path: root/reproduce/analysis/make
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'reproduce/analysis/make')
8 files changed, 297 insertions, 204 deletions
diff --git a/reproduce/analysis/make/delete-me.mk b/reproduce/analysis/make/delete-me.mk
deleted file mode 100644
index f4c8600..0000000
--- a/reproduce/analysis/make/delete-me.mk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
-# Dummy Makefile to create a random dataset for plotting.
-# Copyright (C) 2018-2022 Mohammad Akhlaghi <mohammad@akhlaghi.org>
-# This Makefile is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This Makefile is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this Makefile. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-# Dummy dataset
-# -------------
-# Just as a demonstration(!): we will use AWK to generate a table showing X
-# and X^2 and draw its plot.
-# Note that this dataset is directly read by LaTeX to generate a plot, so
-# we need to put it in the $(tex-publish-dir) directory.
-dm-squared = $(tex-publish-dir)/squared.txt
-$(dm-squared): $(pconfdir)/delete-me-squared-num.conf | $(tex-publish-dir)
-# When the plotted values are re-made, it is necessary to also delete
-# the TiKZ externalized files so the plot is also re-made by
-# PGFPlots.
- rm -f $(tikzdir)/delete-me-squared.pdf
-# Write the column metadata in a temporary file name (appending
-# '.tmp' to the actual target name). Once all steps are done, it is
-# renamed to the final target. We do this because if there is an
-# error in the middle, Make will not consider the job to be complete
-# and will stop here.
- echo "# Data for demonstration plot of default Maneage (MANaging data linEAGE)." > $@.tmp
- echo "# It is a simple plot, showing the power of two: y=x^2! " >> $@.tmp
- echo "# " >> $@.tmp
- echo "# Column 1: X [arbitrary, f32] The horizontal axis numbers." \
- >> $@.tmp
- echo "# Column 2: X_POW2 [arbitrary, f32] The horizontal axis to the power of two." \
- >> $@.tmp
- echo "# " >> $@.tmp
- $(call print-general-metadata, $@.tmp)
-# Generate the table of random values.
- awk 'BEGIN {for(i=1;i<=$(delete-me-squared-num);i+=0.5) \
- printf("%-8.1f%.2f\n", i, i*i); }' >> $@.tmp
-# Write it into the final target
- mv $@.tmp $@
-# Demo image PDF
-# --------------
-# For an example image, we'll make a PDF copy of the WFPC II image to
-# display in the paper.
-dm-histdir = $(texdir)/image-histogram
-$(dm-histdir): | $(texdir); mkdir $@
-dm-img-pdf = $(dm-histdir)/wfpc2.pdf
-$(dm-img-pdf): $(dm-histdir)/%.pdf: $(indir)/%.fits | $(dm-histdir)
-# When the plotted values are re-made, it is necessary to also
-# delete the TiKZ externalized files so the plot is also re-made.
- rm -f $(tikzdir)/delete-me-image-histogram.pdf
-# Convert the dataset to a PDF.
- astconvertt --colormap=gray --fluxhigh=4 $< -h0 -o$@
-# Histogram of demo image
-# -----------------------
-# For an example plot, we'll show the pixel value histogram also. IMPORTANT
-# NOTE: because this histogram contains data that is included in a plot, we
-# should publish it, so it will go into the $(tex-publish-dir).
-dm-img-histogram = $(tex-publish-dir)/wfpc2-histogram.txt
-$(dm-img-histogram): $(tex-publish-dir)/%-histogram.txt: $(indir)/%.fits \
- | $(tex-publish-dir)
-# When the plotted values are re-made, it is necessary to also delete
-# the TiKZ externalized files so the plot is also re-made.
- rm -f $(tikzdir)/delete-me-image-histogram.pdf
-# Generate the pixel value histogram.
- aststatistics --lessthan=5 $< -h0 --histogram -o$@.data
-# Put a two-line description of the dataset, copy the column metadata
-# from '$@.data', and add copyright.
