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--- a/paper.tex
+++ b/paper.tex
@@ -1,4 +1,11 @@
+%% Main LaTeX source of project's paper, license is printed in the end.
+%% Copyright (C) 2020 Mohammad Akhlaghi <mohammad@akhlaghi.org>
+%% Copyright (C) 2020 Raúl Infante-Saiz <infantesainz@gmail.com>
+%% Copyright (C) 2020 Boudewijn F. Roukema <boud@astro.uni.torun.pl>
+%% Copyright (C) 2020 David Valls-Gabaud <david.valls-gabaud@obspm.fr>
+%% Copyright (C) 2020 Roberto Baena-Gallé <roberto.baena@gmail.com>
%% This is a convenience variable if you are using PGFPlots to build plots
%% within LaTeX. If you want to import PDF files for figures directly, you
@@ -14,44 +21,44 @@
%% only for discussion.
-%% Import the necessary preambles.
+%% Import necessary packages
+%% Title and author names.
+\title{Towards Long-term and Archivable Reproducibility}
+ Mohammad~Akhlaghi,
+ Ra\'ul Infante-Sainz,
+ Boudewijn F. Roukema,
+ David Valls-Gabaud,
+ Roberto Baena-Gall\'e
+ \thanks{Manuscript received MM DD, YYYY; revised MM DD, YYYY.}
+%% The paper headers
+\markboth{Computing in Science and Engineering, Vol. X, No. X, MM YYYY}%
+{Akhlaghi \MakeLowercase{\textit{et al.}}: Towards Long-term and Archivable Reproducibility}
-\title{Towards long-term archivable reproducibility}
-\author{\large\mpregular \authoraffil{Mohammad Akhlaghi}{1,2,3},
- \large\mpregular \authoraffil{Ra\'ul Infante-Sainz}{1,2},
- \large\mpregular \authoraffil{Boudewijn F. Roukema}{4,3},
- \large\mpregular \authoraffil{David Valls-Gabaud}{5},
- \large\mpregular \authoraffil{Roberto Baena-Gall\'e}{1,2}\\
- {
- \footnotesize\mplight
- \textsuperscript{1} Instituto de Astrof\'isica de Canarias, Calle V\'ia L\'actea s/n, 38205 La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain.\\
- \textsuperscript{2} Departamento de Astrof\'isica, Universidad de La Laguna, Avenida Astrof\'isico Francisco S\'anchez s/n, 38200 La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain.\\
- \textsuperscript{3} Univ Lyon, Ens de Lyon, Univ Lyon1, CNRS, Centre de Recherche Astrophysique de Lyon UMR5574, F-69007, Lyon, France.\\
- \textsuperscript{4} Institute of Astronomy, Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Informatics, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Grudziadzka 5, 87-100 Toru\'n, Poland.\\
- \textsuperscript{5} LERMA, CNRS, Observaoire de Paris, 61 Avenue de l'Observatoire, 75014 Paris, France.\\
- Corresponding author: Mohammad Akhlaghi
- (\href{mailto:mohammad@akhlaghi.org}{\textcolor{black}{mohammad@akhlaghi.org}})
- }}
+%% Start the paper.
+% make the title area
-%% Abstract % max 250 words for CiSE
+% As a general rule, do not put math, special symbols or citations
+% in the abstract or keywords.
Many reproducible workflow solutions have been proposed over recent decades.
Most use the high-level technologies that were popular when they were created, providing an immediate solution that is unlikely to be sustainable in the long term.
@@ -62,93 +69,44 @@
The criteria have been tested in several research publications and can be summarized as: completeness (no dependency beyond a POSIX-compatible operating system, no administrator privileges, no network connection and storage primarily in plain-text); modular design; linking analysis with narrative; temporal provenance; scalability; and free-and-open-source software.
- Through an implementation, called "Maneage" (managing+lineage), we find that storing the project in machine-actionable and human-readable plain-text, enables version-control, cheap archiving, automatic parsing to extract data provenance, and peer-reviewable verification.
+ Through an implementation, called ``Maneage'' (managing+lineage), we find that storing the project in machine-actionable and human-readable plain-text, enables version-control, cheap archiving, automatic parsing to extract data provenance, and peer-reviewable verification.
Furthermore, we show that these criteria are not limited to long-term reproducibility but also provide immediate, fast short-term reproducibility.
We conclude that requiring longevity from solutions is realistic.
We discuss the benefits of these criteria for scientific progress.
- \horizontalline
- \noindent
- {\mpbold Keywords:} Data Lineage, Data Provenance, Reproducibility, Scientific Pipelines, Workflows
-% \noindent
-% {\mpbold Note to DSJ editors or referees:} The distributed source of this project (described in Section \ref{sec:publishing}) is available in this URL: \url{https://akhlaghi.org/dsj-paper-\projectversion.tar.gz}
+% Note that keywords are not normally used for peerreview papers.
+Data Lineage, Provenance, Reproducibility, Scientific Pipelines, Workflows
+% For peer review papers, you can put extra information on the cover
+% page as needed:
+% \ifCLASSOPTIONpeerreview
+% \begin{center} \bfseries EDICS Category: 3-BBND \end{center}
+% \fi
+% For peerreview papers, this IEEEtran command inserts a page break and
+% creates the second title. It will be ignored for other modes.
-The increasing volume and complexity of data analysis has been extraordinarily productive, giving rise to a new branch of ``Big Data'' in many fields of the sciences and industry.
-However, given its inherent complexity, the results are barely useful alone, questions naturally arise on their lineage or provenance:
-What inputs were used?
-How were the configurations or training data chosen?
-What operations were done on those inputs, how were the plots made?
-See Figure \ref{fig:questions} for some similar questions, classified by their place in project.
-\tonote{Johan: add some general references.}
-Due to the complexity of modern data analysis, a small deviation in the final result can be due to many different steps, which may be significant for its interpretation.
-Integrity checks are a critical component of the scientific method, but are only possible with access to the data \emph{and} its lineage (workflows).
-For example, \citet{smart18} describes how a 7-year old conflict in theoretical condensed matter physics was only identified after the relative codes were shared.
-\citet{miller06} found a mistaken column flipping in a project's workflow, leading to the retraction of 5 papers in major journals, including \emph{Science}.
-\citet{baggerly09} highlighted the inadequate narrative description of the analysis and showed the prevalence of simple errors in published results, ultimately calling their work ``\emph{forensic bioinformatics}''.
-\citet{herndon14} and \citet[a self-correction]{horvath15} also reported similar situations and \citet{ziemann16} concluded that one-fifth of papers contain erroneous gene name conversions.
-These are mostly from genomics and bioinformatics because publishing workflows is commonly practiced already (for example \href{https://www.myexperiment.org}{myexperiment.org}, \href{https://www.genepattern.org}{genepattern.org}, and \href{https://galaxyproject.org}{galaxy\-project.org}).
-The status in other fields, without a culture of publishing workflows, is highly likely to be worse.
-Nature is already a black box which we are trying hard to unlock.
-Not being able to experiment on the methods of other researchers is a self-imposed back box over it.
- \begin{center}
- \includetikz{figure-project-outline}
- \end{center}
- \vspace{-17mm}
- \caption{\label{fig:questions}Graph of a generic project's workflow (connected through arrows), highlighting the various issues/questions on each step.
- The green boxes with sharp edges are inputs and the blue boxes with rounded corners are intermediate or final outputs.
- The red boxes with dashed edges highlight the main questions at each respective stage.
- The box covering software download and build phases shows some common tools software developers use for this phase, but a scientific project is clearly much more involved.
- }
-The completeness of a project's published lineage (usually within the ``Methods'' section) can be measured by the ability to reproduce the result.
-Several studies have attempted to answer this with different levels of detail.
-For example, \citet{allen18} found that roughly half of the papers in astrophysics do not even mention the names of any analysis software, while \citet{menke20} found this fraction has greatly improved in medical/biological field and is currently above $80\%$.
-\citet{ioannidis2009} attempted to reproduce 18 published results by two independent groups, but fully succeeded in only 2 of them and partially in 6.
-\citet{chang15} attempted to reproduce 67 papers in well-regarded Economics journals that published data and code: only 22 could be reproduced without contacting authors, and more than half could not be replicated at all. \tonote{DVG: even after contacting the authors?}
-\citet{stodden18} attempted it in 204 scientific papers published in the journal \emph{Science} \emph{after} adoptiong a policy of publishing the data and code associated with the papers.
-Even though the authors were contacted, the success rate was an abysmal $26\%$.
