bash export CPPFLAGS := -I$(idir)/include export PKG_CONFIG_PATH := $(ildir)/pkgconfig export PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR := $(ildir)/pkgconfig export LD_RUN_PATH := $(ildir):$(il64dir) export LD_LIBRARY_PATH := $(ildir):$(il64dir) export LDFLAGS := $(rpath_command) -L$(ildir) # We want the download to happen on a single thread. So we need to define a # lock, and call a special script we have written for this job. These are # placed here because we want them both in the `high-level.mk' and # `python.mk'. $(lockdir): | $(BDIR); mkdir $@ downloader="wget --no-use-server-timestamps -O"; downloadwrapper = ./reproduce/analysis/bash/download-multi-try # Python packages include reproduce/software/make/python.mk # Tarballs # -------- # # All the necessary tarballs are defined and prepared with this rule. # # Note that we want the tarballs to follow the convention of NAME-VERSION # before the `tar.XX' prefix. For those programs that don't follow this # convention, but include the name/version in their tarball names with # another format, we'll do the modification before the download so the # downloaded file has our desired format. tarballs = $(foreach t, astrometry.net-$(astrometrynet-version).tar.gz \ atlas-$(atlas-version).tar.bz2 \ cairo-$(cairo-version).tar.xz \ cdsclient-$(cdsclient-version).tar.gz \ cfitsio-$(cfitsio-version).tar.gz \ cmake-$(cmake-version).tar.gz \ freetype-$(freetype-version).tar.gz \ fftw-$(fftw-version).tar.gz \ ghostscript-$(ghostscript-version).tar.gz \ gnuastro-$(gnuastro-version).tar.lz \ gsl-$(gsl-version).tar.gz \ hdf5-$(hdf5-version).tar.gz \ install-tl-unx.tar.gz \ jpegsrc.$(libjpeg-version).tar.gz \ lapack-$(lapack-version).tar.gz \ libpng-$(libpng-version).tar.xz \ libgit2-$(libgit2-version).tar.gz \ libxml2-$(libxml2-version).tar.gz \ netpbm-$(netpbm-version).tgz \ openmpi-$(openmpi-version).tar.gz \ openblas-$(openblas-version).tar.gz \ pixman-$(pixman-version).tar.gz \ scamp-$(scamp-version).tar.lz \ sextractor-$(sextractor-version).tar.lz \ swarp-$(swarp-version).tar.gz \ swig-$(swig-version).tar.gz \ tiff-$(libtiff-version).tar.gz \ wcslib-$(wcslib-version).tar.bz2 \ , $(tdir)/$(t) ) $(tarballs): $(tdir)/%: | $(lockdir) if [ -f $(DEPENDENCIES-DIR)/$* ]; then cp $(DEPENDENCIES-DIR)/$* $@ else # Remove all numbers, `-' and `.' from the tarball name so we can # search more easily only with the program name. n=$$(echo $* | sed -e's/[0-9\-]/ /g' -e's/\./ /g' \ | awk '{print $$1}' ) # Set the top download link of the requested tarball. mergenames=1 if [ $$n = cfitsio ]; then mergenames=0 v=$$(echo $(cfitsio-version) | sed -e's/\.//' \ | awk '{l=length($$1); \ printf (l==4 ? "%d\n" \ : (l==3 ? "%d0\n" \ : (l==2 ? "%d00\n" \ : "%d000\n") ), $$1)}') w=https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/FTP/software/fitsio/c/cfitsio$$v.tar.gz elif [ $$n = astrometry ]; then w=http://astrometry.net/downloads elif [ $$n = atlas ]; then mergenames=0 w=https://sourceforge.net/projects/math-atlas/files/Stable/$(atlas-version)/atlas$(atlas-version).tar.bz2/download elif [ $$n = cairo ]; then w=https://www.cairographics.org/releases elif [ $$n = cdsclient ]; then w=http://cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr/ftp/pub/sw elif [ $$n = cmake ]; then mergenames=0 majv=$$(echo $(cmake-version) \ | sed -e's/\./ /' \ | awk '{printf("%d.