- echo "# Histogram of example image to demonstrate Maneage (MANaging data linEAGE)." \
- > $@.tmp
- echo "# Example image URL: $(DEMO-URL)" >> $@.tmp
- echo "# " >> $@.tmp
- awk '/^# Column .:/' $@.data >> $@.tmp
- echo "# " >> $@.tmp
- $(call print-general-metadata, $@.tmp)
-# Add the column numbers in a formatted manner, rename it to the
-# output and clean up.
- awk '!/^#/{printf("%-15.4f%d\n", $$1, $$2)}' $@.data >> $@.tmp
- mv $@.tmp $@
- rm $@.data
-# Basic statistics
-# ----------------
-# This is just as a demonstration on how to get analysic configuration
-# parameters from variables defined in 'reproduce/analysis/config/'.
-dm-img-stats = $(dm-histdir)/wfpc2-stats.txt
-$(dm-img-stats): $(dm-histdir)/%-stats.txt: $(indir)/%.fits \
- | $(dm-histdir)
- aststatistics $< -h0 --mean --median > $@
-# TeX macros
-# ----------
-# This is how we write the necessary parameters in the final PDF.
-# NOTE: In LaTeX you cannot use any non-alphabetic character in a variable
-# name.
-$(mtexdir)/delete-me.tex: $(dm-squared) $(dm-img-pdf) $(dm-img-histogram) \
- $(dm-img-stats)
-# Write the number of random values used.
- echo "\newcommand{\deletemenum}{$(delete-me-squared-num)}" > $@
-# Note that since Make variables start with a '$(', if you want to
-# use '$' within the shell (not Make), you have to quote any
-# occurance of '$' with another '$'. That is why there are '$$' in
-# the AWK command below.
-# Here, we are first using AWK to find the minimum and maximum
-# values, then using it again to read each separately to use in the
-# macro definition.
- mm=$$(awk 'BEGIN{min=99999; max=-min}
- !/^#/{if($$2>max) max=$$2; if($$2<min) min=$$2;}
- END{print min, max}' $(dm-squared));
- v=$$(echo "$$mm" | awk '{printf "%.3f", $$1}');
- echo "\newcommand{\deletememin}{$$v}" >> $@
- v=$$(echo "$$mm" | awk '{printf "%.3f", $$2}');
- echo "\newcommand{\deletememax}{$$v}" >> $@
-# Write the statistics of the demo image as a macro.
- mean=$$(awk '{printf("%.2f", $$1)}' $(dm-img-stats))
- echo "\newcommand{\deletemewfpctwomean}{$$mean}" >> $@
- median=$$(awk '{printf("%.2f", $$2)}' $(dm-img-stats))
- echo "\newcommand{\deletemewfpctwomedian}{$$median}" >> $@
diff --git a/reproduce/analysis/make/demo-plot.mk b/reproduce/analysis/make/demo-plot.mk
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..13b0d45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reproduce/analysis/make/demo-plot.mk
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+# Second step of analysis:
+# Data for plot of number/fraction of tools per year.
+# Copyright (C) 2020-2022 Mohammad Akhlaghi <mohammad@akhlaghi.org>
+# This Makefile is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+# Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
+# option) any later version.
+# This Makefile is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Public License for more details. See <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+# Table for Figure 1C of Menke+20
+# -------------------------------
+a2mk20f1c = $(tex-publish-dir)/tools-per-year.txt
+$(a2mk20f1c): $(mk20tab3) | $(tex-publish-dir)
+# Remove the (possibly) produced figure that is created from this
+# table: it is created by LaTeX's TiKZ package, and includes multiple
+# files with a fixed prefix.
+ rm -f $(tikzdir)/figure-tools-per-year*
+# Write the column metadata in a temporary file name (appending
+# '.tmp' to the actual target name). Once all steps are done, it is
+# renamed to the final target. We do this because if there is an
+# error in the middle, Make will not consider the job to be complete
+# and will stop here.