-Overall, this problem is unambiguously assessed as being very serious in the community: \citet{baker16} surveyed 1574 researchers and found that only $3\%$ did not see a ``\emph{reproducibility crisis}''.
-Yet, this is not a new problem in the sciences: back in 2011, Elsevier conducted an ``\emph{Executable Paper Grand Challenge}'' \citep{gabriel11} and the proposed solutions were published in a special edition.\tonote{DVG: which were the results?}
-Even before that, in an attempt to simulate research projects, \citet{ioannidis05} proved that ``\emph{most claimed research findings are false}''.
-In the 1990s, \citet{buckheit1995, claerbout1992} described the same problem very eloquently and also provided some solutions they used.\tonote{DVG: more details here, one is left wondering ...}
-Even earlier, through his famous quartet, \citet{anscombe73} qualitatively showed how distancing of researchers from the intricacies of algorithms/methods can lead to misinterpretation of the results.
-One of the earliest such efforts we are aware of is the work of \citet{roberts69}, who discussed conventions in Fortran programming and documentation to help in publishing research codes.
-While the situation has somewhat improved, all these papers still resonate strongly with the frustrations of today's scientists.
-To address the collective problem of preserving a project's data lineage as well as its software dependencies, we introduce Maneage (Maneage+Lineage), pronounced man-ee-ij or \textipa{[m{\ae}n}i{\textsci}d{\textyogh}], hosted at \url{http://maneage.org}.
-A project using Maneage starts by branching from its main Git branch, allowing the authors to customize it: specifying the necessary software tools for that particular project, adding analysis steps and adding visualizations and a narrative based on the results.
-In Section \ref{sec:principles} the founding principles behind Maneage are discussed.
-Section \ref{sec:maneage} describes the internal structure of Maneage and Section \ref{sec:discussion} is a discussion on its benefits, caveats and future prospects.
+% The very first letter is a 2 line initial drop letter followed
+% by the rest of the first word in caps.
+\IEEEPARstart{T}{his} demo file is intended to serve as a ``starter file''
+for IEEE journal papers produced under \LaTeX\ using
+IEEEtran.cls version 1.8b and later.
+% You must have at least 2 lines in the paragraph with the drop letter
+% (should never be an issue)
+Here is an example citation \cite{akhlaghi19}.
@@ -157,7 +115,7 @@ Section \ref{sec:maneage} describes the internal structure of Maneage and Sectio
The core principle of Maneage is simple: science is defined primarily by its method, not its result.
-As \citet{buckheit1995} describe it, modern scientific papers are merely advertisements of scholarship, while the actual scholarship is the coding behind the plots/results.
+As \cite{buckheit1995} describe it, modern scientific papers are merely advertisements of scholarship, while the actual scholarship is the coding behind the plots/results.
Many solutions have been proposed in the last decades, including (but not limited to)
1992: \href{https://sep.stanford.edu/doku.php?id=sep:research:reproducible}{RED},
2003: \href{https://taverna.incubator.apache.org}{Apache Taverna},
@@ -172,7 +130,7 @@ Many solutions have been proposed in the last decades, including (but not limite
To help in the comparison, the founding principles of Maneage are listed below.
-\begin{enumerate}[label={\bf P\arabic*}]
+\begin{enumerate}%[label={\bf P\arabic*]
\item \label{principle:complete}\textbf{Completeness:}
A project that is complete, or self-contained,
(P1.1) has no dependency beyond the Port\-able Operating System (OS) Interface, or POSIX, or a minimal Unix-like environment.
@@ -182,12 +140,12 @@ To help in the comparison, the founding principles of Maneage are listed below.
(P1.4) builds its software for an independent environment,
(P1.5) can be run locally (without internet connection),
(P1.6) contains the full project's analysis, visualization \emph{and} narrative, from access to raw inputs to producing final published format (e.g., PDF or HTML),
- (P1.7) requires no manual/human interaction and can run automatically \citep[according to][``\emph{a clerk can do it}'']{claerbout1992}.
+ (P1.7) requires no manual/human interaction and can run automatically \cite[according to][``\emph{a clerk can do it}'']{claerbout1992}.
\emph{Comparison with existing:} with many dependencies beyond POSIX, except for IPOL, none of the tools above are complete.
For example, the workflow of most recent solutions need Python or Jupyter notebooks.
Because of their complexity (see \ref{principle:complexity}), pre-built binary blobs like containers or virtual machines are the chosen storage format, which are large (Giga-bytes) and expensive to archive.
- Furthermore, third-party package managers setup the environment, like Conda, or the OS's, like \inlinecode{apt} or \inlinecode{yum}.
+ Furthermore, third-party package managers setup the environment, like Conda, or the OS's, like apt or yum.
However, exact versions of \emph{every software} are rarely included, and the servers remove old binaries, hence blobs are hard to recreate.
Blobs also have a short lifespan, e.g., Docker containers made today, may not be operable with future versions of Docker or Linux (currently Linux 3.2.x is the earliest supported version, released in 2012).
In general they mostly aim for short-term reproducibility.
@@ -208,14 +166,14 @@ However, designing a modular project needs to be encouraged and facilitated.
Otherwise, scientists, who are not usually trained in data management, will rarely design a modular project, leading to great inefficiencies in terms of project cost and/or scientific accuracy (testing/validating will be expensive).
\item \label{principle:complexity}\textbf{Minimal complexity:}
- This is Ockham's razor extrapolated to project management \citep[``\emph{Never posit pluralities without necessity}''][]{schaffer15}:
+ This is Ockham's razor extrapolated to project management \cite[``\emph{Never posit pluralities without necessity}''][]{schaffer15}:
1) avoid complex relations between analysis steps (related to \ref{principle:modularity}).
2) avoid the programming language that is currently in vogue, because it is going to fall out of fashion soon and require significant resources to translate or rewrite it every few years (to stay fashionable).
The same job can be done with more stable/basic tools, requiring less long-term effort.
\emph{Comparison with existing:} IPOL stands out here too (requiring only ISO C), however most others are written in Python, and use Conda or Jupyter (see \ref{principle:complete}).
Besides being incomplete (\ref{principle:complete}), these tools have short lifespans and evolve fast (e.g., Python 2 code cannot run with Python 3, causing disruption in many projects).
- Their complex dependency trees also making them hard to maintain, for example, see the dependency tree of Matlplotlib in \citet[][Figure 1]{alliez19}, its one of the simpler Jupyter dependencies.
+ Their complex dependency trees also making them hard to maintain, for example, see the dependency tree of Matlplotlib in \cite[][Figure 1]{alliez19}, its one of the simpler Jupyter dependencies.
The longevity of a workflow is determined by its shortest-lived dependency.
\item \label{principle:verify}\textbf{Verifiable inputs and outputs:}
@@ -243,316 +201,8 @@ Most of the more recent solutions above are scalable.
However, IPOL, which uniquely stands out in satisfying most principles, fails here: IPOL is devoted to low-level image processing algorithms that \emph{can be} done with no dependencies beyond an ISO C compiler.
IPOL is thus not scalable to large projects, which commonly involve dozens of high-level dependencies, with complex data formats and analysis.
-\item \label{principle:freesoftware}\textbf{Free and open source software:}
- Technically, reproducibility \citet{fineberg19} is possible with non-free or non-open-source software (a black box).
- This principle is thus necessary to complement that definition (nature is already a black box, we don't need another one):
- (1) As a free software, others can learn from, modify, and build upon it.
- (2) The lineage can be traced to free software's implemented algorithms, also enabling optimizations on that level.
- (3) A free-software package that does not execute on particular hardware can be modified to work on it.
- (4) A non-free software project typically cannot be distributed by others, making the whole community reliant on the owner's server (even if the owner does not ask for payments).
- \emph{Comparison with existing:} The existing solutions listed above are all free software.
- Based on this principle, we do not consider non-free solutions.
-Maneage is an implementation of the principles of Section \ref{sec:principles}.
-In practice, Maneage is a collection of plain-text files that are distributed in pre-defined sub-directories by context (a modular source), and are all under version control, currently with Git.
-The main Maneage Branch is a fully working skeleton of a project without much flesh: it contains all the low-level infrastructure, but without any actual high-level analysis operations.
-Maneage contains a file called \inlinecode{README-hacking.md} (the \inlinecode{README.md} file is reserved for the project using Maneage, not Maneage itself) that has a complete checklist of steps to start a new project and remove demonstration parts.
-There are also hands-on tutorials to help new users.
