path: root/paper.tex
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorLines
2019-03-22H5py added and setuptools as main Python module dependencyRaul Infante-Sainz-15/+25
In this commit we add `h5py' Python package. We also include `setuptools' as a main dependency of Python because with the previous commit it (as well as `pip') is no longer installed with Python. Numpy version also has been incremented.
2019-03-19Minor corrections: typo and adding file to .gitignoreMohammad Akhlaghi-16/+15
The LaTeX macro for libgit2 was not properly used in `paper.tex'. On Mac systems, after browsing the directory, a `.DS_Store' file was created. So to keep things clean on those systems, it is added to the files to be ignored by Git.
2019-02-13Astropy installed in the pipelineRaul Infante-Sainz-1/+3
Astropy was added and one very important thing is that we have to use the pypi tarball (https://pypi.org/) (which is bootstrapped) and not the github tarball.
2019-02-06Better management for .tex directories to build from tarballMohammad Akhlaghi-10/+10
In order to collaborate effectively in the project, even project members that don't necessarily want (or have the capacity) to do the whole analysis must be able to contribute to the project. Until now, the users of the distributed tarball could only modify the text and not the figures (built with PGFPlots) of the paper. With this commit, the management of TeX source files in the pipeline was slightly modified to allow this as cleanly as I could think of now! In short, the hand-written TeX files are now kept in `tex/src' and for the pipeline's generated TeX files (in particular the old `tex/pipeline.tex'), we now have a `tex/pipeline' symbolic-link/directory that points to the `tex' directory under the build directory. When packaging the project, `tex/pipeline' will be a full directory with a copy of all the necessary files. Therefore as far as LaTeX is concerned, having a build-directory is no longer relevant. Many other small changes were made to do this job cleanly which will just make this commit message too long! Also, the old `tarball' and `zip' targets are now `dist' and `dist-zip' (as in the standard GNU Build system).
2019-02-05Ability to package project into tarball or zip fileMohammad Akhlaghi-5/+6
With this commit, it is now possible to package the project into a tarball or zip file, ready to be distributed to collaborators who only want to modify the final paper (and not do the analysis technicalities), or for uploading to sites like arXiv, or online LaTeX sharing pages.
2019-01-22Updated to newly modified version of metastoreMohammad Akhlaghi-1/+1
In this version, too many extra notices (just regarding a change from branch to branch) are not printed with `-q'. Instead only a one line statement is printed that it is saved or applied.
2019-01-21Libbsd added as a dependency of MetastoreMohammad Akhlaghi-17/+18
Metastore depends on `bsd/string.h' to work properly (atleast on GNU/Linux systems). The first system I tried building with had that library, so I didn't notice! With this commit, we also build `libbsd' as part of the pipeline. Also, I couldn't find libbsd's version in any of its installed headers, so like Libjpeg, we can't actually check and will directly write our internal version into the paper.
2019-01-21Metastore package now installed to allow keeping file meta-dataMohammad Akhlaghi-16/+16
The pipeline heavily depends on file meta data (and in particular the modification dates), for example the configuration-Makefiles within the pipeline are set as prerequisites to the rules of the pipeline. However, when Git checks out a branch, it doesn't preserve the meta-data of the files unique to that branch (for example program source files or configuration-Makefiles). As a result, the rules that depend on them will be re-done. This is especially troublesome in the scenario of this reproducible paper project because we commonly need to switch between branches (for example to import recent work in the pipeline into the projects). After some searching, I think the Metastore program is the best solution. Metastore is now built as part of the pipeline and through two Git hooks, it is called by Git to store the original meta-data of files into a binary file that is version controlled (and managed by Metastore).
2019-01-17Added Gnuastro in paragraph with all programsMohammad Akhlaghi-14/+15
Until now, Gnuastro was only mentioned in the first acknowledgments section, but not in the paragraph with all the program names. But these two are not mutually exclusive. All the software should be mentioned in the last paragraph and those that need special mention can be mentioned before it.
2019-01-14GNU NCURSES and GNU Readline also built before GNU BashMohammad Akhlaghi-19/+20
Readline is a prerequisite of Bash and AWK, while NCURSES is a prerequisite of Readline. With the recent update of GNU Bash (and thus GNU Readline) on my host operating system, the pipeline crashed and I noticed this hole in the pipeline. In particular, AWK (which linked with Readline 7.0) would complain about not finding it and abort.
2018-12-31Updated Gzip and Gnuastro versions to standard buildsMohammad Akhlaghi-20/+20
Both Gzip and Gnuastro were being bootstrapped personally from their Git repository until now. But fortunately a new release of both came out last week and so to make things standard we are now using their standard tarballs. I also noticed that we weren't checking the version of Gzip or mentioning it in the acknowledgement section. This was also corrected.