+ echo "# Data of plot showing fraction of papers that mentioned software tools" > $@.tmp
+ echo "# per year to demonstrate the features of Maneage (MANaging data linEAGE)." >> $@.tmp
+ >> $@.tmp
+ echo "# Raw data taken from Menke+2020 (https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.01.15.908111)." \
+ >> $@.tmp
+ echo "# " >> $@.tmp
+ echo "# Column 1: YEAR [count, u16] Publication year of papers." \
+ >> $@.tmp
+ echo "# Column 2: WITH_TOOLS [frac, f32] Fraction of papers mentioning software tools." \
+ >> $@.tmp
+ echo "# Column 3: NUM_PAPERS [count, u32] Total number of papers studied in that year." \
+ >> $@.tmp
+ echo "# " >> $@.tmp
+ $(call print-general-metadata, $@.tmp)
+# Find the maximum number of papers.
+ awk '!/^#/{all[$$1]+=$$2; id[$$1]+=$$3} \
+ END{ for(year in all) \
+ printf("%-7d%-10.3f%d\n", year, 100*id[year]/all[year], \
+ all[year]) \
+ }' $< \
+ >> $@.tmp
+# Write it into the final target
+ mv $@.tmp $@
+# Final LaTeX macro
+$(mtexdir)/demo-plot.tex: $(a2mk20f1c) $(pconfdir)/demo-year.conf
+# Find the first year (first column of first row) of data.
+ v=$$(awk '!/^#/ && c==0{c++; print $$1}' $(a2mk20f1c))
+ echo "\newcommand{\menkefirstyear}{$$v}" > $@
+# Find the number of rows in the plotted table.
+ v=$$(awk '!/^#/{c++} END{print c}' $(a2mk20f1c))
+ echo "\newcommand{\menkenumyears}{$$v}" >> $@
+# Find the number of papers in 1996.
+ v=$$(awk '$$1==$(menke-demo-year){print $$3}' $(a2mk20f1c))
+ echo "\newcommand{\menkenumpapersdemocount}{$$v}" >> $@
+ echo "\newcommand{\menkenumpapersdemoyear}{$(menke-demo-year)}" >> $@
diff --git a/reproduce/analysis/make/download.mk b/reproduce/analysis/make/download.mk
index 6e67962..7110c8f 100644
--- a/reproduce/analysis/make/download.mk
+++ b/reproduce/analysis/make/download.mk
@@ -101,5 +101,8 @@ $(inputdatasets): $(indir)/%: | $(indir) $(lockdir)
# It is very important to mention the address where the data were
# downloaded in the final report.
-$(mtexdir)/download.tex: $(pconfdir)/INPUTS.conf | $(mtexdir)
- echo "\\newcommand{\\wfpctwourl}{$(INPUT-wfpc2.fits-url)}" > $@
+$(mtexdir)/download.tex: $(indir)/menke20.xlsx | $(mtexdir)
+ echo "\newcommand{\menketwentyxlsxname}{menke20.xlsx}" > $@
+ echo "\newcommand{\menketwentychecksum}{$(INPUT-menke20.xlsx-sha256)}" >> $@
+ echo "\newcommand{\menketwentybytesize}{$(INPUT-menke20.xlsx-size)}" >> $@
+ echo "\newcommand{\menketwentyurl}{$(INPUT-menke20.xlsx-url)}" >> $@
diff --git a/reproduce/analysis/make/format.mk b/reproduce/analysis/make/format.mk
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..979475f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reproduce/analysis/make/format.mk
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+# First step of analysis:
+# Prepare the data, return basic values.
+# As a demonstration analysis to go with the paper, we use the data from
+# Menke 2020 (DOI:10.1101/2020.01.15.908111). This is a relevant paper
+# because it provides interesting statistics about tools and methods used
+# in scientific papers.
+# Copyright (C) 2020-2022 Mohammad Akhlaghi <mohammad@akhlaghi.org>
+# This Makefile is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+# Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
+# option) any later version.
+# This Makefile is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Public License for more details. See <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+# Save the "Table 3" spreadsheet from the downloaded `.xlsx' file into a
+# simple plain-text file that is easy to use.