-To start a new project, the authors \emph{clone} Maneage, create a branch, and start their project by customizing it.
-Thus, projects start with a good data management strategy rather than imposing it in the end, as recommended by \citet{fineberg19}.
-Customization is done by adding the names of the necessary software, references to input data, analysis and visualization commands and writting a narrative description.
-This will be done in multiple commits during the project (perhaps years), preserving the project's history: the descriptions of, and motivations for, changes or test failures and successes, as well as the authors and timestamps of each change.
- git clone https://git.maneage.org/project.git # Clone Maneage, default branch `maneage'.
- mv project my-project && cd my-project # Set custom name and enter directory.
- git remote rename origin origin-maneage # Rename remote server to use `origin' later.
- git checkout -b master # Make new `master' branch, start customizing.
-Maneage has two main phases: (1) configuration, where the necessary software is built and the environment is set up, and (2) analysis, where data are accessed and the software is run to create the final visualizations and report:
- ./project configure # Build all necessary software from source.
- ./project make # Do the analysis (download data, run software on data, build PDF).
-Section \ref{sec:usingmake} elaborates why Make was chosen as the main job manager.
-Sections \ref{sec:projectconfigure} \& \ref{sec:projectanalysis} are on the operations done during the configuration and analysis phase.
-The benefit from version control is described in Section \ref{sec:projectgit}.
-Section \ref{sec:collaborating} discusses the sharing of a built environment, and finally, Section \ref{sec:publishing} is about the publication, or archival, of Maneage projects.
-\subsection{Job orchestration with Make}
-Scripts (e.g. shell, Perl, or Python) are an obvious solution for non-interactive (batch) processing.
-However, the inherent complexity and non-linearity of progress as a project evolves makes it hard to manage scripts.
-For example, if $90\%$ of a research project is done and only the final $10\%$ must be executed, a script will re-do the whole project.
-Completed parts can be manually ignored (with conditionals), but this adds to the complexity and discourages experimentation on already completed parts.
-These problems motivated the creation of Make in the early Unix OS \citep{feldman79}.
-Make contiues to be a core component of modern OSs, is actively maintained, and has withstood the test of time.
-The Make paradigm starts from the end: the final \emph{target}.
-In Make, the project is broken into atomic \emph{rules}, where each rule has a single \emph{target} file which can depend on any number of \emph{prerequisite} files.
-To build the target from the prerequisites, each rule also has a \emph{recipe} (an atomic script).
-The plain-text files containing Make source code are called Makefiles.
-Make does not replace scripting languages like the shell, Python or R.
-It is a higher-level structure enabling modular/atomic scripts (in any language) to be put into a workflow.
-Besides formalizing a project's data lineage, Make also greatly encourages experimentation in a project, because a recipe is executed only when at least one prerequisite file is more recent than its target.
-For example, when only $5\%$ of a project's targets are affected by a change, the other $95\%$ remain dormant.
-Furthermore, Make first examines the full lineage before starting the execution of recipes, and it can thus execute independent rules in parallel, improving speed and encouraging experimentation.
-Make is well known by many outside of software development communities.
-For example, geophysics students have easily adopted it for the RED project management tool \citep{schwab2000}.
-We also received very good feedback on the simplicity of using Make from early adopters of Maneage, especially graduate students and postdocs.
-\subsection{Project configuration}
-Maneage organizes both the building of its software and the analysis pipeline using Make (see Section \ref{sec:usingmake}).
-Thus, a researcher using Maneage for high-level analysis easily understands and can customize the software environment without needing to learn third-party tools.
-The existing tools listed in Section \ref{sec:principles} mostly use package managers like Conda to maintain the software environment, but Conda itself is written in Python, contrary to our completeness principle \ref{principle:complete}.
-Highly-robust solutions like Nix and GNU Guix exist, but these require root permissions, contrary to principle P1.3.
-Project configuration (building the software environment) is managed by the files under \inlinecode{reproduce\-/soft\-ware} of Maneage's source.
-At the start of project configuration, Maneage needs a top-level directory to build itself on the host (software and analysis).
-We call this the ``build directory'' and it must not be located inside the source directory (see \ref{principle:modularity}).
-No other location on the running OS will be affected by the project, including the source directory.
-Two other local directories can optionally be specified by the project when inputs are present locally: 1) software tarball directory and 2) input data directory.
-Sections \ref{sec:buildsoftware} and \ref{sec:softwarecitation} detail the building of the required software and the important issue of software citation.
-\subsubsection{Verifying and building necessary software from source}
-To compile the necessary software from source, Maneage currently needs the host to have a C and C++ compiler (available on any POSIX-compliant OS).
-Maneage will build and install (in the build directory) all necessary software and their dependencies, all with fixed versions and configurations.
-The dependency tree continues down to core OS components including GNU Bash, GNU AWK, GNU Coreutils on all supported OSs.
-On GNU/Linux OSs, a fixed version of the GNU Binutils and GNU C Compiler (GCC) is also built, soon a custom GNU C Library will also be included to be fully independent of the host (task 15390).
-Except for very low level components like the Kernel or filesystem, Maneage thus builds all other components necessary for the project.
-Because there is no pure/raw POSIX OS, Maneage aims to run on existing POSIX-compatible OSs, failure to build on anyone of them is treated as a bug, which will be fixed.
-It is currently being actively tested on GNU/Linux and macOS.
-A Maneage project can be configured in a container or virtual machine to facilitate moving the project without rebuilding everything from source, or to use it on non-compatible OSs.
-However, such binary blobs are not the primary storage/archival format of Maneage.
-Before building the software, their source codes are validated by their SHA-512 checksum (stored in the project).
-Maneage includes a growing collection of scientific software (and its dependencies), much of which is superfluous for any single project.
-Therefore, each project has to identify its high-level software in the \inlinecode{TARGETS.conf} file.
-\subsubsection{Software citation}
-Maneage contains the full list of software that were built for the project but this information is buried deep into the source.
-Maneage prints a simplified description of this information in the project's final report, blended into the narrative, as in the Acknowledgments of this paper.
-Furthermore, when the software is associated with a published paper, that paper's Bib\TeX{} entry is added to the final report and is duly cited with the software's name and version.
-This paper uses basic software without associated scientific papers. For software citation examples, see \citet{akhlaghi19} and \citet{infante20}.
-This is particularly important for research software, where citation is critical to justify continued development.
-A notable example is GNU Parallel \citep{tange18} which prints citation information each time it is run, proposing to either cite the paper or support it with 10000 euros.
-It provides a \inlinecode{--citation} option to disable the notice.
-In \href{https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/parallel.git/tree/doc/citation-notice-faq.txt?h=master}{its FAQ} this is justified by ``\emph{If you feel the benefit from using GNU Parallel is too small to warrant a citation, then prove that by simply using another tool}''.
-Most software does not resort to such drastic measures. However, proper citation is not only useful practically, it is also an ethical imperative.
-Given the increasing role of software in research \citep{clement19}, automatic citation, is a robust solution.
-For a review of the necessity and basic elements of software citation, see \citet{katz14} and \citet{smith16}.
-The CodeMeta and Citation file format (CFF) aim to expand software citation beyond Bib\TeX, while Software Heritage \citep{dicosmo18} also includes archival and citation abilities.
-These will be tested and enabled in Maneage.
-\subsection{Project analysis}
-The analysis operations run with no influence from the host OS, enabling an isolated environment without the extra layer of containers or a virtual machine.
-In Maneage, a project's analysis is broken into two phases: 1) preparation, and 2) analysis.
-Both have an identical internal structure.
-The preparation phase is usually only necessary for advanced users who need to optimize extremely large datasets.
-The analysis phase consists of many steps, including data access (possibly by downloading), running various steps of the analysis on the raw inputs, and creating the necessary figures or tables for a published report, or output datasets for a database.
-If all of these steps were organized in a single Makefile, it would become very long, and would be hard to maintain, extend, read, reuse, and cite.
-Large files are in general a bad practice and against the modularity and minimal complexity principles (\ref{principle:modularity} \& \ref{principle:complexity}).
-Maneage is thus designed to encourage and facilitate modularity by distributing the analysis into many Makefiles that contain contextually-similar analysis steps.
-Hereafter, these lower-level Makefiles are termed \emph{subMakefiles}.
-When run with the \inlinecode{make} argument, the \inlinecode{project} script (Section \ref{sec:maneage}), calls \inlinecode{top-make.mk}, which loads the subMakefiles using the \inlinecode{include} directive (see Section \ref{sec:analysis}).