%d", $$1, $$2)}') w=https://cmake.org/files/v$$majv/cmake-$(cmake-version).tar.gz elif [ $$n = fftw ]; then w=ftp://ftp.fftw.org/pub/fftw elif [ $$n = freetype ]; then w=https://download.savannah.gnu.org/releases/freetype elif [ $$n = hdf ]; then mergenames=0 majorver=$$(echo $(hdf5-version) | sed -e 's/\./ /g' | awk '{printf("%d.%d", $$1, $$2)}') w=https://support.hdfgroup.org/ftp/HDF5/releases/hdf5-$$majorver/hdf5-$(hdf5-version)/src/$* elif [ $$n = ghostscript ]; then w=https://github.com/ArtifexSoftware/ghostpdl-downloads/releases/download/gs926 elif [ $$n = gnuastro ]; then w=http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/gnuastro elif [ $$n = gsl ]; then w=http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/gsl elif [ $$n = install ]; then w=http://mirror.ctan.org/systems/texlive/tlnet elif [ $$n = jpegsrc ]; then w=http://ijg.org/files elif [ $$n = lapack ]; then w=http://www.netlib.org/lapack elif [ $$n = libpng ]; then w=https://download.sourceforge.net/libpng elif [ $$n = libgit ]; then mergenames=0 w=https://github.com/libgit2/libgit2/archive/v$(libgit2-version).tar.gz elif [ $$n = libxml ]; then w=ftp://xmlsoft.org/libxml2 elif [ $$n = netpbm ]; then mergenames=0 w=https://sourceforge.net/projects/netpbm/files/super_stable/$(netpbm-version)/netpbm-$(netpbm-version).tgz/download elif [ $$n = openblas ]; then mergenames=0 w=https://github.com/xianyi/OpenBLAS/archive/v$(openblas-version).tar.gz elif [ $$n = openmpi ]; then mergenames=0 majorver=$$(echo $(openmpi-version) | sed -e 's/\./ /g' | awk '{printf("%d.%d", $$1, $$2)}') w=https://download.open-mpi.org/release/open-mpi/v$$majorver/$* elif [ $$n = pixman ]; then w=https://www.cairographics.org/releases elif [ $$n = scamp ]; then w=http://akhlaghi.org/src elif [ $$n = sextractor ]; then w=http://akhlaghi.org/src elif [ $$n = swarp ]; then w=https://www.astromatic.net/download/swarp elif [ $$n = swig ]; then w=https://sourceforge.net/projects/swig/files/swig/swig-$(swig-version) elif [ $$n = tiff ]; then w=https://download.osgeo.org/libtiff elif [ $$n = wcslib ]; then w=ftp://ftp.atnf.csiro.au/pub/software/wcslib else echo; echo; echo; echo "'$$n' not recognized as a dependency name to download." echo; echo; echo; exit 1 fi # Download the requested tarball. Note that some packages may not # follow our naming convention (where the package name is merged # with its version number). In such cases, `w' will be the full # address, not just the top directory address. But since we are # storing all the tarballs in one directory, we want it to have # the same naming convention, so we'll download it to a temporary # name, then rename that. if [ $$mergenames = 1 ]; then tarballurl=$$w/"$*" else tarballurl=$$w fi # Download using the script specially defined for this job. touch $(lockdir)/download downloader="wget --no-use-server-timestamps -O" $(downloadwrapper) "$$downloader" $(lockdir)/download \ $$tarballurl $@ fi # Libraries # --------- # # We would prefer to build static libraries, but some compilers like LLVM # don't have static capabilities, so they'll only build dynamic/shared # libraries. Therefore, we can't use the easy `.a' suffix for static # libraries as targets and there are different conventions for shared # library names. # # For the actual build, the same compiler that built the library will build # the programs, so exact knowledge of the suffix is ultimately irrelevant # for us here. So, we'll make an `$(ildir)/built' directory and make a # simple plain text file in it with the basic library name (an no prefix) # and create/write into it when the library is successfully built. $(ilidir)/cfitsio: $(tdir)/cfitsio-$(cfitsio-version).tar.gz \ $(ibidir)/curl # CFITSIO hard-codes the absolute address of cURL's `curl-config' # program (which gives the necessary header and linking # information) into the configure script. So we'll have to modify # it manually before doing the standard build. topdir=$(pwd); cd $(ddir); tar xf $< customtar=cfitsio-$(cfitsio-version)-custom.tar.gz sed cfitsio/configure \ -e's|/usr/bin/curl-config|$(ibdir)/curl-config|g' \ > cfitsio/configure_tmp mv cfitsio/configure_tmp cfitsio/configure chmod +x cfitsio/configure tar cf $$customtar cfitsio cd $$topdir # Continue the standard build on the customized tarball. $(call gbuild, $$customtar, cfitsio, static, \ --enable-sse2 --enable-reentrant) \ && rm $$customtar \ && echo "CFITSIO $(cfitsio-version)" > $@ $(ilidir)/cairo: $(tdir)/cairo-$(cairo-version).tar.xz \ $(ilidir)/freetype \ $(ilidir)/libpng \ $(ilidir)/pixman $(call gbuild, $<, cairo-$(cairo-version), static) \ && echo "Cairo $(cairo-version)" > $@ $(ilidir)/gsl: $(tdir)/gsl-$(gsl-version).tar.gz $(call gbuild, $<, gsl-$(gsl-version), static) \ && echo "GNU Scientific Library $(gsl-version)" > $@ $(ilidir)/fftw: $(tdir)/fftw-$(fftw-version).tar.gz $(call gbuild, $<, fftw-$(fftw-version), static, \ --enable-shared) \ && cp $(dtexdir)/fftw.tex $(ictdir)/ \ && echo "FFTW $(fftw-version) \citep{fftw}" > $@ # Freetype is necessary to install matplotlib $(ilidir)/freetype: $(tdir)/freetype-$(freetype-version).tar.gz \ $(ilidir)/libpng $(call gbuild, $<, freetype-$(freetype-version), static) \ && echo "FreeType $(freetype-version)" > $@ $(ilidir)/hdf5: $(tdir)/hdf5-$(hdf5-version).tar.gz \ $(ilidir)/openmpi export CC=mpicc; \ export FC=mpif90; \ $(call gbuild, $<, hdf5-$(hdf5-version), static, \ --enable-parallel \ --enable-fortran, V=1) \ && echo "HDF5 library $(hdf5-version)" > $@ $(ilidir)/libjpeg: $(tdir)/jpegsrc.$(libjpeg-version).tar.gz $(call gbuild, $<, jpeg-9b, static) \ && echo "Libjpeg $(libjpeg-version)" > $@ $(ilidir)/libpng: $(tdir)/libpng-$(libpng-version).tar.xz $(call gbuild, $<, libpng-$(libpng-version), static) \ && echo "Libpng $(libpng-version)" > $@ $(ilidir)/libxml2: $(tdir)/libxml2-$(libxml2-version).tar.gz # The libxml2 tarball also contains Python bindings which are built and # installed to a system directory by default. If you don't need the Python # bindings, the easiest solution is to compile without Python support: # ./configure --without-python # If you really need the Python bindings, try the # --with-python-install-dir=DIR option $(call gbuild, $<, libxml2-$(libxml2-version), static, \ --without-python) \ && echo "Libxml2 $(libxml2-version)" > $@ $(ilidir)/pixman: $(tdir)/pixman-$(pixman-version).tar.gz $(call gbuild, $<, pixman-$(pixman-version), static) \ && echo "Pixman $(pixman-version)" > $@ $(ilidir)/libtiff: $(tdir)/tiff-$(libtiff-version).tar.gz \ $(ilidir)/libjpeg $(call gbuild, $<, tiff-$(libtiff-version), static, \ --disable-webp --disable-zstd) \ && echo "Libtiff $(libtiff-version)" > $@ $(ilidir)/openmpi: $(tdir)/openmpi-$(openmpi-version).tar.gz $(call gbuild, $<, openmpi-$(openmpi-version), static, , V=1) \ && echo "Open MPI $(openmpi-version)" > $@ $(ilidir)/atlas: $(tdir)/atlas-$(atlas-version).tar.bz2 \ $(tdir)/lapack-$(lapack-version).tar.gz # Get the operating system specific features (how to get # CPU frequency and the library suffixes). To make the steps # more readable, the different library version suffixes are # named with a single character: `s' for no version in the # name, `m' for the major version suffix, and `f' for the # full version suffix. # GCC in Mac OS doesn't work. To work around this issue, on Mac # systems we force ATLAS to use `clang' instead of `gcc'. if [ x$(on_mac_os) = xyes ]; then s=dylib m=3.dylib f=3.6.1.dylib core=$$(sysctl hw.cpufrequency | awk '{print $$2/1000000}') clangflag="--force-clang=$(ibdir)/clang" else s=so m=so.3 f=so.3.6.1 clangflag= core=$$(cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "cpu MHz" \ | head -n 1 \ | sed "s/.