+a1dir = $(badir)/analysis1
+mk20tab3 = $(a1dir)/table-3.txt
+$(a1dir):; mkdir $@
+$(mk20tab3): $(indir)/menke20.xlsx | $(a1dir)
+# Set a base-name for the table-3 data.
+ base=$(basename $(notdir $<))-table-3
+# Unfortunately XLSX I/O only works when the input and output are in
+# the directory it is running. So first, we need to switch to the
+# input directory, run it, then put our desired output where we want
+# and delete the extra files.
+ topdir=$$(pwd)
+ cd $(indir)
+ xlsxio_xlsx2csv $(notdir $<)
+ cp $(notdir $<)."Table 3 All by journal by year".csv $$base.csv
+ rm $(notdir $<).*.csv
+ cd $$topdir
+# Read the necessary information. Note that we are dealing with a CSV
+# (comma-separated value) file. But when there are commas in a
+# string, quotation signs are put around it. The `FPAT' values is
+# fully described in the GNU AWK manual. In short, it ensures that if
+# there is a comma in the middle of double-quotes, it doesn't count
+# as a delimter.
+ echo "# Column 1: YEAR [counter, i16] Year of journal's publication." > $@.tmp
+ echo "# Column 2: NUM_PAPERS [counter, i16] Number of studied papers in that journal." >> $@.tmp
+ echo "# Column 3: NUM_PAPERS_WITH_TOOLS [counter, i16] Number of papers with an identified tool." >> $@.tmp
+ echo "# Column 4: NUM_ID_TOOLS [counter, i16] Number of software/tools that were identified." >> $@.tmp
+ echo "# Column 5: JOURNAL_NAME [string, str150] Name of journal." >> $@.tmp
+ awk 'NR>1{printf("%-10d%-10d%-10d%-10d %s\n", $$2, $$3, $$3*$$NF, $$(NF-1), $$1)}' \
+ FPAT='([^,]+)|("[^"]+")' $(indir)/$$base.csv >> $@.tmp
+# Set the temporary file as the final target. This was done so if
+# there is any possible crash in the steps above, this rule is re-run
+# (its final target isn't rebuilt).
+ mv $@.tmp $@
+# Main LaTeX macro file
+$(mtexdir)/format.tex: $(mk20tab3)
+# Count the total number of papers in their study.
+ v=$$(awk '!/^#/{c+=$$2} END{print c}' $(mk20tab3))
+ echo "\newcommand{\menkenumpapers}{$$v}" > $@
+# Count how many unique journals there were in the study. Note that
+# the `31' comes because we put 10 characters for each numeric column
+# and separated the last numeric column from the string column with a
+# space. If the number of numeric columns change in the future, the
+# `31' also has to change.
+ v=$$(awk 'BEGIN{FIELDWIDTHS="41 10000"} !/^#/{print $$2}' \
+ $(mk20tab3) | uniq | wc -l)
+ echo "\newcommand{\menkenumjournals}{$$v}" >> $@
+# Count how many rows the original catalog has.
+ v=$$(awk '!/^#/{c++} END{print c}' $(mk20tab3))
+ echo "\newcommand{\menkenumorigrows}{$$v}" >> $@
diff --git a/reproduce/analysis/make/initialize.mk b/reproduce/analysis/make/initialize.mk
index 7e9e938..7f0c514 100644
--- a/reproduce/analysis/make/initialize.mk
+++ b/reproduce/analysis/make/initialize.mk
@@ -97,11 +97,9 @@ endif
# doesn't change anything.
ifeq (x$(GROUP-NAME),x)
texbtopdir = build
-final-paper = paper.pdf
user = $(shell whoami)
texbtopdir = build-$(user)
-final-paper = paper-$(user).pdf
texbdir = $(texdir)/$(texbtopdir)
tikzdir = $(texbdir)/tikz
@@ -139,6 +137,7 @@ curdir := $(shell echo $$(pwd))