-All the analysis Makefiles are in \inlinecode{re\-produce\-/anal\-ysis\-/make}. Figure \ref{fig:datalineage} shows their relationship with the target/built files that they manage.
-To keep the project's logic clear and simple (minimal complexity principle, \ref{principle:complexity}), recursion (where one instance of Make calls Make internally) is, by default, not used.
- \begin{center}
- \includetikz{figure-data-lineage}
- \end{center}
- \vspace{-7mm}
- \caption{\label{fig:datalineage}Schematic representation of a project's data lineage, or workflow, for the demonstration analysis of this paper.
- Each colored box is a file in the project and the arrows show the dependencies between them.
- Green files/boxes are plain-text files that are under version control and in the source directory.
- Blue files/boxes are output files in the build-directory, shown within the Makefile (\inlinecode{*.mk}) where they are defined as a \emph{target}.
- For example, \inlinecode{paper.pdf} depends on \inlinecode{project.tex} (in the build directory; generated automatically) and \inlinecode{paper.tex} (in the source directory; written manually).
- The solid arrows and full-opacity built boxes are described in Section \ref{sec:projectanalysis}.
- The dashed arrows and low-opacity built boxes show the scalability by adding hypothetical steps to the project.
- }
-To avoid getting too abstract in the subsections below, where necessary we will do a basic analysis on the data of \citet{menke20} (hereafter M20) and replicate one of the results.
-We cannot use the same software as M20, because M20 used Microsoft Excel for their analysis, violating several of our principles: \ref{principle:complete}, \ref{principle:complexity} and \ref{principle:freesoftware}.
-Since we do not use the same software, this does not qualify as a reproduction \citep{fineberg19}.
-In the subsections below, this paper's analysis on that dataset is described using the data lineage graph of Figure \ref{fig:datalineage}.
-We will follow Make's paradigm (see Section \ref{sec:usingmake}) of starting the lineage backwards form the ultimate target in Section \ref{sec:paperpdf} (bottom of Figure \ref{fig:datalineage}) to the configuration files \ref{sec:configfiles} (top of Figure \ref{fig:datalineage}).
-To better understand this project, we recommend study of this paper's own Maneage source, published as a supplement.
-\subsubsection{Ultimate target: the project's paper or report (\inlinecode{paper.pdf})}
-The ultimate purpose of a project is to report the data analysis result, as raw visualizations, or numbers blended in with a narrative.
-In Figure \ref{fig:datalineage}, this is \inlinecode{paper.pdf}, which is the only built file (blue box) with no outwards arrows leaving it.
-The instructions to build \inlinecode{paper.pdf} are in the \inlinecode{paper.mk} subMakefile.
-Its prerequisites include \inlinecode{paper.tex} and \inlinecode{references.tex} (Bib\TeX{} entries for possible citations) in the project source and \inlinecode{project.tex} which is a built product.
-The high-level connections of this project with previous projects are formalized by \inlinecode{references.tex}.
-\subsubsection{Values within text (\inlinecode{project.tex})}
-Figures, plots, tables, datasets, and/or narrative are not the only outputs of a project.
-In many cases, quantitative values from the analysis are also blended into the sentences of the report's narration, or published with the dataset in a database.
-An example is in the abstract of \citet[\href{https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3408481}{zenodo.3408481}, written in Maneage]{akhlaghi19}: ``\emph{... detect the outer wings of M51 down to S/N of 0.25 ...}''.
-The value `0.25', for the signal-to-noise ratio (S/N), also depends on the analysis, and is thus also an output.
-Manually typing such numbers in the narrative is prone to errors and discourages experimentation.
-To automatically generate and blend them in the text, Maneage uses \LaTeX{} macros.
-For example, the \LaTeX{} source of the quote above is: ``\inlinecode{\small detect the outer wings of M51 down to S/N of \$\textbackslash{}demo\-sf\-optimized\-sn\$}''.
-The ma\-cro ``\inlinecode{\small\textbackslash{}demosfoptimizedsn}'' is automatically created during the project. It expands to the value ``\inlinecode{0.25}'' when the PDF output is built.
-All such values are referenced in \inlinecode{project.tex}.
-However, managing them in a single file would violate the modularity principle, be hard to parallelize, frustrating to manage, and bug-prone.
-All subMakefiles thus contain a fixed target with the same name but a different suffix: \inlinecode{.tex} instead of \inlinecode{.mk}, hosting values generated in that subMakefile.
-Figure \ref{fig:datalineage} shows them as built products of every subMakefile, except for \inlinecode{paper.mk}.
-These \LaTeX{} macro files form the core skeleton of a Maneage project: as shown in Figure \ref{fig:datalineage}, the outward arrows of all built files in any subMakefile ultimately lead to one of these \LaTeX{} macro files.
-\subsubsection{Verification of outputs (\inlinecode{verify.mk})}
-Before the modular \LaTeX{} macro files described above are merged into the single \inlinecode{project.tex} file, they need to pass through the verification filter, which implements another core principle of Maneage, \ref{principle:verify}.
-Confirming the checksum of the final PDF or of figures and datasets is not generally useful because many tools write the creation date into the files.
-To avoid this, the raw data must be verified independent of metadata like date.
-Some standards include such date-independent verification features, for example, the \inlinecode{DATASUM} keyword in the FITS format \citep{pence10}.
-To facilitate output verification, Maneage has the \inlinecode{verify.mk} subMakefile that separates the analytical phase of the paper from the production of the report (see Figure \ref{fig:datalineage}).
-This file implements some tests on pre-defined formats.
-Other formats can easily be added.
-\subsubsection{The analysis}
-The analysis is demonstrated with the practical example of replicating Figure 1C of M20, with some enhancements, in Figure \ref{fig:toolsperyear}.
-As shown in Figure \ref{fig:datalineage}, for this example we split this goal into two subMakefiles: \inlinecode{format.mk} and \inlinecode{demo-plot.mk}.
-The former converts the Excel-formatted input into comma-separated value (CSV) format, and the latter generates the table to build Figure \ref{fig:toolsperyear}.
-In a real project, subMakefiles could, and will, be much more complex.
-Their location after the standard starting subMakefiles (initialization and download) and before the standard ending subMakefiles (verification and final paper) is important, along with their order.
- \begin{center}
- \includetikz{figure-tools-per-year}
- \end{center}
- \vspace{-5mm}
- \caption{\label{fig:toolsperyear}Ratio of papers mentioning software tools (green line, left vertical axis) to total number of papers studied in that year (light red bars, right vertical axis in log-scale).
- This is an enhanced replica of figure 1C \citet{menke20}, shown here for demonstrating Maneage, see Figure \ref{fig:datalineage} for its lineage and Section \ref{sec:analysis} for how it was organized.
- }
-To enhance the original M20 plot, Figure \ref{fig:toolsperyear} also shows the number of papers in each year and its horizontal axis shows the full range of the data (starting from \menkefirstyear), while M20 starts from 1997.
-This was probably because the authors judged the earlier years' data to be too noisy. For example, in \menkenumpapersdemoyear, only \menkenumpapersdemocount{} papers were analysed.
-Both the numbers in the previous sentence (\menkenumpapersdemoyear{} and \menkenumpapersdemocount), and the dataset's oldest year (mentioned above: \menkefirstyear) are automatically generated \LaTeX{} macros, see Section \ref{sec:valuesintext}.
-These are \emph{not} typeset manually in this narrative explanation.
-This step (generating the macros) is shown schematically in Figure \ref{fig:datalineage} with the arrow from \inlinecode{tools-per-year.txt} to \inlinecode{demo-plot.tex}.
-To create Figure \ref{fig:toolsperyear}, we used the PGFPlots package within \LaTeX{}.
-Therefore, the necessary analysis output to feed into \LaTeX{} was a plain-text table with 3 columns (year, paper per year, tool fraction per year).
-This table is shown in the lineage graph of Figure \ref{fig:datalineage} as \inlinecode{tools-per-year.txt} and The PGFPlots source to generate this figure is located in \inlinecode{tex\-/src\-/figure\--tools\--per\--year\-.tex}.
-If another plotting tool was desired (for example Python's Matplotlib, or Gnuplot), the built graphic file (for example \inlinecode{tools-per-year.pdf}) would be the target instead.
-The file \inlinecode{tools-per-year.txt} is a value-added table with only \menkenumyears{} rows (one row for every year).
-The original dataset had \menkenumorigrows{} rows (one row for each year of each journal).
