path: root/tex/src/figure-data-lineage.tex
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorLines
2020-06-04Verification activated, README added, Proper metadata in plot dataMohammad Akhlaghi-1/+1
All the steps following the to-be-added (in 'README-hacking.md') publication checklist prior to the final check from new clone have been added: - 'README.md' file has been set. - "Reproducible supplement" was added just above the keywords, pointing to Zenodo. - A link to the to-be-uploaded data underlying the plot was added in the caption of the tools-per-year plot. - A new meta-data configuration file was added to store basic project metadata to be used throughout the project. This will later be taken into Maneage. For examle the project title is now stored here and written into the paper's LaTeX source and output datasets automatically. - Verification was activated and plot's data and LaTeX macro files are now automatically verified. - A complete metadata was added for the data underlying the plot. - A generic function was added in 'initialize.mk' that will automatically write project info and copyright in all plain-text outputs.
2020-05-22Re-write of the paper to fit in ~6000 words and IEEE formatMohammad Akhlaghi-8/+10
Following the fact that the DSJ editor decided that this paper doesn't fit into their scope, we decided to submit it to IEEE's Computing in Science and Engineering (CiSE). So with this commit the text was re-written to fit into their style and word-count limitations.
2020-03-30Section on starting new projects, and publishing project addedMohammad Akhlaghi-2/+2
With the main structure of Maneage explained, I have started to explain how a new project is created, along with a schematic diagram that shows two scenarios of how Git can help with project management.
2020-03-23Analysis and configuration file sections completeMohammad Akhlaghi-23/+23
With this commit a description of these two important parts have been added to the project, along with several figures showing various parts of the files that are discussed. I also done some other restructuring of the figures and files to make things fit better into the the description of the paper.
2020-03-02Described the first analysis phase with a demo subMakefileMohammad Akhlaghi-23/+5
Until now, there was no explanation on an actual analysis phase, therefore with this commit an example scenario with a readable Makefile is included. The Data lineage graph was also simplified to both be more readable, and also to correspond to this new explanation and subMakefile. Some random edits/typos were also corrected and some references added for discussion.
2020-01-27Analysis phase description started with Final paper and verificationMohammad Akhlaghi-21/+25
With this commit, the general outline of the analysis phase is given, as well as a description of the LaTeX macros and their relation to the paper and thier verification. Also, the data-lineage figure was updated to have references.tex also and some resizing of the folders in file-architecture to be more clear.
2020-01-18Raw draft (until now as a separate repository) importedMohammad Akhlaghi-0/+236
Until now, I was writing the paper without the template. But we will soon be adding a tutorial to the template, and I thought it will be good to have an example demonstration here too. So I just brought the hole project into the template structure, allowing us to add the template analysis later when its ready, and also allowing us to easily reproduce this paper ofcourse (without having to worry about the host's TeXLive installation.