# we are also going to overwrite 'TEXINPUTS' just before 'pdflatex'.
+export TERM=xterm
export TEXINPUTS :=
export CCACHE_DISABLE := 1
export PATH := $(installdir)/bin
@@ -210,8 +209,11 @@ $(lockdir): | $(bsdir); mkdir $@
# Version and distribution tarball definitions
-project-commit-hash := $(shell if [ -d .git ]; then \
- echo $$(git describe --dirty --always --long); else echo NOGIT; fi)
+project-commit-hash := $(shell \
+ if [ -d .git ]; then \
+ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$(installdir)/lib"; \
+ echo $$($(installdir)/bin/git describe --dirty --always --long); \
+ else echo NOGIT; fi)
project-package-name := maneaged-$(project-commit-hash)
project-package-contents = $(texdir)/$(project-package-name)
@@ -287,15 +289,19 @@ $(project-package-contents): paper.pdf | $(texdir)
rm -rf $$dir
mkdir $$dir
+ curdir=$$(pwd)
# Build a small Makefile to help in automatizing the paper building
# (including the bibliography).
echo "paper.pdf: paper.tex paper.bbl" > $$m
- printf "\tpdflatex -shell-escape -halt-on-error paper\n" >> $$m
+ printf "\tlatex -shell-escape -halt-on-error paper\n" >> $$m
+ printf "\tlatex -shell-escape -halt-on-error paper\n" >> $$m
+ printf "\tdvips paper.dvi\n" >> $$m
+ printf "\tps2pdf -dNOSAFER paper.ps\n" >> $$m
echo "paper.bbl: tex/src/references.tex" >> $$m
- printf "\tpdflatex -shell-escape -halt-on-error paper\n" >> $$m
- printf "\tbiber paper\n" >> $$m
+ printf "\tlatex -shell-escape -halt-on-error paper\n" >> $$m
+ printf "\tbibtex paper\n" >> $$m
echo ".PHONY: clean" >> $$m
echo "clean:" >> $$m
printf "\trm -f *.aux *.auxlock *.bbl *.bcf\n" >> $$m
@@ -321,7 +327,7 @@ $(project-package-contents): paper.pdf | $(texdir)
# To keep the sub-directory structure, we are packaging the files
# with Tar, piping it, and unpacking it in the archive directory. So
# afterwards we need to come back to the current directory.
- tar -c -f - $$(git ls-files reproduce tex/src) \
+ tar -c -f - $$(git ls-files peer-review reproduce tex/src) \
| (cd $$dir ; tar -x -f -)
cd $(curdir)
@@ -335,6 +341,8 @@ $(project-package-contents): paper.pdf | $(texdir)
# using Bash's extended globbing ('extglob') for excluding this
# directory.
shopt -s extglob
+ cp -r tex/img $$dir/tex/img
+ cp tex/tikz/*.eps $$dir/tex/tikz
cp -r tex/build/!($(project-package-name)) $$dir/tex/build
# Clean up the $(texdir)/build* directories in the archive (when
@@ -362,8 +370,8 @@ $(project-package-contents): paper.pdf | $(texdir)
# problems on the arXiv server.
cp tex/build/build/paper.bbl $$dir/
- find $$tltopdir/biblatex/ -maxdepth 1 -type f -print0 \
- | xargs -0 cp -t $$dir
+ #find $$tltopdir/biblatex/ -maxdepth 1 -type f -print0 \
+ # | xargs -0 cp -t $$dir
# Just in case the package users want to rebuild some of the figures
# (manually un-comment the 'makepdf' command we commented above),
@@ -375,7 +383,8 @@ $(project-package-contents): paper.pdf | $(texdir)
