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1 files changed, 11 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/paper.tex b/paper.tex
index ae2d45d..77ac564 100644
--- a/paper.tex
+++ b/paper.tex
@@ -498,21 +498,21 @@ The high-level connections of this project with previous projects are formalized
Figures, plots, tables and narrative are not the only analysis products that are included in the paper/report.
In many cases, quantitative values from the analysis are also blended into the sentences of the report's narration.
-For example, this sentence in the abstract of \citet[\href{https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3408481}{zenodo.3408481}, written in Maneage]{akhlaghi19}: ``\emph{... detect the outer wings of M51 down to S/N of 0.25 ...}''.
-The value `0.25', for the signal-to-noise ratio (S/N), depends on the analysis, and is an output of the analysis just like paper's figures and plots.
-Manually typing such numbers in the narrative is prone to very important errors and discourages testing in scientific papers.
-Therefore, they must \emph{also} be automatically generated.
+An example is in the abstract of \citet[\href{https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3408481}{zenodo.3408481}, written in Maneage]{akhlaghi19}: ``\emph{... detect the outer wings of M51 down to S/N of 0.25 ...}''.
+The value `0.25', for the signal-to-noise ratio (S/N), depends on the analysis, and is an output of the analysis just like the paper's figures and plots.
+Manually typing such numbers in the narrative can easiliy introduce errors and discourages testing in scientific papers.
+Therefore, these values must \emph{also} be automatically generated.
To automatically generate and blend them in the text, Maneage uses \LaTeX{} macros.
-For example, \LaTeX{} source of the quote above is: ``\inlinecode{\small detect the outer wings of M51 down to S/N of \$\textbackslash{}demo\-sf\-optimized\-sn\$}''.
-T\-he ma\-cro ``\inlinecode{\small\textbackslash{}demosfoptimizedsn}'' is automatically created during in the project and expands to the value ``\inlinecode{0.25}'' when the PDF output is built.
+For example, the \LaTeX{} source of the quote above is: ``\inlinecode{\small detect the outer wings of M51 down to S/N of \$\textbackslash{}demo\-sf\-optimized\-sn\$}''.
+The ma\-cro ``\inlinecode{\small\textbackslash{}demosfoptimizedsn}'' is automatically created during the project. It expands to the value ``\inlinecode{0.25}'' when the PDF output is built.
All such values are referenced in \inlinecode{project.tex}.
-However, managing all the necessary \LaTeX{} macros in one file is against the modularity principle and can be frustrating and buggy.
-To address this problem, Maneage adopts the convention that all subMakefiles \emph{must} contain a fixed target with the same base-name, but with a \inlinecode{.tex} suffix to store reported values generated in that subMakefile.
-If it does not need to report any values in the text, the file can indeed be empty.
-In Figure \ref{fig:datalineage}, these macro files can be seen in every subMakefile, except for \inlinecode{paper.mk} (which does not need it).
-These \LaTeX{} macro files thus form the core skeleton of a Maneage project: as shown in Figure \ref{fig:datalineage}, the outward arrows of all built files of any subMakefile ultimately leads to one of these \LaTeX{} macro files, possibly in another subMakefile.
+However, managing all the necessary \LaTeX{} macros in a single file would violate the modularity principle and would be frustrating and bug-prone.
+Thus, Maneage adopts the convention that all subMakefiles \emph{must} contain a fixed target with the same unsuffixed filename, but with a \inlinecode{.tex} suffix to store calculated values generated by that subMakefile.
+If this file does not need to report any values, it may be left empty.
+In Figure \ref{fig:datalineage}, these macro files can be seen in every subMakefile, except for \inlinecode{paper.mk}.
+These \LaTeX{} macro files form the core skeleton of a Maneage project: as shown in Figure \ref{fig:datalineage}, the outward arrows of all built files of any subMakefile ultimately lead to one of these \LaTeX{} macro files.
\subsubsection{Verification of outputs (\inlinecode{verify.mk})}