*: \([0-9.]*\).*/\1/") fi # See if the shared libraries should be build for a single CPU # thread or multiple threads. N=$$(nproc) srcdir=$$(pwd)/reproduce/src/make if [ $$N = 1 ]; then sharedmk=$$srcdir/dependencies-atlas-single.mk else sharedmk=$$srcdir/dependencies-atlas-multiple.mk fi # The linking step here doesn't recognize the `-Wl' in the # `rpath_command'. export LDFLAGS=-L$(ildir) cd $(ddir) \ && tar xf $< \ && cd ATLAS \ && rm -rf build \ && mkdir build \ && cd build \ && ../configure -b 64 -D c -DPentiumCPS=$$core \ --with-netlib-lapack-tarfile=$(word 2, $^) \ --cripple-atlas-performance \ -Fa alg -fPIC --shared $$clangflag \ --prefix=$(idir) \ && make \ && if [ "x$(on_mac_os)" != xyes ]; then \ cd lib && make -f $$sharedmk && cd .. \ && for l in lib/*.$$s*; do \ patchelf --set-rpath $(ildir) $$l; done \ && cp -d lib/*.$$s* $(ildir) \ && ln -fs $(ildir)/libblas.$$s $(ildir)/libblas.$$m \ && ln -fs $(ildir)/libf77blas.$$s $(ildir)/libf77blas.$$m \ && ln -fs $(ildir)/liblapack.$$f $(ildir)/liblapack.$$s \ && ln -fs $(ildir)/liblapack.$$f $(ildir)/liblapack.$$m; \ fi \ && make install # We need to check the existance of `libptlapack.a', but we can't # do this in the `&&' steps above (it will conflict). So we'll do # the check after seeing if `libtatlas.so' is installed, then we'll # finalize the build (delete the untarred directory). if [ "x$(on_mac_os)" != xyes ]; then \ [ -e lib/libptlapack.a ] && cp lib/libptlapack.a $(ildir); \ cd $(ddir); \ rm -rf ATLAS; \ fi # We'll check the full installation with the static library (not # currently building shared library on Mac. if [ -f $(ildir)/libatlas.a ]; then \ echo "ATLAS $(atlas-version)" > $@; \ fi $(ilidir)/openblas: $(tdir)/openblas-$(openblas-version).tar.gz if [ x$(on_mac_os) = xyes ]; then \ export CC=clang; \ fi; \ cd $(ddir) \ && tar xf $< \ && cd OpenBLAS-$(openblas-version) \ && make \ && make PREFIX=$(idir) install \ && cd .. \ && rm -rf OpenBLAS-$(openblas-version) \ && echo "OpenBLAS $(openblas-version)" > $@ # Libraries with special attention on Mac OS # ------------------------------------------ # # Libgit2 and WCSLIB don't set their installation path, or don't do it # properly, in their finally installed shared libraries. But since we are # linking everything (including OpenSSL and its dependencies) dynamically, # we need to also make a shared libraries and can't use static # libraries. So for Mac OS systems we have to correct their addresses # manually. # # For example, Libgit2 page recommends doing a static build, especially for # Mac systems (with `-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF'): "It’s highly recommended # that you build libgit2 as a static library for Xcode projects. This # simplifies distribution significantly, as the resolution of dynamic # libraries at runtime can be extremely problematic.". This is a major # problem we have been having so far with Mac systems: # https://libgit2.org/docs/guides/build-and-link $(ilidir)/libgit2: $(tdir)/libgit2-$(libgit2-version).tar.gz \ $(ibidir)/cmake \ $(ibidir)/curl # Build and install the library. $(call cbuild, $<, libgit2-$(libgit2-version), static, \ -DUSE_SSH=OFF -DBUILD_CLAR=OFF \ -DTHREADSAFE=ON ) # Correct the shared library absolute address if necessary. if [ x$(on_mac_os) = xyes ]; then install_name_tool -id $(ildir)/libgit2.26.dylib \ $(ildir)/libgit2.26.dylib fi # Write the target file. echo "Libgit2 $(libgit2-version)" > $@ $(ilidir)/wcslib: $(tdir)/wcslib-$(wcslib-version).tar.bz2 \ $(ilidir)/cfitsio # Build and install the library. $(call gbuild, $<, wcslib-$(wcslib-version), , \ LIBS="-pthread -lcurl -lm" \ --with-cfitsiolib=$(ildir) \ --with-cfitsioinc=$(idir)/include \ --without-pgplot --disable-fortran) # Correct the shared library absolute address if necessary. if [ x$(on_mac_os) = xyes ]; then install_name_tool -id $(ildir)/libwcs.6.2.dylib \ $(ildir)/libwcs.6.2.dylib; fi # Write the target file. echo "WCSLIB $(wcslib-version)" > $@ # Programs # -------- # # Astrometry-net contains a lot of programs. We need to specify the # installation directory and the Python executable (by default it will look # for /usr/bin/python) $(ibidir)/astrometrynet: $(tdir)/astrometry.net-$(astrometrynet-version).tar.gz \ $(ilidir)/cairo \ $(ilidir)/cfitsio \ $(ilidir)/gsl \ $(ilidir)/libjpeg \ $(ilidir)/libpng \ $(ibidir)/netpbm \ $(ipydir)/numpy \ $(ibidir)/python \ $(ibidir)/swig \ $(ilidir)/wcslib cd $(ddir) \ && if ! tar xf $<; then echo; echo "Tar error"; exit 1; fi \ && cd astrometry.net-$(astrometrynet-version) \ && make \ && make py \ && make extra \ && make install INSTALL_DIR=$(idir) PYTHON_SCRIPT="$(ibdir)/python" \ && cd .. \ && rm -rf astrometry.net-$(astrometrynet-version) \ && cp $(dtexdir)/astrometrynet.tex $(ictdir)/ \ && echo "Astrometry.net $(astrometrynet-version) \citep{astrometrynet}" > $@ # cdsclient is a set of software written in c to interact with astronomical # database servers. It is a dependency of `scamp' to be able to download # reference catalogues. # NOTE: we do not use a convencional `gbuild' installation because the # programs are scripts and we need to touch them before installing. # Otherwise this software will be re-built each time the configure step is # invoked. $(ibidir)/cdsclient: $(tdir)/cdsclient-$(cdsclient-version).tar.gz cd $(ddir) \ && tar xf $< \ && cd cdsclient-$(cdsclient-version) \ && touch * \ && ./configure --prefix=$(idir) \ && make \ && make install \ && cd .. \ && rm -rf cdsclient-$(cdsclient-version) \ && echo "cdsclient $(cdsclient-version)" > $@ # CMake can be built with its custom `./bootstrap' script. $(ibidir)/cmake: $(tdir)/cmake-$(cmake-version).tar.gz \ $(ibidir)/curl # After searching in `bootstrap', I couldn't find `LIBS', only # `LDFLAGS'. So the extra libraries are being added to `LDFLAGS', # not `LIBS'. # # On Mac systems, the build complains about `clang' specific # features, so we can't use our own GCC build here. if [ x$(on_mac_os) = xyes ]; then \ export CC=clang; \ export CXX=clang++; \ fi; \ cd $(ddir) \ && rm -rf cmake-$(cmake-version) \ && tar xf $< \ && cd cmake-$(cmake-version) \ && ./bootstrap --prefix=$(idir) --system-curl --system-zlib \ --system-bzip2 --system-liblzma --no-qt-gui \ && make LIBS="$$LIBS -lssl -lcrypto -lz" VERBOSE=1 \ && make install \ && cd .. \ && rm -rf cmake-$(cmake-version) \ && echo "CMake $(cmake-version)" > $@ $(ibidir)/ghostscript: $(tdir)/ghostscript-$(ghostscript-version).tar.gz $(call gbuild, $<, ghostscript-$(ghostscript-version)) \ && echo "GPL Ghostscript $(ghostscript-version)" > $@ # The order of