-We see in Figure \ref{fig:datalineage} that it is defined as a Make \emph{target} in \inlinecode{demo-plot.mk} and that its prerequisite is \inlinecode{menke20-table-3.txt} (schematically shown by the arrow connecting them).
-Both the row counts mentioned at the start of this paragraph are again macros.
-In Figure \ref{fig:datalineage}, we see that \inlinecode{menke20-table-3.txt} is a target in \inlinecode{format.mk} and its prerequisite is the input file \inlinecode{menke20.xlsx} (XLSX I/O is used for the conversion).
-The input files (which come from outside the project) are all \emph{targets} in \inlinecode{download.mk} and futher discussed in Section \ref{sec:download}.
-\subsubsection{Importing and validating inputs (\inlinecode{download.mk})}
-The \inlinecode{download.mk} subMakefile is present in all projects, containing common steps for importing the input dataset(s).
-All necessary datasets are imported through this subMakefile, irrespective of where the dataset is \emph{used}.
-The relation between the project and the outside world is maintained in this single subMakefile, aiming at modularity (\ref{principle:modularity}) minimal complexity (\ref{principle:complexity}) and internet security.
-Each external dataset has some basic information, including its expected name on the local system (for offline access), a checksum to validate it (either the whole file or just its main ``data'', as discussed in Section \ref{sec:outputverification}), and its URL/PID.
-In Maneage, they are stored in the \inlinecode{INPUTS.conf} file.
-See Figure \ref{fig:datalineage} for the position of \inlinecode{INPUTS.conf} in the project's file structure and data lineage, respectively.
-Each is stored as a Make variable, and is automatically loaded into the full project when Make starts, like other configuration files, usable in any subMakefile.
-\subsubsection{Configuration files}
-The subMakefiles discussed above should only organize the analysis, they should not contain any fixed numbers, settings or parameters, which should instead be set as variables in configuration files.
-Configuration files logically separate the low-level implementation from the high-level running of a project.
-In the data lineage plot of Figure \ref{fig:datalineage}, configuration files are shown as sharp-edged, green \inlinecode{*.conf} boxes in the top row (for example, the file \inlinecode{INPUTS.conf} that was mentioned in Section \ref{sec:download}).
-All the configuration files of a project are placed under the \inlinecode{reproduce/analysis/config} subdirectory, and are loaded into \inlinecode{top-make.mk} before any of the subMakefiles, hence they are available to all of them.
-The example analysis in Section \ref{sec:analysis}, in which we reported the number of papers studied by M20 in \menkenumpapersdemoyear, illustrates this.
-The year ``\menkenumpapersdemoyear'' is not written by hand in \inlinecode{demo-plot.mk}.
-It is referenced through the \inlinecode{menke-year-demo} variable, which is defined in \inlinecode{menke-demo-year.conf}, which is a prerequisite of the \inlinecode{demo\--plot\-.tex} rule, see it in Figure \ref{fig:datalineage}.
-If we wished to report the number in a different year, it would be sufficient to change the value in \inlinecode{menke-demo-year.conf}.
-A configuration file is a prerequisite of the target that uses it, so after the change, its timestamp will be newer than \inlinecode{demo-plot.tex}.
-Thus, Make will re-execute the recipe to generate the macro file before this paper is re-built and the corresponding year and value will be updated in this paper, always in synchronization with each other and no matter how many times they are used.
-Combined with the fact that all source files in Maneage are under version control, this encourages testing of various settings of the
-analysis as the project evolves in the case of exploratory research papers, and better self-consistency in hypothesis testing papers.
-\subsubsection{Project initialization (\inlinecode{initialize.mk})}
-The \inlinecode{initial\-ize\-.mk} subMakefile is present in all projects and is the first subMakefile that is loaded into \inlinecode{top-make.mk} (see Figures \ref{fig:datalineage}).
-It does not contain any analysis or major processing steps, it just initializes the system by setting the necessary Make environment as well as other general jobs like defining the Git commit hash of the run as a \LaTeX{} (\inlinecode{\textbackslash{}projectversion}) macro that can be loaded into the narrative.
-Papers using Maneage usually put this hash as the last word in their abstract, for example, see \citet{akhlaghi19} and \citet{infante20}.
-For the current version of this paper, it expands to \projectversion.
-\subsection{Projects as Git branches of Maneage}
-Maneage projects are primarily stored as plain-text files.
-It can thus be efficiently maintained under version control systems (currently using Git).
-Every commit in the version-controlled history contains \emph{a complete} snapshot of the data lineage (see the completeness principle \ref{principle:complete}).
-Maneage is maintained by its developers in a central branch, \inlinecode{man\-eage}.
-The \inlinecode{man\-eage} branch contains all the low-level infrastructure, a skeleton, that is needed by any new project.
-As shown in Section \ref{sec:maneage} new projects start by cloning \inlinecode{man\-eage} and customizing their own Git branch, or fork.
-Figure \ref{fig:branching}(a) shows how a project has started by branching off commit \inlinecode{0c120cb}.
-%% Exact URLs of imported images.
-%% Collaboration icon: https://www.flaticon.com/free-icon/collaboration_809522
-%% Paper done: https://www.flaticon.com/free-icon/file_2521838
-%% Paper processing: https://www.flaticon.com/free-icon/file_2521989
- \includetikz{figure-branching}
+ \begin{center} \includetikz{figure-branching}\end{center}
\caption{\label{fig:branching} Harvesting the power of version-control in project management with Maneage.
Maneage is maintained as a core branch, with projects created by branching off it.
@@ -562,89 +212,19 @@ Figure \ref{fig:branching}(a) shows how a project has started by branching off c
The commits are colored based on the team that is working on that branch.
The collaboration and paper icons are respectively made by `mynamepong' and `iconixar' and downloaded from \url{www.flaticon.com}.
-After a project starts, Maneage will evolve with new features or fixed bugs.
-Because all projects branch from it, updating the project's low-level skeleton is as easy as merging the \inlinecode{maneage} branch into the project's branch.
-For example, in Figure \ref{fig:branching}(a), see how Maneage's \inlinecode{3c05235} commit has been merged into the project's branch in commit \inlinecode{2ed0c82}.
-Hence infrastructure improvements and fixes are easily propagated to all projects.
-Another useful scenario is reviving a finished/published project at a later date, possibly by other researchers as shown in Figure \ref{fig:branching}(b), e.g., assuming the original project was completed years ago, and is no longer directly executable.
-Other scenarios include projects that are created by merging various other projects.
-Modern version control systems provide many more capabilities that can be leveraged through Maneage in project management, thanks to the shared branch it has with \emph{all} derived projects, and thanks to its completeness (\ref{principle:complete}).
-\subsection{Multi-user collaboration on single build directory}
-Because the project's source and build directories are separate, an option is provided for different users to share a build directory, while working on their own separate project branches during a collaboration.
-This is similar to the parallel branch that is later merged in Figure \ref{fig:branching}(a).
-To enable this mode, the \inlinecode{./project} script has an option \inlinecode{--group} that must be given the name of a (POSIX) user group in the host OS.
-All built files are then automatically assigned to this user group, with read and write permissions for all members.
-Permission management and avoiding conflicts in the build directory (while members work on different branches) is the responsibility of the team.
-\subsection{Publishing the project}
-In a scientific scenario, the final report is submitted to a journal, while in an industrial context it is submitted to the customers or employers.
-To facilitate publication of the project's source with the narrative, Maneage has a \inlinecode{dist} target, which is activated with \inlinecode{./project make dist}.
-In this mode, Maneage will not do any analysis, but will instead put full project's source (for the given commit, without the version history), with all the built files that are necessary for \LaTeX{}, into a compressed \inlinecode{.tar.gz} file.
-This is useful for publishers to create the report without necessarily building the full project: since the full project source is included, it can be rebuilt.
-The \inlinecode{dist-zip} target provides Zip compression as an alternative.
-Depending on the built graphics used in the report, this compressed file will usually be roughly a mega-byte.
-However, the required inputs and the outputs may be much bigger, from megabytes to petabytes.
-This gives two scenarios for publication of the project: 1) publishing only the source, or 2) publishing the source with the data.
-In the former case, the output of \inlinecode{dist} can be submitted to the journal as a supplement, or uploaded to pre-print servers like \href{https://arXiv.org}{arXiv} that will compile the \LaTeX{} source and build their own PDFs.
-The Git history can also be archived as a single ``bundle'' file and submitted as a supplement.