2018-12-02Wget and OpenSSL now installed as a basic dependencyMohammad Akhlaghi-18/+19
The TeX Live installer needs Wget to operate smoothly, especially on recent Mac OS systems that don't have Wget pre-installed. Also, it would be good for the pipeline to have its own downloader. So with this commit, the pipeline also installs Wget and OpenSSL which is a dependency. Many other small changes/fixes were done in this process.
2018-11-28Better control of shared library linkingMohammad Akhlaghi-16/+16
Until now we weren't explicity writing the full path of the dynamic libraries necessary for linking a program. But now with `-Wl,-rpath=$(ildir)' we ensure that the linker keeps the address of the dynamic libraries necessary for linking at linking time, not running time. Also, `pkg-config' is also built when preparing the basics. Several other minor corrections were made thanks to the great help of Raúl Infante Sainz.
2018-11-26High-level dependencies build without system's PATHMohammad Akhlaghi-20/+22
The high-level dependencies are now built without having access to the system's PATH. To do this, all the necessary software that we aren't building ourselves are now brought into the installed `bin/' directory using a symbolic link to the corresponding software on the host. To do this, it was also necessary to increase the number of basic/low-level packages that we are building, and add several more (Diffutils and Findutils). With this process in place, we now have a list of the exact software packages that we are not building our selves, enabling easy building of all such dependencies in the future.
2018-11-25More generic naming conventionMohammad Akhlaghi-13/+11
Until now, we were keeping the input file within the reproduction pipeline's directories using the same name as the database/server. Now, we are using a short/summarized filename convention for the input dataset.
2018-11-25Pipeline now downloads and uses an input datasetMohammad Akhlaghi-29/+57
In most analysis situations (except for simulations), an input dataset is necessary, but that part of the pipeline was just left out and a general `SURVEY' variable was set and never used. So with this commit, we actually use a sample FITS file from the FITS standard webpage, show it (as well as its histogram) and do some basic calculations on it. This preparation of the input datasets is done in a generic way to enable easy addition of more datasets if necessary.
2018-11-21Modified reproducible paper statement in paperMohammad Akhlaghi-4/+2
Gnuastro is just one of the softwares used in the pipeline, so it is too much to include its version just under the abstract. However, the version of the pipeline is very important as well as the link to it. This change puts more emphasis on these two more important points.
2018-11-19Removed GNU Binutils, CMake's built with its own bootstrapMohammad Akhlaghi-5/+5
When the C compiler is not GNU GCC, linking with GNU Binutils is going to cause problems. So until the time that we can include GCC into this pipeline, its best to avoid Binutils also. Also, for building CMake, we were relying on an installed CMake, but now, we are using its own `./bootstrap' script, so it can be built even if the host system doesn't have CMake. Also, for TeX Live, we are now setting a custom file as main target to avoid complications with symbolic links as targets in Make. Finally, when the user says they don't want to re-write an existing configuration file, no extra notices will be printed and the configure script will immediately start building programs.
2018-11-18Pipeline also installs TeX live and necessary packagesMohammad Akhlaghi-12/+22
Since the final product of the pipeline is a LaTeX-created PDF file, it was necessary to also have LaTeX within the pipeline. With this commit, TeX Live is also built as part of the configuration and all the necessary packages to build the PDF are also installed and mentioned in the paper along with their versions.
2018-11-15Minor corrections in paper's textMohammad Akhlaghi-6/+7
Some minor corrections have been made in the paper's text to make things easier to read and be more formal.
2018-11-15Binutils and other compressors also included in pipelineMohammad Akhlaghi-11/+12
To have better control over the build, GNU Binutils, Bzip2, GNU Gzip, and XZ Utils have also been added to the pipeline. Some other minor cleanups and fixes were also implemented throughout the process.
2018-11-14Lzip and Tar also built as basic dependenciesMohammad Akhlaghi-4/+5
To ensure the easy unpacking and building of the programs, Lzip and Tar are now also build during the initial setup phase. Some minor corrections were also applied to make things cleaner and smoother.
2018-11-14All used software with versions, acknowledgedMohammad Akhlaghi-0/+30
All the used software are now acknowledged in the template paper along with their versions. This section is also mentioned in the check list, so users don't delete it by mistake.
