# THIS IS A COPY OF NUMPY'S site.cfg.example, CUSTOMIZED FOR THIS PIPELINE # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # This file provides configuration information about non-Python dependencies for # numpy.distutils-using packages. Create a file like this called "site.cfg" next # to your package's setup.py file and fill in the appropriate sections. Not all # packages will use all sections so you should leave out sections that your # package does not use. # IMPORTANT NOTE # -------------- # # The `ALL' grouping does't apply to ATLAS!!!!! [ALL] library_dirs = @LIBDIR@ include_dirs = @INCDIR@ # Atlas # ----- # Atlas is an open source optimized implementation of the BLAS and Lapack # routines. NumPy will try to build against Atlas by default when available in # the system library dirs. To build numpy against a custom installation of # Atlas you can add an explicit section such as the following. Here we assume # that Atlas was configured with ``prefix=/opt/atlas``. # [atlas] library_dirs = @LIBDIR@ include_dirs = @INCDIR@ # FFT libraries # ------------- # There are two FFT libraries that we can configure here: FFTW (2 and 3) and djbfft. # Note that these libraries are not used by numpy or scipy. # # http://fftw.org/ # https://cr.yp.to/djbfft.html # # Given only this section, numpy.distutils will try to figure out which version # of FFTW you are using. #[fftw] #libraries = fftw3 # # For djbfft, numpy.distutils will look for either djbfft.a or libdjbfft.a . #[djbfft] #include_dirs = /usr/local/djbfft/include #library_dirs = /usr/local/djbfft/lib