-When publishing with datasets, the project's outputs, and/or inputs, can be published on servers like Zenodo.
-For example, \citet[\href{https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3408481}{zenodo.3408481}]{akhlaghi19} uploaded all the project's required software tarballs (mentioned in the acknowledgements) and its final PDF, along with the project's source and a Git ``bundle''.
-\section{Discussion \& Caveats}
-To optimally extract the potentials of big data in science, we need to have a complete view of its lineage.
-Scientists are, however, rarely trained sufficiently in data management or software development, and the plethora of high-level tools that change every few years does not help.
-Such high-level tools are primarily targetted at software developers, who are paid to learn them and use them effectively for short-term projects.
-Scientists, on the other hand, need to focus on their own research fields, and need to think about longevity.
-The primordial implementation was written for \citet{akhlaghi15}.
-To use in other projects without a full re-write, the skeleton was separated from the flesh as a more abstract ``template'' that was used in \citet{bacon17}, in particular Sections 4 and 7.3 (respectively in \href{http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1163746}{zenodo.1163746} and \href{http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1164774}{zenodo.1164774}).
-Later, software building was incorporated and used in \citet[\href{https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3408481}{zenodo.3408481}]{akhlaghi19} and \citet[\href{https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3524937}{zenodo.3524937}]{infante20}.
-After this paper is published, bugs will still be found and Maneage will continue to evolve and improve, significant changes from this paper will be listed in \inlinecode{README-hacking.md}.
-Adoption of Maneage projects on a wide scale will make it possible to feed these into machine learning (ML) tools for automatic workflow generation, optimized for desired characteristics of the results.
-Because Maneage is complete, algorithms and data selection methods can be optimized and by connecting the analysis directly to the narrative and history of a project, natural language processing can be studied.
-Parsers can be written over Maneage-derived projects for meta-research and data provenance studies, for example to generate ``research objects''.
-As another example, when a bug is found in one software package, all affected projects can be found and the scale of the effect can be measured.
-Combined with SoftwareHeritage, precise high-level science parts of Maneage projects can be accurately cited (e.g., failed/abandoned tests at any historical point).
-Many components of ``machine-actionable'' data management plans \citep{miksa19b} can be automatically filled out by Maneage, which is useful for project PIs and and grant funders.
-Maneage was awarded a Research Data Alliance (RDA) adoption grant for implementing the recommendations of the Publishing Data Workflows working group \citep{austin17}.
-Maneage's user base and development grew phenomenally, highlighting caveats.
-Firstly, Maneage uses very low-level tools that are not widely used by scientists, e.g., Git, \LaTeX, Make and the command line.
-This is primarily because of a lack of exposure.
-Witnessing the improvements in their research, many (especially early career researchers) have started mastering these tools as they adopt Maneage.
-We are thus working on tutorials and improving documentation.
-Secondly, the many software packages used on various POSIX-compatible systems require maintenance.
-However, because Maneage builds its software in the same Make framework as the analysis, users' experience in the analysis empowers them to add/fix their required software with the same Make tools.
-This has already happened, with improvements contributed to the core Maneage branch, propagating to all projects.
-Thirdly, publishing a project's reproducible data lineage immediately after publication enables others to continue with followup papers in competition with the original authors.
-We propose these solutions:
-1) Through the Git history, the work added by another team at any phase of the project can be quantified, contributing to a new concept of authorship in scientific projects and helping to quantify Newton's famous ``\emph{standing on the shoulders of giants}'' quote.
-This is a long-term goal and requires major changes to academic value systems.
-2) Authors can be given a grace period where the journal or a third party embargoes the source, keeping it private for the embargo period and then publishing it.
+\item \label{principle:freesoftware}\textbf{Free and open source software:}
+ Technically, reproducibility \cite{fineberg19} is possible with non-free or non-open-source software (a black box).
+ This principle is thus necessary to complement that definition (nature is already a black box, we don't need another one):
+ (1) As a free software, others can learn from, modify, and build upon it.
+ (2) The lineage can be traced to free software's implemented algorithms, also enabling optimizations on that level.
+ (3) A free-software package that does not execute on particular hardware can be modified to work on it.
+ (4) A non-free software project typically cannot be distributed by others, making the whole community reliant on the owner's server (even if the owner does not ask for payments).
+ \emph{Comparison with existing:} The existing solutions listed above are all free software.
+ Based on this principle, we do not consider non-free solutions.
@@ -652,9 +232,9 @@ This is a long-term goal and requires major changes to academic value systems.
+% use section* for acknowledgment
-%% Acknowledgements
The authors wish to thank (sorted alphabetically)
Julia Aguilar-Cabello,
Alice Allen,
@@ -677,7 +257,7 @@ and Ignacio Trujillo
for their useful help, suggestions and feedback on Maneage and this paper.
Work on Maneage, and this paper, has been partially funded/supported by the following institutions:
-The Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology ({\small MEXT}) PhD scholarship to M. Akhl\-aghi and its Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (21244012, 24253003).
+The Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT) PhD scholarship to M. Akhl\-aghi and its Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (21244012, 24253003).
The European Research Council (ERC) advanced grant 339659-MUSICOS.
The European Union (EU) Horizon 2020 (H2020) research and innovation programmes No 777388 under RDA EU 4.0 project, and Marie Sk\l{}odowska-Curie grant agreement No 721463 to the SUNDIAL ITN.
The State Research Agency (AEI) of the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (MCIU) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) under the grant AYA2016-76219-P.
@@ -688,34 +268,53 @@ The Polish MNiSW grant DIR/WK/2018/12.
The Pozna\'n Supercomputing and Networking Center (PSNC) computational grant 314.
-\section*{Competing Interests}
-The authors have no competing interests to declare.
-\section*{Author Contributions}
-\item Mohammad Akhlaghi: principal author of the Maneage source code and this paper, also principal investigator (PI) of the RDA Adoption grant awarded to Maneage.
-\item Ra\'ul Infante-Sainz: contributed many commits to the source of Maneage, also involved in early testing and writing this paper.
-\item Boudewijn F. Roukema: involved in Maneage and its testing, contributed to writing this paper.
-\item David Valls-Gabaud: involved in the Maneage project and its testing and contributed to writing this paper.
-\item Roberto Baena-Gall\'e: contributed to early testing of Maneage and in writing this paper.
-%% Tell BibLaTeX to put the bibliography list here.
-%% Finish LaTeX
+%% Bibliography
+%% Biography
+\begin{IEEEbiographynophoto}{Mohammad Akhlaghi}
+ is currently a big data postdoctoral researcher at the Instituto de Astrof\'isica de Canarias, Tenerife, Spain.
+ His main scientific interest is in early galaxy evolution, but to extract information from the modern complex datasets, he has been involved in image processing and reproducible workflow management where he has founded GNU Astronomy Utilities (Gnuastro) and Maneage.
+ He received his PhD in astronomy from Tohoku University, Sendai Japan, and also held a postdoc position at the Centre de Recherche Astrophysique de Lyon (CRAL).
+ Contact him at mohammad@akhlaghi.org and find his website at https://akhlaghi.org.
+\begin{IEEEbiographynophoto}{Ra\'ul Infante-Sainz}
+ is currently a doctoral student at the Instituto de Astrof\'isica de Canarias, Tenerife, Spain.
+ Contact him at infantesainz@gmail.com.
+\begin{IEEEbiographynophoto}{Boudewijn F. Roukema}
+ is currently a professor at the Astronomy and Informatics department of Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toru\'n, Poland.
+ Contact him at boud@astro.uni.torun.pl.
+\begin{IEEEbiographynophoto}{David Valls-Gabaud}
+ is currently a professor at the Observatoire de Paris, France.
+ Contact him at david.valls-gabaud@obspm.fr.
+\begin{IEEEbiographynophoto}{Roberto Baena-Gall\'e}
+ is currently a postdoctoral fellow at the Instituto de Astrof\'isica de Canarias, Tenerife, Spain.
+ Contact him at roberto.baena@gmail.com.
-%% This file is part of Maneage (https://maneage.org).
-%% This file is part of Maneage. Maneage is free software: you can
-%% redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General
-%% Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either
-%% version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+%% This file is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+%% under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+%% Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
+%% option) any later version.