2018-08-11Not using random distribution in demonstration plotMohammad Akhlaghi-7/+9
Different implementations of AWK may use different random number generators, so even setting the seed will not ensure a reproducible result. Because of this, the random plot may be different when the pipeline runs on different systems and this can confuse early users (its contrary to the exact reproducibility that is the whole purpose of this pipeline). The plot is just a simple X^2 plot, showing the squared value of the X axis on the Y axis. It is very simple, but atleast it will be identical on all systems. Also, there may be too many complicated things in the pipeline already for an early user, and its just a demonstration, so the easier/simpler, the better.
2018-02-28Edited commends on \makepdfMohammad Akhlaghi-6/+4
The old comments could be a little confusing, so they are now more clear and describe where to look for how this variable is used.
2018-02-28Header for pages, new font and author managementMohammad Akhlaghi-5/+25
The computer modern font that was designed by Donald Knuth and is the default of LaTeX is indeed a very good, elegant and nice font in print. However, most journals choose the roman fonts and thus the computer modern font doesn't (subjectively) fit into the journal format nicely. So the default font of this pipeline's paper now uses LaTeX's `newtx' package for a roman style font. Also, a set of preamble settings were added to allow headers in the pages of the paper to make the result resemble more like a journal paper (familiar to the eye), while also adding important information. A new header was made for this job. This new header now also contains the title and author settings (after all, these are also a type of header). Finally, the LaTeX `authblk' package was used to organize authors and their affiliations.
2018-02-27Abstract added to final PDF along with better explanationMohammad Akhlaghi-24/+59
An abstract is also something most research reports will need, so a simple macro was defined to make it easy (not too many code lines within the text of the main body) to implement an abstract. The title was also moved up a little to better use the extra white space at the top of the page. Finally, the `\highlightchanges' along with its explanation (both as comments and within the text with examples) was added in `paper.tex' to demonstrate how useful the `\new' and `\tonote' macros are.
2018-02-27Multicol package no longer used for two column PDFMohammad Akhlaghi-7/+1
Until now, we were using the `multicol' package which is mainly designed for more than two columns. Instead, we are just passing a `twocolumn' option to the article document class.
2018-02-27Cleaner TeX comments in paper.texMohammad Akhlaghi-8/+5
Having a look at the TeX source, some minor edits were made to the comments so it is more clear.
2018-02-27Default PDF now uses PGFPlots and BibLaTeXMohammad Akhlaghi-2/+84
Making plots and including references are integral parts of a scientific paper. Therefore to demonstrate how cleanly they can be used within the pipeline, they are now used to produce the final PDF. To use PGFPlots a random dataset is made (using AWK's random function) and is plotted using PGFPlots. The minimum and maximum values of the dataset are also included in the text to further show how such calculations can go into the macros and text. For the references, the NoiseChisel paper was added as a reference to cite when using this pipeline along with the MUSE UDF paper I, which uses this pipeline for two sections. Following this discussion, citation is also discussed in `README.md` and the NoiseChisel paper is also added as a published work with a reproduction pipeline.
2018-02-27Copyrights and TeX management made more clearMohammad Akhlaghi-1/+19
Until now, the copyright statement was left empty for the users of the pipeline to fill. However, the files have already been created and have an author (or contributing authors) before the user starts using the pipeline. So the original authors of the files are added along with the year. The user can add their own name to the existing files under the "Contributing author" when they start and they will be the "Original author" of the new files they create. Several changes were also made to the TeX management: - LaTeX is run within a `reproduce/build/tex/build' directory now. Not in the top reproduction pipeline directory. This helps keep all the auxiliary TeX files and directories in that directory and keep the top reproduction pipeline directory clean. After the final PDF is built, a copy is put in the top reproduction pipeline directory for easy viewing. - The PGFPlots preamble was also made more useful, allowing the name of the `.tex' file to also be the name of the final plot that is produced. This is a GREAT feature, because without it, the TiKZ externalization would be based on order of the plots within the paper. But now, order is irrelevant and we can even delete the TiKZ files within the processing workhorse-Makefiles so the plots are definitly rebuilt on the next run. - The paper is now in a two-column format to be more similar to published papers. A tip on debugging Make was added to `README.md'.
2018-02-16Corrected mistake in commentMohammad Akhlaghi-3/+3
The first comment of the top LaTeX source was confusing and is now fixed.
2018-02-07First commit to the reproduction pipeline templateMohammad Akhlaghi-0/+19
Let's start working on this pipeline independently with this first commit. It is based on my previous experiences, but I had never made a skeleton of a pipeline before, it was always within a working analysis. But now that the pipeline has a separate repository for its self, we will be able to work on it and use it as a base for future work and modify it to make it even better. Hopefully in time (and with the help of others), it will grow and become much more robust and useful.