# ----------------
# Put any project-specific distribution steps here.
+ cd $$curdir
+ cp tex/build/build/appendix.bbl $$dir/
# ----------------
# Clean temporary files that may have been created by text editors.
@@ -514,6 +523,11 @@ $(mtexdir)/initialize.tex: | $(mtexdir)
echo "\newcommand{\projectgitrepo}{$(metadata-git-repository)}" >> $@
echo "\newcommand{\projectcopyrightowner}{$(metadata-copyright-owner)}" >> $@
+ # arXiv/Zenodo identifier (necessary for download link):
+ echo "\newcommand{\projectarxivid}{$(metadata-arxiv)}" >> $@
+ v=$$(echo $(metadata-doi-zenodo) | sed -e's/\./ /g' | awk '{print $$NF}')
+ echo "\newcommand{\projectzenodoid}{$$v}" >> $@
# Calculate the latest Maneage commit used to build this project:
# - The project may not have the 'maneage' branch (for example
# after cloning from a fork that didn't include it!). In this
diff --git a/reproduce/analysis/make/paper.mk b/reproduce/analysis/make/paper.mk
index 740dc7d..da2702c 100644
--- a/reproduce/analysis/make/paper.mk
+++ b/reproduce/analysis/make/paper.mk
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
# LaTeX macros for paper
# ----------------------
@@ -44,7 +45,7 @@ $(mtexdir)/project.tex: $(mtexdir)/verify.tex
# If no PDF is requested, or if LaTeX isn't available, don't continue
# to building the final PDF. Otherwise, merge all the TeX macros into
# one for building the PDF.
- @if [ -f .local/bin/pdflatex ] && [ x"$(pdf-build-final)" = xyes ]; then
+ @if [ -f .local/bin/latex ] && [ x"$(pdf-build-final)" = xyes ]; then
# Put a LaTeX input command for all the necessary macro files.
# 'hardware-parameters.tex' is created in 'configure.sh'.
@@ -54,6 +55,11 @@ $(mtexdir)/project.tex: $(mtexdir)/verify.tex
echo "\input{tex/build/macros/$$t.tex}" >> $$projecttex
+# Possibly print the appendix in the final PDF.
+ if [ x"$(separatesupplement)" = x1 ]; then
+ echo "\newcommand{\separatesupplement}{}" >> $$projecttex
+ fi
# Possibly highlight the '\new' parts of the text.
if [ x"$(highlightnew)" = x1 ]; then
echo "\newcommand{\highlightnew}{}" >> $$projecttex
@@ -95,24 +101,39 @@ $(mtexdir)/project.tex: $(mtexdir)/verify.tex
# The bibliography
# ----------------
-# We need to run the 'biber' program on the output of LaTeX to generate the
-# necessary bibliography before making the final paper. So we'll first have
-# one run of LaTeX (similar to the 'paper.pdf' recipe), then 'biber'.
+# We need to run the 'bibtex' program on the output of LaTeX to generate
+# the necessary bibliography before making the final paper. So we'll first
+# have one run of LaTeX (similar to the 'paper.pdf' recipe), then 'bibtex'.
# NOTE: '$(mtexdir)/project.tex' is an order-only-prerequisite for
# 'paper.bbl'. This is because we need to run LaTeX in both the 'paper.bbl'
# recipe and the 'paper.pdf' recipe. But if 'tex/src/references.tex' hasn't
# been modified, we don't want to re-build the bibliography, only the final
# PDF.
-$(texbdir)/paper.bbl: tex/src/references.tex $(mtexdir)/dependencies-bib.tex \
- | $(mtexdir)/project.tex
+bbls = $(foreach t,$(subst .pdf,,$(top-pdfs)),$(texbdir)/$(t).bbl)
+$(bbls): $(texbdir)/%.bbl: tex/src/references.tex \
+ $(mtexdir)/dependencies-bib.tex | $(mtexdir)/project.tex
# If '$(mtexdir)/project.tex' is empty, don't build PDF.
@macros=$$(cat $(mtexdir)/project.tex)
if [ x"$$macros" != x ]; then
-# We'll run LaTeX first to generate the '.bcf' file (necessary for
-# 'biber') and then run 'biber' to generate the '.bbl' file.
+# Unfortunately I can't get bibtex to look into a special directory
+# for the references, so we'll copy it into the LaTeX building
+# directory.
+ if ! [ -L $(texbdir)/references.bib ]; then
+ ln -sf $$p/tex/src/references.tex $(texbdir)/references.bib
+ fi
+# Copy the improved IEEE bst file into the build directory. The
+# improved bst file provides ArXiv clickable URLs and if available,
+# open-access URLs based on the DOIs, with closed-access URLs as a
+# fallback, via https://oadoi.org .