-%% Maneage is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+%% This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
%% ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
-%% FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
-%% more details. See <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+%% FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+%% for more details. See <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
diff --git a/reproduce/analysis/make/paper.mk b/reproduce/analysis/make/paper.mk
index e7949d0..4f2088b 100644
--- a/reproduce/analysis/make/paper.mk
+++ b/reproduce/analysis/make/paper.mk
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ $(mtexdir)/project.tex: $(mtexdir)/verify.tex
# If no PDF is requested, or if LaTeX isn't available, don't
# continue to building the final PDF. Otherwise, merge all the TeX
# macros into one for building the PDF.
- @if [ -f .local/bin/lualatex ] && [ x"$(pdf-build-final)" != x ]; then
+ @if [ -f .local/bin/latex ] && [ x"$(pdf-build-final)" != x ]; then
# Put a LaTeX input command for all the necessary macro files.
rm -f $(mtexdir)/project.tex
@@ -83,10 +83,10 @@ $(mtexdir)/project.tex: $(mtexdir)/verify.tex
# NOTE: `$(mtexdir)/project.tex' is an order-only-prerequisite for
# `paper.bbl'. This is because we need to run LaTeX in both the `paper.bbl'
-# recipe and the `paper.pdf' recipe. But if `tex/src/references.tex' hasn't
+# recipe and the `paper.pdf' recipe. But if `tex/src/references.bib' hasn't
# been modified, we don't want to re-build the bibliography, only the final
# PDF.
-$(texbdir)/paper.bbl: tex/src/references.tex $(mtexdir)/dependencies-bib.tex \
+$(texbdir)/paper.bbl: tex/src/references.bib $(mtexdir)/dependencies-bib.tex \
| $(mtexdir)/project.tex
# If `$(mtexdir)/project.tex' is empty, don't build PDF.
@macros=$$(cat $(mtexdir)/project.tex)
@@ -97,9 +97,9 @@ $(texbdir)/paper.bbl: tex/src/references.tex $(mtexdir)/dependencies-bib.tex \
export TEXINPUTS=$$p:
cd $(texbdir);
- lualatex -shell-escape -halt-on-error $$p/paper.tex
- biber paper
+ latex -shell-escape -halt-on-error $$p/paper.tex
+ bibtex paper
+ latex -shell-escape -halt-on-error $$p/paper.tex
@@ -124,7 +124,14 @@ paper.pdf: $(mtexdir)/project.tex paper.tex $(texbdir)/paper.bbl
export TEXINPUTS=$$p:
cd $(texbdir)
- lualatex -shell-escape -halt-on-error $$p/paper.tex
+ latex -shell-escape -halt-on-error $$p/paper.tex
+ # Convert the DVI to PostScript, and the PostScript to PDF. The
+ # `-dNOSAFER' option to GhostScript allows transparencies in the
+ # conversion from PostScript to PDF, see
+ # https://www.ghostscript.com/doc/current/Language.htm#Transparency
+ dvips paper.dvi
+ ps2pdf -dNOSAFER paper.ps
# Come back to the top project directory and copy the built PDF
# file here.
diff --git a/reproduce/software/config/TARGETS.conf b/reproduce/software/config/TARGETS.conf
index 00ce387..50392fb 100644
--- a/reproduce/software/config/TARGETS.conf
+++ b/reproduce/software/config/TARGETS.conf
@@ -36,7 +36,10 @@
# Programs and libraries.
-top-level-programs = xlsxio
+# Ghostscript: to build PDF paper (in particular the `ps2pdf' command).
+# XLSXI/O: to read and write XLSX files.
+top-level-programs = ghostscript xlsxio
# Python libraries/modules.
-top-level-python =
+top-level-python =
diff --git a/reproduce/software/config/texlive-packages.conf b/reproduce/software/config/texlive-packages.conf
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--- a/reproduce/software/config/texlive-packages.conf
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@@ -16,12 +16,4 @@
# the basic installation scheme that we used to install tlmgr, they will be
# ignored in the `tlmgr install' command, but will be used later when we
# want their versions.
-texlive-packages = tex fancyhdr ec newtx fontaxes xkeyval etoolbox xcolor \
- setspace caption footmisc datetime fmtcount titlesec \
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- mweights \
- \
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- tcolorbox
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+222 144 m f
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+ c h
+306 258 m f
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+ c h
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+ 295.488 315.246 295.488 331.277 288.047 c 340.699 288.719 348 296.555 348
+ 306 c h
+348 342 m f
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+73.883 270 90 253.883 90 234 c 89.98 214.125 73.875 198.02 54 198 c h
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+67.254 210 78 220.746 78 234 c 78 247.254 67.254 258 54 258 c h
+54 258 m f
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+ 276.602 c 31.414 276 l 30 276 l 13.441 276.02 0.02 289.441 0 306 c 0 342
+ l 0 351.941 8.059 360 18 360 c 90 360 l 99.941 360 108 351.941 108 342
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+96 342 m f
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+ c 121.293 303.211 120.793 303.906 120.457 304.688 c 120.133 305.469 119.977
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+ 120.637 309.648 120.602 309.742 120.668 309.828 c 132.668 332.789 l 134.203
+ 335.73 137.828 336.867 140.766 335.336 c 143.707 333.801 144.844 330.172
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+ 312.57 c 239.391 311.277 240.82 307.758 239.527 304.707 c h
+239.527 304.707 m f
+340.242 157.758 m 337.898 155.414 334.102 155.414 331.758 157.758 c 323.27
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+ c 275.23 77.012 305.527 117.488 311.012 164.527 c 304.242 157.758 l 301.859
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+ l 342.594 163.895 342.59 160.098 340.242 157.758 c h
+340.242 157.758 m f
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+0 g
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+120 126 m f
+66 168 m 186 168 l 189.312 168 192 165.312 192 162 c 192 158.688 189.312
+ 156 186 156 c 66 156 l 62.688 156 60 158.688 60 162 c 60 165.312 62.688
+ 168 66 168 c h
+66 168 m f
+210 192 m 162 192 l 158.688 192 156 194.688 156 198 c 156 201.312 158.688
+ 204 162 204 c 210 204 l 213.312 204 216 201.312 216 198 c 216 194.688 213.312
+ 192 210 192 c h
+210 192 m f
+66 240 m 174 240 l 177.312 240 180 237.312 180 234 c 180 230.688 177.312
+ 228 174 228 c 66 228 l 62.688 228 60 230.688 60 234 c 60 237.312 62.688
+ 240 66 240 c h
+66 240 m f
+66 132 m 102 132 l 105.312 132 108 129.312 108 126 c 108 122.688 105.312
+ 120 102 120 c 66 120 l 62.688 120 60 122.688 60 126 c 60 129.312 62.688
+ 132 66 132 c h
+66 132 m f
+270 156 m 210 156 l 206.688 156 204 158.688 204 162 c 204 165.312 206.688
+ 168 210 168 c 270 168 l 273.312 168 276 165.312 276 162 c 276 158.688 273.312
+ 156 270 156 c h
+270 156 m f
+66 204 m 138 204 l 141.312 204 144 201.312 144 198 c 144 194.688 141.312
+ 192 138 192 c 66 192 l 62.688 192 60 194.688 60 198 c 60 201.312 62.688
+ 204 66 204 c h
+66 204 m f
+162 300 m 138 300 l 134.688 300 132 302.688 132 306 c 132 309.312 134.688
+ 312 138 312 c 162 312 l 165.312 312 168 309.312 168 306 c 168 302.688 165.312
+ 300 162 300 c h
+162 300 m f
+66 312 m 114 312 l 117.312 312 120 309.312 120 306 c 120 302.688 117.312
+ 300 114 300 c 66 300 l 62.688 300 60 302.688 60 306 c 60 309.312 62.688
+ 312 66 312 c h
+66 312 m f
+66 276 m 102 276 l 105.312 276 108 273.312 108 270 c 108 266.688 105.312
+ 264 102 264 c 66 264 l 62.688 264 60 266.688 60 270 c 60 273.312 62.688
+ 276 66 276 c h
+66 276 m f
+66 96 m 138 96 l 141.312 96 144 93.312 144 90 c 144 86.688 141.312 84 138