dependencies is based on how long they take to build (how # large they are): Libgit2 depends on CMake which takes a VERY long time to # build. Also, Ghostscript and GSL are relatively large packages. So when # building in parallel, its better to have these packages start building # early. $(ibidir)/gnuastro: $(tdir)/gnuastro-$(gnuastro-version).tar.lz \ $(ilidir)/gsl \ $(ilidir)/wcslib \ $(ilidir)/libjpeg \ $(ilidir)/libtiff \ $(ilidir)/libgit2 \ $(ibidir)/ghostscript ifeq ($(static_build),yes) staticopts="--enable-static=yes --enable-shared=no"; endif $(call gbuild, $<, gnuastro-$(gnuastro-version), static, \ $$staticopts, -j$(numthreads), \ make check -j$(numthreads)) \ && cp $(dtexdir)/gnuastro.tex $(ictdir)/ \ && echo "GNU Astronomy Utilities $(gnuastro-version) \citep{gnuastro}" > $@ # Netpbm is a prerequisite of Astrometry-net, it contains a lot of programs. # This program has a crazy dialogue installation which is override using the # printf statment. Each `\n' is a new question that the installation process # ask to the user. We give all answers with a pipe to the scripts (configure # and install). The questions are different depending on the system (tested # on GNU/Linux and Mac OS). $(ibidir)/netpbm: $(tdir)/netpbm-$(netpbm-version).tgz \ $(ilidir)/libjpeg \ $(ilidir)/libpng \ $(ilidir)/libtiff \ $(ilidir)/libxml2 \ $(ibidir)/unzip if [ x$(on_mac_os) = xyes ]; then \ answers='\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nnone\n\n\n'; \ else \ answers='\n\n\n\ny\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n'; \ fi; \ cd $(ddir) \ && unpackdir=netpbm-$(netpbm-version) \ && rm -rf $$unpackdir \ && if ! tar xf $<; then echo; echo "Tar error"; exit 1; fi \ && cd $$unpackdir \ && printf "$$answers" | ./configure \ && make \ && rm -rf $(ddir)/$$unpackdir/install \ && make package pkgdir=$(ddir)/$$unpackdir/install \ && printf "$(ddir)/$$unpackdir/install\n$(idir)\n\n\nN\n\n\n\n\nN\n\n" \ | ./installnetpbm \ && cd .. \ && rm -rf $$unpackdir \ && echo "Netpbm $(netpbm-version)" > $@ # SCAMP documentation says ATLAS is a mandatory prerequisite for using # SCAMP. We have ATLAS into the project but there are some problems with the # libraries that are not yet solved. However, we tried to install it with # the option --enable-openblas and it worked (same issue happened with # `sextractor'. $(ibidir)/scamp: $(tdir)/scamp-$(scamp-version).tar.lz \ $(ilidir)/fftw \ $(ilidir)/openblas \ $(ibidir)/cdsclient $(call gbuild, $<, scamp-$(scamp-version), static, \ --enable-threads --enable-openblas \ --with-fftw-libdir=$(idir) \ --with-fftw-incdir=$(idir)/include \ --with-openblas-libdir=$(ildir) \ --with-openblas-incdir=$(idir)/include) \ && cp $(dtexdir)/scamp.tex $(ictdir)/ \ && echo "SCAMP $(scamp-version) \citep{scamp}" > $@ # Sextractor crashes complaining about not linking with some ATLAS # libraries. But we can override this issue since we have Openblas # installed, it is just necessary to explicity tell sextractor to use it in # the configuration step. $(ibidir)/sextractor: $(tdir)/sextractor-$(sextractor-version).tar.lz \ $(ilidir)/openblas \ $(ilidir)/fftw $(call gbuild, $<, sextractor-$(sextractor-version), static, \ --enable-threads --enable-openblas \ --with-openblas-libdir=$(ildir) \ --with-openblas-incdir=$(idir)/include) \ && ln -fs $(ibdir)/sex $(ibdir)/sextractor \ && cp $(dtexdir)/sextractor.tex $(ictdir)/ \ && echo "Sextractor $(sextractor-version) \citep{sextractor}" > $@ $(ibidir)/swarp: $(tdir)/swarp-$(swarp-version).tar.gz \ $(ilidir)/fftw $(call gbuild, $<, swarp-$(swarp-version), static, \ --enable-threads) \ && cp $(dtexdir)/swarp.tex $(ictdir)/ \ && echo "SWarp $(swarp-version) \citep{swarp}" > $@ $(ibidir)/swig: $(tdir)/swig-$(swig-version).tar.gz # Option --without-pcre was a suggestion once the configure step was # tried and it failed. It was not recommended but it works! # pcr is a dependency of swig $(call gbuild, $<, swig-$(swig-version), static, --without-pcre) \ && echo "Swig $(swig-version)" > $@ # Since we want to avoid complicating the PATH, we are putting a symbolic # link of all the TeX Live executables in $(ibdir). But symbolic links are # hard to track for Make (as a target). Also, TeX in general is optional # for the project (the processing is the main target, not the generation of # the final PDF). So we'll make a simple ASCII file called # `texlive-ready-tlmgr' and use its contents to mark if we can use it or # not. $(itidir)/texlive-ready-tlmgr: $(tdir)/install-tl-unx.tar.gz \ reproduce/software/config/installation/texlive.conf # Unpack, enter the directory, and install based on the given # configuration (prerequisite of this rule). @topdir=$$(pwd) cd $(ddir) rm -rf install-tl-* tar xf $(tdir)/install-tl-unx.tar.gz cd install-tl-* sed -e's|@installdir[@]|$(idir)|g' \ $$topdir/reproduce/software/config/installation/texlive.conf \ > texlive.conf # TeX Live's installation may fail due to any reason. But TeX Live # is optional (only necessary for building the final PDF). So we # don't want the configure script to fail if it can't run. if ./install-tl --profile=texlive.conf; then # Put a symbolic link of the TeX Live executables in `ibdir'. The # main problem is that the year and build system (for example # `x86_64-linux') are also in the directory names, making it hard # to be generic. We are using wildcards here, but only in this # Makefile, not in any other. ln -fs $(idir)/texlive/20*/bin/*/* $(ibdir)/ # Register that the build was successful. echo "TeX Live is ready." > $@ else echo "NOT!" > $@ fi # Clean up cd .. rm -rf install-tl-* # To keep things modular and simple, we'll break up the installation of TeX # Live itself (only very basic TeX and LaTeX) and the installation of its # necessary packages into two packages. $(itidir)/texlive: reproduce/software/config/installation/texlive.mk \ $(itidir)/texlive-ready-tlmgr # To work with TeX live installation, we'll need the internet. @res=$$(cat $(itidir)/texlive-ready-tlmgr) if [ x"$$res" = x"NOT!" ]; then echo "" > $@ else # Install all the extra necessary packages. If LaTeX complains # about not finding a command/file/what-ever/XXXXXX, simply run # the following command to find which package its in, then add it # to the `texlive-packages' variable of the first prerequisite. # # ./.local/bin/tlmgr info XXXXXX # # We are putting a notice, because if there is no internet, # `tlmgr' just hangs waiting. tlmgr install $(texlive-packages) # Make a symbolic link of all the TeX Live executables in the bin # directory so we don't have to modify `PATH'. ln -fs $(idir)/texlive/20*/bin/*/* $(ibdir)/ # Get all the necessary versions. texlive=$$(pdflatex --version | awk 'NR==1' | sed 's/.*(\(.*\))/\1/' \ | awk '{print $$NF}'); # Package names and versions. tlmgr info $(texlive-packages) --only-installed | awk \ '$$1=="package:" {version=0; \ if($$NF=="tex-gyre") name="texgyre"; \ else name=$$NF} \ $$1=="cat-version:" {version=$$NF} \ $$1=="cat-date:" {if(version==0) version=$$2; \ printf("%s %s\n", name, version)}' >> $@ fi