+ ln -sf $$p/tex/src/IEEEtran_openaccess.bst $(texbdir)/
+# We'll run LaTeX first to generate the '.bcf' file (necessary for
+# 'bibtex') and then run 'bibtex' to generate the '.bbl' file.
export TEXINPUTS=$$p:
cd $(texbdir);
@@ -122,15 +143,61 @@ $(texbdir)/paper.bbl: tex/src/references.tex $(mtexdir)/dependencies-bib.tex \
# will be built anyway once this rule is done.
rm -f $@
+# Put a link to the main LaTeX source that we want to build.
+ if [ $* = paper ]; then sdir="$$p"
+ else sdir="$$p"/tex/src
+ fi
+ ln -sf "$$sdir"/$*.tex ./
# The pdflatex option '-shell-escape' is "normally disallowed for
# security reasons" according to the 'info pdflatex' manual, but is
# enabled here in order to allow the use of PGFPlots. If you do not
# use PGFPlots, then you should remove the '-shell-escape' option
# for better security. See https://savannah.nongnu.org/task/?15694
# for details.
- pdflatex -shell-escape -halt-on-error "$$p"/paper.tex
- biber paper
+ latex -shell-escape -halt-on-error $*.tex
+# When we are building the main paper and the appendices are to be
+# built within the main paper's PDF, we need two bibliographies:
+# one for the main body, and one for the appendix. For this, we use
+# 'multibib'. Multibib creates a separate '.aux' file for each
+# bibliography.
+ bibtex $*
+ if [ x"$(separatesupplement)" != x1 ]; then
+ bibtex appendix
+ fi
+# Hack: tidy up eprint+doi style that didn't work in .bst file.
+# TODO (better): read Part 4 of
+# http://mirrors.ctan.org/info/bibtex/tamethebeast/ttb_en.pdf and
+# fix the .bst style properly.
+ cp -pv $*.bbl $*-tmp.bbl \
+ && sed -e "s/\'/EOLINE/g" $*-tmp.bbl \
+ | tr -d '\n' \
+ | sed -e 's/\([0-9]\)\( \|EOLINE\)}/\1}/g' \
+ | sed -e 's/\([^,]\) *\( \|EOLINE\) *\\eprint/\1, \\eprint/g' \
+ | sed -e 's/\([^,]\) *\( \|EOLINE\) *\\doi/\1, \\doi/g' \
+ | sed -e 's/EOLINE/\n/g' > $*.bbl
+ if [ x"$(separatesupplement)" != x1 ]; then
+ cp -pv appendix.bbl appendix-tmp.bbl \
+ && sed -e "s/\'/EOLINE/g" appendix-tmp.bbl \
+ | tr -d '\n' \
+ | sed -e 's/\([0-9]\)\( \|EOLINE\)}/\1}/g' \
+ | sed -e 's/\([^,]\) *\( \|EOLINE\) *\\eprint/\1, \\eprint/g' \
+ | sed -e 's/\([^,]\) *\( \|EOLINE\) *\\doi/\1, \\doi/g' \
+ | sed -e 's/EOLINE/\n/g' > appendix.bbl
+ fi
+# Paper-specific hacks for reducing very-long author lists.
+ cp -pv $*.bbl $*-tmp.bbl \
+ && sed -e "s/\'/EOLINE/g" $*-tmp.bbl \
+ | tr -d '\n' \
+ | sed -e 's;, D\..Chong[^{]*Forstag; et al.\\/;' \
+ | sed -e 's;, V\..Khodiyar[^{]*Whyte; et al.\\/;' \
+ | sed -e 's/EOLINE/\n/g' > $*.bbl
+# The pre-final run of LaTeX after 'paper.bbl' was created.