+ 84 c 66 84 l 62.688 84 60 86.688 60 90 c 60 93.312 62.688 96 66 96 c h
+66 96 m f
+162 264 m 126 264 l 122.688 264 120 266.688 120 270 c 120 273.312 122.688
+ 276 126 276 c 162 276 l 165.312 276 168 273.312 168 270 c 168 266.688 165.312
+ 264 162 264 c h
+162 264 m f
+244.242 301.758 m 241.898 299.414 238.102 299.414 235.758 301.758 c 233.414
+ 304.102 233.414 307.898 235.758 310.242 c 259.758 334.242 l 260.883 335.367
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+ 335.793 267.996 334.824 268.992 333.328 c 316.992 261.328 l 318.809 258.57
+ 318.059 254.867 315.312 253.035 c 312.566 251.203 308.855 251.934 307.008
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+244.242 301.758 m f
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+270 156 m f
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+66 204 m f
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+162 300 m f
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+ 312 66 312 c h
+66 312 m f
+66 276 m 102 276 l 105.312 276 108 273.312 108 270 c 108 266.688 105.312
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+ 276 66 276 c h
+66 276 m f
+66 96 m 138 96 l 141.312 96 144 93.312 144 90 c 144 86.688 141.312 84 138
+ 84 c 66 84 l 62.688 84 60 86.688 60 90 c 60 93.312 62.688 96 66 96 c h
+66 96 m f
+162 264 m 126 264 l 122.688 264 120 266.688 120 270 c 120 273.312 122.688
+ 276 126 276 c 162 276 l 165.312 276 168 273.312 168 270 c 168 266.688 165.312
+ 264 162 264 c h
+162 264 m f
+228.582 261.426 m 227.16 264.418 228.434 267.996 231.426 269.418 c 234.418
+ 270.84 237.996 269.566 239.418 266.574 c 245.602 253.535 258.969 245.449
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+ c 330.953 267.332 l 332.77 264.574 332.02 260.871 329.273 259.039 c 326.527
+ 257.207 322.816 257.938 320.969 260.676 c 317.281 266.211 l 310.871 247.816
+ 293.984 235.121 274.535 234.07 c 255.086 233.023 236.934 243.832 228.586
+ 261.43 c h
+228.582 261.426 m f
+320.574 306.582 m 319.137 305.898 317.488 305.812 315.988 306.348 c 314.488
+ 306.879 313.262 307.988 312.582 309.426 c 306.398 322.465 293.031 330.551
+ 278.613 329.977 c 264.195 329.398 251.512 320.27 246.395 306.777 c 252.715
+ 310.992 l 255.469 312.789 259.16 312.035 260.984 309.297 c 262.809 306.559
+ 262.09 302.859 259.371 301.008 c 241.371 289.008 l 241.352 288.996 241.328
+ 288.984 241.309 288.969 c 241.164 288.875 241.016 288.785 240.863 288.703
+ c 240.805 288.676 240.746 288.648 240.688 288.621 c 240.57 288.562 240.453
+ 288.504 240.332 288.453 c 240.25 288.422 240.164 288.395 240.078 288.363
+ c 239.98 288.328 239.883 288.289 239.781 288.258 c 239.676 288.23 239.562
+ 288.203 239.457 288.176 c 239.375 288.156 239.297 288.133 239.215 288.117
+ c 239.078 288.09 238.945 288.07 238.809 288.055 c 238.75 288.047 238.691
+ 288.035 238.633 288.031 c 238.457 288.012 238.285 288.008 238.113 288.004
+ c 238.09 288.004 238.066 288.004 238.039 288.004 c 238.031 288.004 l 237.832
+ 288.004 237.629 288.016 237.434 288.035 c 237.344 288.043 237.258 288.062
+ 237.168 288.074 c 237.066 288.09 236.961 288.102 236.859 288.121 c 236.719
+ 288.148 236.582 288.188 236.445 288.227 c 236.395 288.238 236.344 288.25
+ 236.297 288.262 c 236.168 288.301 236.043 288.352 235.922 288.398 c 235.863
+ 288.418 235.805 288.438 235.75 288.461 c 235.641 288.504 235.543 288.555
+ 235.438 288.605 c 235.363 288.641 235.289 288.676 235.215 288.715 c 235.137
+ 288.754 235.055 288.805 234.977 288.852 c 234.898 288.898 234.797 288.957
+ 234.707 289.016 c 234.648 289.055 234.594 289.102 234.535 289.145 c 234.434
+ 289.219 234.332 289.285 234.234 289.367 c 234.188 289.406 234.145 289.449
+ 234.098 289.488 c 234 289.578 233.898 289.664 233.805 289.758 c 233.711
+ 289.852 233.633 289.941 233.551 290.035 c 233.508 290.086 233.457 290.133
+ 233.414 290.184 c 233.285 290.34 233.164 290.504 233.055 290.672 c 233.055
+ 290.676 l 221.055 308.676 l 220.16 310 219.832 311.625 220.141 313.191
+c 220.449 314.758 221.371 316.137 222.699 317.023 c 224.027 317.906 225.656
+ 318.227 227.219 317.91 c 228.785 317.594 230.16 316.664 231.039 315.332
+ c 234.727 309.797 l 241.137 328.191 258.023 340.887 277.473 341.934 c 296.922
+ 342.984 315.074 332.176 323.422 314.578 c 324.105 313.141 324.191 311.488
+ 323.656 309.988 c 323.121 308.488 322.012 307.262 320.574 306.582 c h
+320.574 306.582 m f
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@@ -27,6 +27,11 @@
%% Just for a reference (so the image size always remains fixed). It also
@@ -71,13 +76,13 @@
\node[inner sep=0pt] at (3.92cm,5.55cm)
- {\includegraphics[width=6.5mm]{tex/img/icon-collaboration.pdf}};
+ {\includegraphics[width=6.5mm]{tex/img/icon-collaboration.eps}};
%% Paper being processed icon. The white rectangle over it is to blend it
%% into the background.
\node[anchor=south,inner sep=0pt] at (3.92cm,6.7cm)
- {\includegraphics[width=1cm]{tex/img/icon-processing.pdf}};
- \draw[white, fill=white, opacity=0.7] (3.42cm,6.7) rectangle (5cm,7.7cm);
+ {\includegraphics[width=1cm]{tex/img/icon-processing.eps}};
+ \draw[white, fill=white, opacity=0.7] (3.42cm,6.7) rectangle (5cm,7.8cm);
%% Description of this scenario:
\draw [rounded corners, fill=black!10!white] (3.1cm,0) rectangle (7.5cm,1.25cm);
@@ -131,7 +136,7 @@
%% Project commits.
- \node[anchor=south, inner sep=0pt, color=white] at (11.05cm,4.8cm) {\includegraphics[width=1cm]{tex/img/icon-complete.pdf}};
+ \node[anchor=south, inner sep=0pt, color=white] at (11.05cm,4.8cm) {\includegraphics[width=1cm]{tex/img/icon-complete.eps}};
%% Derivate project commits.
diff --git a/tex/src/preamble-pgfplots.tex b/tex/src/preamble-pgfplots.tex
index 0a7b5d5..eabdeb7 100644
--- a/tex/src/preamble-pgfplots.tex
+++ b/tex/src/preamble-pgfplots.tex
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
- \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{tex/tikz/#1.pdf}
+ \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{tex/tikz/#1.eps}
@@ -92,15 +92,17 @@
-%% Uncomment the following lines for EPS and PS images. Note that you still
-%% have to use the `pdflatex' executable and also add a `[dvips]' option to
-%% graphicx.
-%% \tikzset{external/system call={rm -f "\image".eps "\image".ps
-%% "\image".dvi; latex \tikzexternalcheckshellescape -halt-on-error
-%% -interaction=batchmode -jobname "\image" "\texsource";
-%% dvips -o "\image".ps "\image".dvi;
-%% ps2eps "\image.ps"}}
+%% Uncomment the following lines for TiKZ external images to be saved as
+%% EPS and PS images.
+ external/system call={
+ rm -f "\image".eps "\image".ps "\image".dvi;
+ latex \tikzexternalcheckshellescape -halt-on-error
+ -interaction=batchmode -jobname "\image" "\texsource";
+ dvips -o "\image".ps "\image".dvi;
+ ps2eps "\image.ps"
+ }
diff --git a/tex/src/preamble-project.tex b/tex/src/preamble-project.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c4d7feb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/src/preamble-project.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+%% Import graphics
+%% IEEEtran V1.6 and later pre-defines the format of the cite.sty package
+%% \cite{} output to follow that of the IEEE.
+%% For the `\url' command.
+% correct bad hyphenation here
+\hyphenation{op-tical net-works semi-conduc-tor}
+%% To use colors.
+%% To have links.
+ colorlinks,
+ urlcolor=gray,
+ citecolor=gray,
+ linkcolor=gray,
+ linktocpage]{hyperref}
+%% To have typewriter font
diff --git a/tex/src/references.tex b/tex/src/references.bib
index e19ec16..e19ec16 100644
--- a/tex/src/references.tex
+++ b/tex/src/references.bib