+ latex -shell-escape -halt-on-error $*.tex
@@ -145,7 +212,8 @@ $(texbdir)/paper.bbl: tex/src/references.tex $(mtexdir)/dependencies-bib.tex \
# to run everything cleanly from there, it is necessary to add the current
# directory (top project directory) to the 'TEXINPUTS' environment
# variable.
-paper.pdf: $(mtexdir)/project.tex paper.tex $(texbdir)/paper.bbl
+$(top-pdfs): %.pdf: $(mtexdir)/project.tex paper.tex \
+ tex/src/appendix-*.tex $(texbdir)/%.bbl
# If '$(mtexdir)/project.tex' is empty, don't build the PDF.
@macros=$$(cat $(mtexdir)/project.tex)
@@ -158,11 +226,17 @@ paper.pdf: $(mtexdir)/project.tex paper.tex $(texbdir)/paper.bbl
# See above for a warning and brief discussion on the the pdflatex
# option '-shell-escape'.
- pdflatex -shell-escape -halt-on-error "$$p"/paper.tex
+ latex -shell-escape -halt-on-error $*.tex
+# Convert the DVI to PostScript, and the PostScript to PDF. The
+# '-dNOSAFER' option to GhostScript allows transparencies in the
+# conversion from PostScript to PDF, see
+# https://www.ghostscript.com/doc/current/Language.htm#Transparency
+ dvips $*.dvi
+ ps2pdf $*.ps
# Come back to the top project directory and copy the built PDF
# file here.
cd "$$p"
- cp $(texbdir)/$@ $(final-paper)
+ cp $(texbdir)/$*.pdf $@
diff --git a/reproduce/analysis/make/top-make.mk b/reproduce/analysis/make/top-make.mk
index 4e95c54..7755174 100644
--- a/reproduce/analysis/make/top-make.mk
+++ b/reproduce/analysis/make/top-make.mk
@@ -64,8 +64,13 @@ include reproduce/software/config/LOCAL.conf
# If you are just interested in the processing and don't want to build the
# PDF, you can skip the creation of the final PDF by giving a value of
# 'yes' to 'pdf-build-final' in 'reproduce/analysis/config/pdf-build.conf'.
+ifeq ($(separatesupplement),0)
+top-pdfs = paper.pdf
+top-pdfs = paper.pdf supplement.pdf
ifeq (x$(maneage_group_name),x$(GROUP-NAME))
-all: paper.pdf
+all: $(top-pdfs)
@if [ "x$(GROUP-NAME)" = x ]; then \
@@ -112,7 +117,8 @@ endif
# wild-card like the configuration Makefiles).
makesrc = initialize \
download \
- delete-me \
+ format \
+ demo-plot \
verify \
diff --git a/reproduce/analysis/make/verify.mk b/reproduce/analysis/make/verify.mk
index d3f3282..ac91089 100644
--- a/reproduce/analysis/make/verify.mk
+++ b/reproduce/analysis/make/verify.mk
@@ -131,16 +131,15 @@ $(mtexdir)/verify.tex: $(foreach s, $(verify-dep), $(mtexdir)/$(s).tex)
rm -f $@.tmp
# Verify the figure datasets.
- $(call verify-txt-no-comments-no-space, \
- $(dm-squared), 6b6d3b0f9c351de53606507b59bca5d1, $@.tmp)
- $(call verify-txt-no-comments-no-space, \
- $(dm-img-histogram), b1f9c413f915a1ad96078fee8767b16c, $@.tmp)
+ $(call verify-txt-no-comments-leading-space, \
+ $(a2mk20f1c), 76fc5b13495c4d8e8e6f8d440304cf69)
# Verify TeX macros (the values that go into the PDF text).
for m in $(verify-check); do
- if [ $$m == download ]; then s=49e4e9f049aa9da0453a67203d798587
- elif [ $$m == delete-me ]; then s=711e2f7fa1f16ecbeeb3df6bcb4ec705
+ if [ $$m == download ]; then s=5d0ab54ca95366d1aab12196966dd3b6
+ elif [ $$m == format ]; then s=e04d95a539b5540c940bf48994d8d45f
+ elif [ $$m == demo-plot ]; then s=48bffe6cf8db790c63a33302d20db77f
else echo; echo "'$$m' not recognized."; exit 1
$(call verify-txt-no-comments-no-space, $$file, $$s, $@.tmp)